
Resurrecting Old Discussion Topics

Sorry, this is more of a user issue than a discussion topic, but I'd like to know the answer. Several times recently, I've noticed that an old discussion topic has resurfaced in the list of Discussion items, even though it had previously rolled off the list of topics.

There must be a way to bring back an old discussion topic, even though I haven't seen a way to do it. I can't see any topics that have already rolled of the board. Am I blind?

1 comment

  • chandler
    18 years ago
    There are three possible ways I know of:

    1) If you've bookmarked the topic page or saved a past topic list page on which it appeared.
    2) Find it with a search engine. (Very hit or miss.)
    3) Luck across it by typing its ID # in the URL. (How much time do you have?)

    Once you've found it, posting a reply bumps it back onto the topic list. Old topics remain online - only those that have been replied to within the past week are displayed.
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