Congratulation ons Stricly Enforcing the New Anti-Spam Policy @Founder!

avatar for Dougster

I guess the definition of "spam" however is only things which bring up the subject of @vincemichaels.

Since you are not being consistent in this alleged policy of yours and are clearly only acting to protect @vincemichaels and yourself, I am out of here! Who needs a board which shelters a pedophile like this board does. Certainly not me!



last comment
avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

OH, BS, fag, noone believes you are leaving.

avatar for founder
7 yrs ago

FFS.... It's a strip club board.... seek some help!

Yes, we all know VM is a pedo. Go kick his ass. Call the cops. Shit on his front lawn. IDGAF.

See you tomorrow.

avatar for MackTruck
7 yrs ago

I am offering my services for free. I will dump a load on anybody's basement or lawn you wish, Founder.

avatar for founder
7 yrs ago

Maybe if I re-sod the front lawn this spring I'll take you up on it.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

LOL, Founder, your love is overwhelming. Too bad the coward won't come off his pile of shit. I'd love to meet the stupid fag. Oh well, cie la vie.

avatar for founder
7 yrs ago

VM, I have no love for you or anyone else here. Just trying to run a business.

avatar for Bj99
7 yrs ago

Ouch vm.. maybe offer to take him out for spin on your sail boat.

avatar for MackTruck
7 yrs ago

I will take care of the trolls for you founder! I will dump a load on their heads.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

I was enjoying myself, Founder, no offense. Hj99 you would have welcome on the sailboat. You would have been the anchor to be thrown overboard. LMAO


You know, you really should try to be more creative. What's with this "Hj99" shit? Why not call her "99 BJs" or "BJ4$99" or "$0.99 BJs" or something like that. I'm disappointed in you. I would have thought the Mensa member who wrote all those other articulate and thoughtfully worded posts could do better than this.

avatar for JuiceBox69
7 yrs ago

LMFAO founder

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

"... I guess the definition of "spam" however is only things which bring up the subject of @vincemichaels ..."

Spam is using the board's resources constantly creating threads attacking other members - you rarely mention much w.r.t. the subject matter of the board which is strip-clubs - your comments/threads seem to either be all about Bitcoin, or getting into it w/ someone - w/e vincemichaels mentioned that some on here took issue with, it was a singular comment which you chose to dig-up and spam the board w/ on a daily basis.

TUSCLers have disagreements and differences of opinions from time to time but they give it a rest - Dougster OTOH makes it his sole mission, and seemingly only/main reason for being on TUSCL, to start flame-wars - that shit would not be tolerated on most boards and it shouldn't.

avatar for Bj99
7 yrs ago

Lol Burlington, I know right! I already go by BJ. I assume it’s bc he’s used to dealing w hand jobs, considering his preference for little girls.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Burlington, I don't live for your approval. I do what I want when I want whether you and Hj99 like it or not. And you, ignorant one doesn't know anything.

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