
Nina Update?

They never tell you what you need to know.
Dear Nina,

I remember sometime ago you were leaving your once loved club for another club down the street in the D.

Are you still working there? Moved on to another club? In law school?

Just wondering with all the recent drama of Detroit clubs would be interesting to get a dancers prospective.

Lastly, think your Warriors can fend off the surging Rockets come play off time?


  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    I've been back at my main club for a while now, I just haven't been dancing as much as usual.

    James Harden is garbage in the playoffs, so I'm not super worried. It's a good team though, so I just want the Warriors to focus on getting healthy.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Yeah I think the Warriors will be fine once the Playoffs come. Next year maybe different story... Warriors break up? LeBron to Houston? Who knows.
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    Warriors won't break up after this season. At least not any core players.

    LeBron will go to LAL.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Annnnd I predicted correctly.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Time is all relaive in stripper land.
    3.5 months equals 1 year.

    I have a prediction of my own. The sun will rise in the East tomorrow morning.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Better yet...

    I predict the sun will rise 3.5 months from now too.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    That analogy is not applicable. It's not a prediction that the sun will rise in the the east; it is totally a prediction about where a player will end up especially when I said it months before the playoffs were over. You could just be like, "Nina did call it," instead you're arguing over a time period just because I didn't run to twitter to tell all you guys my opinion right away, when there weren't even any NBA threads going on.

    I did call it, if you want to stalk every post I made and act like a little baby just because I was right, grow up. Seriously flagooner, you are incredibly immature.
  • ^Nina trying to point out a logical fallacy is the greatest logical fallacy. She wants.to continouay brag about receiving attention from a a thread in which she had to pretend to be me. Like no..im not anmoyed about the post(i dont need TUSCL to falsely inflate my ego) ,but rather at her hyprocrisy for her having criticized me for being a "troll", yet having to pretend to be me to receive attention.

    Like what would u guys think of me i bragged about the paparazzi giving me attention, but had to be kim.kardashian to do it? Not even that, what if i told everyone my negative thoughts about kim just 5 minutes before i dressed up to look like her? Lolol nina is an airhead and joke.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Girl you're just talking in circles again and apparently posted in the wrong thread as nothing you said was relevant. Stop the coke use for a little while and maybe you can have a clear thought to write and your hands will stop shaking enough for you to write a coherent sentence.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    So you did or didn't predict it on the site over a year ago?
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Are you my stopwatch? Who cares? The point is, I called it months ago, and I was correct. If you're that focused on whether my initial time frame was correct, you are vastly over-thinking a simple statement I made, which, jester, is something you always do with my posts. Hm...
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    At this point I just think it's hilarious that you refuse to admit you were wrong.

    But really 3 months and more than 12 is a big difference?
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Ha, I read this entire disagreement, starting with the other thread. I gotta agree with Jester.

    Nina, we know you know your stuff when it comes to basketball. But you said you called the LeBron move to LA over a year ago. Then you revive this thread where you called it three months ago. It's a helluva lot different calling it last year at this time, than just 3 months ago. It seems all Jester wants you to do is just admit that you didn't call it a year ago. Is that so hard to do?

    I even went back searching any NBA threads from last year to find prediction posts. But all I found was a lengthy debate between Nina and LFM about who the second best player in the league was last year.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Sorry I didn't run to tuscl the minute the idea popped into my head. Sorry for predicting it correctly. And I'm sorry that instead of spending your holiday with your family who doesn't love you, you're spending your time researching my post history and talking about an argument I got into with LFM where, once again, I ended up being correct.


  • jester214
    6 years ago
    You sure ran pretty quick to tuscl to announce you predicted it a year ago on this site. Maybe you should have slowed down and said 3 months?

    My nieces may not love me but they sure did have a good time swimming in the pool with me and playing with the sparklers I got them.

    Did your family love you a year ago or 3 months ago?
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Jesus, why so much hostility Nina? Because I searched for evidence that you might have rightly predicted the LeBron to LA move a year ago, that means I'm not spending time with my family? And that they don't love me?

    You responded here today also, does that mean you're not spending time with loved ones? I doubt that. It's really fast and easy to whip out your phone, even at a family BBQ, during dead time and post. Took me about 10 minutes to run a search of NBA 2017 and come across that thread. Didn't read all of it, especially once the back and forth between you and LFM started. Still, I didn't see any threads with any predictions. And since you posted the link to the thread with your prediction 3 months ago, it seems maybe you miscalculated when you said it.

    I still don't understand why all the insults. I didn't come at you sideways anywhere in my post.
  • Ninas name means false ego and logical fallacy lol
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Hey guys I'm back. I was logged into the Nicole1994 account talking about myself for a while.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    A dollar. I told you in the other thread I made $723 today by giving 723 BJ's.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    My mouth is doing ok. Took a lozenge break after every 100.
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