
Destroying Political Consciousness, The ~~Mental Health~~ System

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
The following just occurred yesterday:

Ran into a man I know, J. Had not seen him for a few months. He has had a hard time in life, only occasional and garbage employment in recent years. Its the kind of jobs where often as not they don't even intend to pay as agreed. J. would be homeless except that he is friends with and the carer of a man with chronic health problems V. So J. is the carer and he gets the money for V., and then he gives it to V. for a much reduced rent.

J. had once been a shipboard repair tech in the Navy, and also a Kidney Dialysis and Electronics Tech. So he is quite capable. But since things have been hard for him since.

He has a serious history with Methamphetamine, Marijuana, and Tobacco. For a while he was a methamphetamine dealer, and then he got busted and for the last few years he has been on probation.

He used to try and run that line on me that drugs "expand your mind". He knows better of that now. He admits that marijuana destroys your memory and meth has destroyed his health.

He is about 50yo, but he has already had two heart attacks. He says his heart retains water and swells up and his EKG does not look good. So he is supposed to be at the doctor's about twice per week.

But here is the real issue, they have started sending him to a psychiatrist! He says that they say it is because he 'lacks all motivation', because he won't do what is necessary to take care of his health, and it is because he won't go and apply for Food Stamps and General Assistance.

I told him right there, those things are your business, not any of theirs.

They are always trying to turn joblessness and poverty into ~~mental health~~ issues.

J. is black.

I told him, you, like many, have lived a hard life. And we all live in an unfair world. But a Psychiatrist or a Psychotherapist is not going to hunt down and punish abusers, and they are not going to extract reparations money from them either. They are not going to change anything about the objective circumstances of your life. All they do is mess with your head.

He went on to explain that he feels bad about having gotten himself boxed into his present situation.

I told him, making you feel like you are responsible is one of their tricks to break you. You have lived in an unfair world and done the best you could have. The problems with the world we live in are not caused by you, and they are not personal, they are collective problems. But these mental health people, all they are trying to do is convert you from being an Angry Slave into a Happy Slave.

I asked him, "Its just talk, right?"

He said they are going to put him on Zoloft, an anti-depressant.

I told him right then that psych meds are just like street drugs. They do not change anything, and there is no problem with you. They use that just to try and make you submit, to destroy your political consciousness. They do this to people to keep people from being able to politically organize. This is the effect of alcohol, prescription drugs, and street drugs.

We all need to feel our feelings, because this is the only way can ever come to understand where we are at and how we got here. These medicines are designed to destroy your mind.

I am also concerned that they are pressing him to accept this ~~mental health~~ interpretation, just to get his primary heart condition care. If so, they deserve to be sued. That they even send anybody to a Psychiatrist and try to put them on drugs warrants a law suit and more. I want to offer him emotional support in the form of offering to find him a lawyer. And then there is a chance that maybe he really will sue.


Eric Clapton,Jeff Beck,Jimmy Page-Layla

Screwed up German Frigate project

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