If you have never been to Mons, one should, sure it's a steep cover, every dance is fairly visible and there's no alcohol if you care to imbibe, but Mons is Mons is Mons. Some mighty fine eye candy works there. I've gotten my rocks off in the afternoon with table dances. She was F I N E !!
To me, Florida has so much coast line and seems to have so many diverse groups and cultural phenomenon, that it has always seemed like really it is its own country.
Doces, do not go to Orlando. No one touches in clubs in Orlando. Read the Reviews. But here are your best choices. Mons Venus is the best. But it has it's odd nature. No alcohol and weird rules. But it's still the best. Dollhouse and Penthouse Club have alcohol but they are Pasties clubs. Then if you want extras, there is Scarletts of Ybor. It's hit or miss, not upscale. But your best bet of you want "extra" activity.
Also, if you are in Clearwater, you can check out Diamond Dolls in Clearwater. The 30-minute rooms are a good deal. It's not the same as Diamond Dolls in Pompano, but its' still fun.
D300- Instead of throwing such a broad, open ended question at us, how about letting us know what your preferences are for a good club visit ? ( Nudity? Alcohol ? Availability of extras ? Eye candy only ok ? etc, etc) I suppose that I could scroll through your reviews to get an idea of how I should tailor my response to your question, but I'm too damn lazy to do so.
I thought mons was over rated. $20 cover charge and only 1 dancer there who wanted $30 per song on Wednesday afternoon. Penthouse down the street was better in my limited experience.
i’ve been to mons three times over the past four years. good enjoyable low mileage visit each time. yes... the cover is pricey. butt the girls i saw were beautiful. and you can drink in the parking lot prior to entry.
Even though I think Doces is a troll I'll throw in my .02 worth. Visited Tampa a few months ago and visited Scores. Topless and alcohol and a Four Star Steak House. Had one of the best strip club visits of my life. Extras are available in VIP.
If I was staying in Clearwater I would never cross the bridge to go to Tampa simply for the clubs. Tampa clubs are over-hyped, expensive and restrictive. Just point the car north on 19 and enjoy all that Pasco County has to offer, including a plethora of permissive clubs that are full nude, full bar and otherwise have a lot to offer. Start by mapping Holiday FL clubs and do your research - the reviews should lay out a pretty solid picture.
Rick is correct; Pasco clubs such as Bare Assets -or- you can still have a good time over in Ybor at Scarlett's but, it's more hit or miss than it used to be. Mons / 2001 just to say you been there....
What Rick and Longball said: go to Pasco. Drive to Hudson and work your way back down. I like 2001 and Playpen (if you're into AAs) as far as Tampa clubs, but if you're already in Clearwater then you should listen to Rick and Longball.
last commentNever been there, not yet.
That kind of set up is always good.
Buying dances if for chumps. Front room makeout session, then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you inviter her to the back room.
And remember to pick the girl you want to be waking up in the mornings with, because that is likely what will be ensuing.