Commie Prudes

avatar for Hugh_G_Rection

Throwing a bone across the ideological bubble divide here.

If the "I can't define pornography but I know it when I see it" bilge has any weight, perhaps the standard can be applied inversely to prudery and censorship. Vietnamese Commissars seriously need to go back to art appreciation class ...or maybe take some time off for some wanky-wanky from Mamisan.


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Ok? Forget what account you were trolling with apparently :) lmao
Here a jar of urine is considered "art" and the government puts a gun to your head makes us pay for it. The same loons now consider execution of murders immoral but abortion of babies up to and including the day of birth "a woman's choice" but if a woman wants to charge for sex it is illegal?? But homosexual relations between grown adults and children is perfectly ok as long as the child "consents"???
Something is more than a little wacked!

If you want to see the true face of evil all you have to do is look no farther than the nearest government "official" Virtually Every atrocity in the history of mankind has been promulgated by "government" for the "good of the people" going all the way back to the Pharoh's running all the way to the fisa court today!
It seems to be a waste to cover statues. But I’m not sure if there are major cultural differences that would make them more modest.
Strictly in the context of the article, I would say it depends on the attention to detail. If the attention to detail was on par with Michelangelos' David, then an argument may be made to protect the sensibilities of snowflakes. From what I saw in the pictures, the artwork itself was so shoddy and cartoonish that they need to cover the whole thing. More detail was put into the nipples and areola than was done on the faces. The whole thing is a farce.

But its Vietnam, so why do we even give a fuck?
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