best Phoenix strip club for a Monday afternoon

avatar for galiziabob.sabbatical
Went to 2 different clubs in Phoenix on a Monday afternoon into the evening, le girls and skin. No girls and no skin except for a huge blonde at skin that was making out with a guy when I walked in. She is old, fat and ugly! Any suggestions?


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Well, she might not appeal to you. But front room makeout sessions are the way to do it. Only when it gets to the place where it is time for your pants to come down, you invite her to the back room.

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7 years ago
So, you are a member of TUSCL with access to reviews. The reviews for Skin and Les Girls are horrible. Yet, that’s where you went.

By going to the Phoenix reviews and sorting by several factors, you could discover the consensus best clubs. It would literally take less time than it took you to type your question.

So, my suggestion is that you learn how to use TUSCL.
I became a member AFTER going to these clubs
This guy went back to Le Girls after the first visit. You should really visit Dream Palace, Bliss and Elite since you are into terrible clubs.
Funny how you guys think that one bad experience at a club makes it not work trying out again. First time at le girls was amazing for me due to the fact that I had an amazing dancer, Brooke. She was my type, and gravitated to me all evening. I got about 7 dances from her with some nice 2 way action. My opinion and experience not yours! Second time it was dead. Third time it was ok. So now I know what I like and don't like. Are you really that dense? Maybe you should read my other posts and see that I am new to the SC scene so what is bad to you might not be to me. What turns you on might not be the same for me. Your obviously dumb or just judgemental.
Not a PHX expert, but HiLiter, Bourbon Street, and Christies in Tempe, seem 3 of the best liked clubs.

If you wanna get familiar w/ the PHX scene, browse the daily reviews for a while so you can get acquainted w/ the clubs - or as Mark94 mentioned, you can go to the Phoenix page of clubs where you can sort the clubs by different criteria via a pull-down menu.

If you like sitting at perverts row Le Girls has some eye candy at the nude side. sure you buy expensive ass water, but you will see girls stripping in their early 20s, who are pretty fit, tight and natural. Le Girls is probably the minor leagues to girls that go on and dance at HL and BSC. Thursaday/Friday and Saturday night, though at LE Girls. the majority of girls at BSC and HL are average age of 27+ in my opinion. i see how TUSCL rave about sammy at BSC shes like 29 or 30+ if you look at her closeley.
^^^^^ I'll take a high mileage 30 year old over some prudish, skittish, air dancing 20 something year old any day of the fucking week.
Go to church fucker when youre at a top less bar getting your high mileage dance and a hoe flashes her pussy, is the flash considered an extra? or when you go to strip clubs its better for you NOT to see any pussy because you like girls teasing you?
Thanks papi and salty. I am easily pleased so even the nude side at le girls is fantastic to me, really any time I see nudity I am pleased. Didnt see where I can sort out the clubs per criteria until I logged on to my computer vs the phone. I am addicted to BSC now. Every lap dance has had extras and the girls are the hottest there. Yes sammy is amazing so thank you gentleman! I like Luna as well. Super hot mexican chick. Desert scrub....can I borrow yours?? Haha. Real reviews here, just from a newbie so Just relax.
Someone asked about DFKing, and at our local clubs:

DFKing in the clubs of Santa Clara County is rare. The clubs are no touching. But it does sometimes happen, a girl initiating it, usually because she is trying to line up immediate OTC. Sometimes it is also because she is mad at the bosses. Some bouncers are known by the girls to be real loose. Still rare though. When it happens, lots of fun because these girls are really good at it.

We have an on and off again underground circuit in Mexican Bars. Usually they say that DFKing is prohibited. But still much more of it goes on, as most all the girls there do all the OTC they can get. Girls might start with nuzzling or pressing forehead to forehead. I usually start them out with open tongue kissing, to let them stay presentable, at first.

Sometimes when clubs have been slated for closure things really loosen up, and there has been lots of DFKing, girls DFKing anyone who gives them $1. But their real reason for this is clearly to get back room action or OTC. And in such cases the back room mileage skyrockets.

In San Francisco, their LE Is never going to try and act against that. So it had been quite common. My mind was blown by a front room makeout session with an extremely cute black girl. But that was before Deja Vu, turned these places into the modern version of a clip joint. Forcing all the action into the back rooms, raising the costs, but also just destroying the choreography of the interaction between you and the girl. So as such, what happens will always be tainted. But it can still work out. Deja Vu girls have given me the "I don't kiss" speech, and then been demonstrably reversing themselves not too much further on. But the costs are radically inflated by the front room restrictions and in effect having to use booth dances to soften girls up. In such situations I usually go for DATYing them in the early dances.

But in looser clubs, the way things should be, you always want to get your girl DFKing in the front room. Of course you are feeding her money as a show of respect. But you don't try and bargain her into it, or talk her into it. You never act like money buys anything. You just come on to her like you'd just met her at a party.

Then only when it is time for your own pants to come down, do you then invite her to the back room.

Best if you have selected the girl and approached her yourself, find the girl you want to be waking up with in the mornings, because that is likely how you can steer it. She will feel that you really like her, and so she can open herself to you. But you should reciprocate by taking her home with you and continuing to see her regularly.

Numerous reports about this all across the country, Black Dives, Mixed Race Dives, and of course Mexico. Girls who will jump onto your lap and then start licking your neck and nibbling at your ear, defying them to start making out with you. In some of the Mexican places there are reports of girls being far more aggressive than that.

San Francisco had been that good, and it could be again if we can get some non-Deja Vu clubs open.

Good Luck
Front Room Makeout Sessions

Skin Cabaret
1137 N Scottsdale Rd
N. of McKellips, S. of McDowell
Scottsdale AZ…

Yep, next to a pawn shop, outside looks extremely iffy:…

Looks like they have two mini-buses and food.

Buses say, "no house fees". That means when your front room makeout session reaches the point where it is time for your own pants to come down, that you can invite your girl to the back room and the house won't be getting any of the money? Probably no tight time limits too! All just between you and the girl. Always best that way.

"Always Hiring" Usually true of strip clubs, but that they write it on their buses really says something. I've known some sidewalk and bus stop girls that would love that.

Really no house fees? I had heard of Venom in Tucson, $15 for 15min for Cabana's? That's like the $60 for one hour AMP house fee.

But No House Fees?

Close to where highway 10 runs through Phoenix, and then sort of between Tempe and Scottsdale.

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Saltynuts I don't understand your question. You asked if a pussy flash is an extra? No it isn't but I don't get what that has to do with my statement. As for your second question about would I rather not see the pussy because I liked to be teased? I don't mind if she doesn't flash her pussy, just as long as I can grab some ass and boobs all day and she grinds me like a pro.

My statement was I'd rather take a high mileage 30 year old than a skittish, prudish, air dancing (lowest of low mileage) 20 year old. Has nothing to do with extras or pussy flashing. I dislike air dancing and I dislike no contact. I don't see what's so hard to understand.
^^^clearly you didnt understand my post and my question clown. i was comparing dancers from LG and BSC saying how girls were younger at LG. you happen to mention how you liked high mileage dances by 30+ year old hoes, when all i said you can sit at perverts row and tip these 20 year olds to see them butt naked. i didnt mention anything about dances. humble yourself, i do not get the same treatment as you where hoes flash their pussy at me at top less bars. i have to go to nude clubs to look at pussy.
More to an inquirer about local clubs, and DFKing issue:

Cheetahs? You mean Cheetahs Sunnyvale, formerly Kit Kat Club? I don't like that place.

Anywhere, our strip clubs are highly controlled. Can't imagine anyone who does not live here ever wanting to visit them.

As far as Mexican Bars, we have had in San Jose this on and off again underground circuit which runs in Mexican Bars. It is table dancing. The Mexican's refer to it as 'Bikini Show'. It is much looser. And most of the girls there do all the OTC they can get. So if they are talking to a guy, that is what they are talking about. Everyone knows that those shows come and go, so the girls want to have all the regulars lined up that they can get.

To have a reasonable expectation of DFKing you need to be in some other metro. And obviously you don't want to be buying dances, the choreography is just wrong, the girl has not opened up to you. So front room makeout session, then you invite her to the back room when it gets to be time for your own pants to come down.

But Santa Clara County does not have places like that. I don't think there is much in San Francisco, hard to say exactly though, but its because of the Deja Vu take over and their clip joint approach to the business. Need to look in other metros.

But definitely if you want it to go well with a girl in the back room, and if you want to be seeing her regularly outside, you want to get her loosened up and in a fully civilian mode.

What we lack in strip clubs, we make up for in AMPs. But the San Francisco AMP scene is much much better. And there too, you want to get your girl softened up and DFKing right away.

Good Luck
So it looks like Seattle is mostly Deja Vu. People had posted about the clubs there turning to shit.

Need to organize an opposition to Deja Vu. Not just for San Francisco, but for the entire country. Otherwise all we will have are clip joints.

that has definitely happened with dvcoi. they seem to be unsuccessful in the areas east of downtown los angeles.
as to the best club in the valley of the sun... my one visit to bsc seemed ok. haven’t been to hiliter and will pass for now. christies will probably be my next to checkout.
Organized opposition to dv? You mean just so many clubs in that San Gabriel Valley, and extreme ones :) :) :) ?

Need to stop DV from being able to take over metros, like SF, Seattle, and Greenvile SC.

DV would say that the strip club industry is dying. But others say that they ran SF MSC into the ground.

BSC? You mean Phoenix?

Most of the guys who use strip clubs are Chumps, Marks, and PLs. But we do here have a few expert womanizers. What say you?


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