
San Francisco

Any suggestions for the best VIP rooms in San Fran?


  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Here's one North across the bay that has its own Wiki page.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Quenti…

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I don't know about right now, but people try to get the old big rooms in New Century. The newer rooms are smaller. But San Francisco is a complex more than meets the eye scene.

  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    New Century is a den of ROBs that has an atrocious reputation among PLs here (since management and the bouncers back the strippers as if it's all one big hustle); I can't warn you against going there enough.

    There are no great SCs in SF, by tuscl standards. If you have lots of $, and I do mean a lot, and can find a girl at Mitchell Bros who you like, that will far and away be your best experience. The incredible cost of a very short amount in the VIP rooms makes it a non-starter for me, but if it's a one-time splurge, that's the place.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^ Subra is our uncontested San Francisco expert.

    I am not a fan of sex tourism. The SF girls are not ever going to do anything for you that your home town girls can't.

    Many select AMPs over strip clubs in the Bay Area.

    I believe that in most of the no alcohol SF Clubs, Deja Vu unbranded, Century, Darlings, 20's, and Eden, FS is available. But about what Subra says, I would not rule it out. If you learn the scene you can probably make things go your way. But again, you can also do that with OTC where ever you are coming from.

    I do plan at a future time to be trying out these 4 clubs, and in the order listed. If you are willing to spend money, things can be worked out.

    I never talk to women as though they are prostitutes. And my futures doings there will be focused on seeing girls outside regularly. So that makes the whole thing quite different.

  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"But about what Subra says, I would not rule it out. If you learn the scene you can probably make things go your way"

    Absolutely true -- a regular can learn to work the system here, and have a way better time than someone who isn't. That's true to some extent everywhere, of course

    -->"Century, Darlings, 20's, and Eden... I do plan at a future time to be trying out these 4 clubs, and in the order listed"

    Interested in your take, SJG. We're looking for completely different experiences, so in a way I won't be surprised if you like them! For me, the are my dead last (New Century, due to the ROB nature of strippers and staff, even though there's very attractive girls on weekends), and then the other three (usually, horrible looking ghetto girls). It's a good thing you're ok with ID scanning, they all scan :)
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Id scanning okay. Subra looks for female drinking partners. For me they are all potential bed mates.

  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Just to clarify: I major in Drinking Partners Then OTC, but have a strong minor in ITC Extras With Hot Chicks. The only reason I don't do ITC extras with hot chicks more often, is that in the extras club here, there's a choice of "hot chicks and hundreds of dollars per TEN minutes" or "horrible skanky ghetto chicks, for less". I'm exaggerating a little, and do indulge in ITC extras here and there, but I'd do it more if I could get ITC extras with 7+s for under $200 and for more than 10 minutes at that price. Just not really easy to find here anymore. But I am not doing ghetto girl 4s, or subjecting myself to New Century, under any circumstances
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Subraman pretty much summed up my most recent experiences in SF. If you hit the little dive nude clubs like Little Darlings or Garden of Eden then you can find extras available for a reasonable length of time, but from girls who who would rate a 5/6. And then in the other Deja Vu nude clubs the women will be fine but the prices are just not worth it.

    Basically pick your poison. SF clubs just don't stack up to the rest of the country, unfortunately.
  • bubba267
    6 years ago
    Follies in Atlanta...right JS69?
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    SF clubs are awful in my view. I’d rather got to Vegas. I took the DS on a trip to San Fran a couple of years ago, and of course she wanted to go to strip clubs. I took her to M bros. It was awfu. Two dancers clearly used to be men until very recently. There were some hot chicks that the DS wanted to fuck. So I tried to give my girl what she wanted and handled the negotiations. Lots of girls were willing but the best price quote was $2 K. I over pay strippers for sex but not by nearly that much. Just about any city would be better, and yes Atlanta would be near the top of the list.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LOL I learned to LDK quickly in SF clubs precisely due to the high cost. You can get anything you want at some SF clubs (like MBOT) but it will always be expensive.

    The whole SC scene in the Bay Area is fucked up. You get only one-way contact at best and bikini bars in San Jose, zero clubs in Oakland, and thus in SF you get a monopoly and price gouging on mileage because that is the only option.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    JS, no argument that SF is not the zenith of strip club cities :) But, as I've said a few times, I think you got a quadruple dose of bad luck. One, I've never heard a price even a third as high as you were quoted -- at least on dayshift. Inside the local SC forum, we suspect those types of prices are reserved for customer who the girls think are from out of town. Two, MBOT lineup quality is nowhere near where it was 15 years ago, when it matched the high end Vegas clubs, but quality tended to run from meh to good with usually at least one or two bonafide hotties -- at least on dayshift.

    SF clubs are better than Vegas, IMO, at least for a PL (versus a rookie); I'm not sure I'd SC much if I lived in Vegas. Although with the disastrous experience you had, I don't blame you for thinking otherwise
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Subra, of course the real issue in these SF clubs, as it is going to be in any max mileage places, do they allow front room makeout sessions, and are these common? If you say no, what happens if one starts? Is anyone penalized?

    If the front room makeout sessions can happen, then what happens in the back room will be sublime.

  • TFP
    6 years ago
    I feel like Samuel L. Jackson right now. "Say front room make out session one more time!! I dare you, I double dare you say it one more goddamn time!"

    But of course, I'm not Samuel L. Jackson so I know I'll be seeing it for as long as SJG remains alive.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Widely reported on black strip clubs . net, how the girls defy you to make out with them, by sitting on your lap, licking your neck and nibbling at your ear lobe. And TUSCL members have affirmed that in the mixed race dives, all the girls do it that way.

    And then in TJ, Dr. F. writing about HK bar girls jumping on to his lap and ramming their tongues into his mouth, and being very good at it.

    And then LC and BT known to have even more tongue, and then at the Playboy Bar girls approaching from behind and using both hands, giving you zero choice in the matter. Then after about 30 seconds of pushing her tongue into your mouth she will say, "Arriba o ficha?"

    But you guys will want clubs where girls say, "wanna dance?" You want clubs which need to have reviews, and by people who seek LDKing.

  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LMAO SJG talks the most about how and where to club but goes to them IRL the least.
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