
any SCs out there still show XXX movies in the club

from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
Sunday, March 25, 2018 2:14 PM
man, i miss this. felt like i was really getting my money's worth with the cover charge...free porn too bad it remained a very late 1990s to mid-2000s thing only. if you haven't experienced it, instead of showing sports on their tvs, they've got XXX porn on. i liked to watch the dancers when they're sitting around, they'd be watching a scene sometimes discussing it with another dancer, sometimes looking away in disgust. i'd think to myself, poor dancers, what other job is there where pornos that you don't care for is playing in the background. good times. occasionally, it'd be a porno, i'd already seen.


  • hotdog0007
    6 years ago
    Been there, done that but haven't seen that in a couple of decades.
  • londonguy
    6 years ago
    You can watch porn in an FKK Kino while a flaming hot 20yr old babe is sucking your dick.
  • gothamyte
    6 years ago
    and if you haven't experienced this, at first, mgmt were showing great, newly released porno of that time. it was of course, awesome. but they'd always have to pop in another one when that was done or they'd often rerun the same porno. if you were like me and sat around there for 3-5 hours, you'd see the same DVD over and over then mgmt got wise and bought the cheap 5-hour, 7-hour, 10-hour pornos, letting that run all night.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Personally, I have no use for porn to be on the TV when I'm at a SC.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    The clubs in my rotation don't have it, but I've been in some dives in the last 2 years which had it. For me, it kinda distracts me from the dancers so I rather not have it.
  • WillMunny
    6 years ago
    Bare N Legal in Pomoma, CA runs porn on one of two screens above the bar. It's low-quality stuff from probably the era you remember this being common. I'd much rather watch - or better yet, talk to, touch, etc. - attractive, live women in front of me. Isn't that the point of being at a club?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I think clubs these days are trying to be more mainstream and less-seedy to attract a larger custy-base (women, etc) other than hardcore mongers
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    I know a few clubs that do this and it irritates me. It is very distracting, and I came for the real thing. If I wanted porn I could just stay in my hotel room.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    Gentlemen's Gold Club runs a loop of playmates. It provides some distraction while there:s no dancer on stage.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I haven't been there in a couple of years. But the Pink Pony in Tampa had porn on the TVs when I was there last.
  • gothamyte
    6 years ago
    right, atacdawg, i just appreciate the distraction when there's either no dancer on stage or nothing to look at the porn is usually something i wouldn't have picked out, but if i had a choice, i'd pick porn on the screen than sports since i can't hear the sports going on and sometimes the tv is too far away i'm a little different. grew up with porno always going on in the background, so it doesn't bother me
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ No, you are more than a little bit different.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ stop patronizing the TUSCLers - have you no decency
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Oops. Lost control ;-)
  • grand1511
    6 years ago
    Mitchell Bros. in SF has a large screen theater with stadium seating showing porn. Don't drop anything on the floor!
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I’ve only seen this at one club. A club in Reading, Pa would run a playmate (soft core) loop in the lap dance stalls. I thought it was goofy. I assumed it was a distraction - to hide the camera monitoring the lap dance action? I’m surprised the dancers would be ok with porn running. They would probably object to the distraction - and they would want to be the sexiest girls for pl’s to watch.
  • mjpenn07
    6 years ago
    +1 to grand1511 Mitchell Bros has a separate theater section where they run porn (used to have live special events there too). I've only sat and watched once, mostly because an annoying Eastern European dancer (Rita Russoff maybe? Forget her name) kept nagging for dances between other girls' stage sets.
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    The Mitchell Bros theatre is one of the creepiest rooms I’ve ever been in. A tiny, old, dirty, worn out movie theatre showing porn films. There are four or five guys widely spread throughout the room. Most are looking down in their laps where their hands are. I never stepped foot in the place cause I was afraid that I could never get the sticky off the bottoms of my shoes.
  • rl27
    6 years ago
    I was at one a year or two ago where they had softcore porn playing on the screen, and in the fifteen minutes and half hour rooms in some out of the way club while heading to Tampa a few years ago from Memphis. Can't recall which one it was, but thought "wow haven't seen that in a club in over a decade."
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    My old favorite club, right up to when it closed, would play porn on its TV. It would either be a DP movie or a lesbian porno.
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