Hi-Liter and ID scans

avatar for rh48hr
I made plans with my fave to visit her tonight at HL. I hadn't seen her in a while and I wanted to see the changes in the club for myself to report back here.

I show up about 830pm and the bouncer asks for ID. I say I don't have it. I never take my license in to the club. He says I'm sure you are old enough but I can't let anyone in without it. I asked will it be scanned? He said yes. I said I don't do that. He gives me the liquor license bullshit and that if they (LE) check he could lose his job and he wasn't going to lose his job over it. Really? You are going to give me that line? Anyway I said I don't allow my id to be scanned and left.

I go to my car and text my fave and let her know I won't be seeing her and why. She says they aren't scanning during the day. So it looks as though I'll have to make plans with her during the day now. If it wasn't for her, HL would be out of my rotation.

Wanted to give everyone a heads up if you are going to HL and don't want your ID scanned to go during the day. Until this policy changes I'll be spending my money elsewhere at night and I'll only be going to see my fave during the day. No more trips just to sample new dancers with the new dance policies on the floor. I'll spend my money at other clubs or I'll just go golfing.


last comment
avatar for etsutwigg222
7 years ago
I agree completely with I will go elsewhere, if you have to scan/copy my ID. As a matter of fact, if a hotel states they have to scan/copy my ID, I ask for a copy of their ID. I tell them that I will online it if my identity is compromised. If they expect me to trust them with that info, then I should be trusted with their personal info.
avatar for azdd
7 years ago
That sucks RH. FYI I was there last Wednesday night late, and was NOT asked for ID at all. I have never been asked for ID at the HL, day or night, but the first time it happens, my reaction will be similar to yours. Liquor license requirement? Total bullshit.
avatar for DR99
7 years ago
Yep would not be a fan of that too much personal information for a bar/club
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
Are they actually scanning it optically in order to make a copy of it?

Or, are they hitting the bar code with a laser scanner?
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
You are wise to not allow them to scan your ID. The reason given was inadequate and the only real reason why they scan is to have your info in case LE needs a roll call in case something goes down in the club.

I'm only a daytime visitor, but still we PLs know our routine, and any change like this which is unnecessary will cause us to go elsewhere with our funding capabilities. Owners/management take note, keep it simple and customers will have a good time without disappointment. Goodbye Hiliter.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
I get it, but If they were just running the bar code, it’s just so that if you are ever locked out form something bad, or a girl gets a restraining order against someone, they won’t let them in next time.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
“Kicked out”
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
I'm not sure how they are scanning it. Didn't wait to find out.lol

azdd - if they wanted to scan my id just BC I'm black and they are profiling I may never return there again.

I would like to know who they are scanning and who they are not. If they are not scanning everyone then that's bs.

And the funny thing is I don't drink.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
^^^ That's the first I've heard u say you're black. I'm sure that's not the reason why to scan, but if other whites aren't being scanned, then yeah that's BS.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Unless someone recently got kicked out, or is stalking a dancer, and you meet his description, or something like that. Strip clubs aren’t always the most pc places. It’s prolly just a new scanner tho. We want one at my club. It had never occurred to me that it would upset customers. We just want it for safety.
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
"It had never occurred to me that it would upset customers. We just want it for safety."

Safety means different things to different people. Asking people to show their ID for entry is one thing. Retaining their personal information is another.

avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
^ I agree. They should print something out explaining why they are scanning, and how it will be used. It’s funny tho bc lots of guys use their credit card for vips and my club makes a copy, and ofcourse they use it at the bar too. I’ve never had a guy even refuse the copy. They only do it so a guy can’t come back and say it wasn’t him and that his card had been stolen, but still.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
They have the right to require a scan for entry. It might even make business sense.
I have a right to refuse a scan. For me, refusing a scan makes sense from a privacy and security basis.
Other guys have the right to use credit cards, copy their ID, or jump off a bridge if they are so inclined.
avatar for rockstar666
7 years ago
My club now scans your d/l. It doesn't upset me in the slightest.
avatar for Corvus
7 years ago
@rh48hr, sorry I didn't let you know I was in town the other day, it was a quick unexpected trip. But I did stop by HL. Pulled in at 7 on Thursday evening and they asked to see my ID. Showed them my passport card not my driver's license. He looked at it and handed it back to me, then said something to the effect of "pay the girl" the cover charge and that was it. A $10 cover and in I went.

Sucks they hassled you. I hope it's simply the difference between two different door guys and nothing else.

The club definitely had a different feel to it. Luckily the girl I spent time with felt the same as last time I saw her.
avatar for Corvus
7 years ago
Hell, actually I just remembered. They didn't even ask for my ID. The door guy just lightly patted me down. No ID check at all. Damn, now your story sucks even more.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
i was there last week during the day and they scanned my ID. i drove there so once i pull in the parking lot, theres a record of me being there. their parking lot is full of cameras and they can run your tags. you would probably have to walk, if you didnt want them to know youre there. if my identity gets lost or stolen i will go after them for being negligent with my information.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
7 years ago
for clarification purposes, i will go after them in a civil lawsuit. im taking you (HL) to civil court.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
I’ve been googling this. It looks like a lot of bars and clubs are using a scanner now to help verify age for liability reasons. I have heard by our door guy it can be used to ban someone too tho. The guy who made a fuss was prolly new, or had just gotten a lecture. We get the same crack downs as other places of employment when someone gets in trouble or something. After a girl we know gets fired or fined for something, and after employee meetings, everyone is a little more uptight.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Most (all? can't remember) of the deja vu clubs scan IDs at night (that's every club except for 2), and the smaller deja vu clubs also scan IDs during the day. I'm not a big night SCer so doesn't bother me as much, and when I do SC at night, I'm more likely to go to one of the clubs that doesn't scan IDs. If *all* SCs scanned IDs, I would probably just deal with it, but as long as I have a choice, I'll always choose a no-scan club.

Among the concerns here: A driver's license has information on it -- e.g., your picture, birthday, and DL # -- that a credit card does not. A stolen credit card can be used to make fraudulent purchases, which you are not even responsible for. The info on a DL can be used for more invasive things. And, remember, 1. SC employees have not exactly shown to be recruited among the most honest in the world, now they can get access to your DL, 2. ignoring that, even companies with top-notch IT departments are vulnerable to hackers, imagine what a soft target a strip club is (or whatever service they're using).

I understand the safety concerns of the club -- can be used to ban rowdy customers, can be used to identify customers who assault someone, can be used to track down someone who skips out on his bill -- and while those are reasonable enough, I don't care, it's not worth the risk to me... unless and until ALL strip clubs use this system and I don't have a choice. As it is, I get to choose
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Just say no to ID scans.
avatar for Mainster
7 years ago
Given HL's recent history, don't suppose for one minute that they wouldn't hand their scanner records over to LE if pressed hard enough. "Safety" and "liquor law compliance" aren't even secondary concerns.
avatar for etsutwigg222
7 years ago
Since they allow fake breasts, lips, and rears to work in the club, they should accept a fake ID. Right???
Will use my Mickey Mouse Club card next time!!!
avatar for Corvus
7 years ago
Might just have to get a Library Card and use it next time I visit
avatar for TippingDollars
7 years ago
We got a club like that in MD that everyone hates that they scan the ID. The owner keeps the information. Freaks us all out.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
IDK - hate to jinx us - but seems more and more clubs are adopting this BS to where it may become the norm - and it may even start to become mandated by local-authorities as a way to keep further control on the clubs
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
My favorite sports bar makes every one show ID regardless of how old you look.

Would you refuse to show your DL in a sports bar? Do you only pay cash there?

I've seen restaurants and bars that use the DL scanners instead of trusting servers to read and enforce. Would you refuse to scan in a regular bar or restaurant?
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
I have more trust in an established restaurant to treat my information properly with privacy.

But I haven't gone to a restaurant yet that has required that level of invasiveness.

It's all good, I enjoy strip clubs but they don't run my life. If all clubs went to scanning ID's I can move on without a problem.

If all they want to do us look at my id, no problem. scanning I just won't go for. We tell PL's all the time not to use credit cards because of how that information could be used by a club. And we've seen those stories. I think this could be worse In how it could be used. Maybe I'm paranoid but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I would speculate that it might lower their insurance bill, place being safer. Or whether they tell you or not, they might be moving to the membership club model, which in my opinion is better and the future.


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avatar for WetWilly
7 years ago
Verify age by running or state ID? I don't think so. Every single ID has the friggin birthday printed in bold letters........
avatar for WetWilly
7 years ago

I think everyone here understands flashing your ID for an employee to see it is radically different than a scanner which can easily record your presence inside the strip club.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Insurance benefit?

Membership clubs means BYOB or no alcohol, but no more selling alcohol. But it makes it very hard for LE to regulate anything sexual.

avatar for pensionking
7 years ago
I call bullshit on this club.

If a rule is a rule is a rule, then the time of day doesn't matter for shit. If they are required to scan (for liquor license, insurance, security or whatever), then those reasons are as valid at 3 pm as they are at 11 pm.

Again, I call bullshit. I ask to speak with the owner, if present, and explain why they don't get my money. I will gladly show my ID, but you're not capturing my image or data. Nope.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
rh48h’s new fav PHX club is now Bourbon street!!!!
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
It’s not that IDs don’t have birth dates. The issue is that establishments are responsible, even if the customer used a fake.
avatar for trapdoor
7 years ago
I had always thought that they record ID's in the chance that you use a credit card and later decline all charges, claiming you didn't go to a strip club and that it was fraudulent activity.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
^ good point.
avatar for Corvus
7 years ago
From what I know the owners of HiLiter also own other clubs in Phoenix, Tucson and Albuquerque. I frequent some of these clubs. The ID scan is not done at all their clubs. Very inconsistent overall.

I cannot remember ever having my ID scanned at one of their Tucson clubs, and nearly always scanned at their Albuquerque clubs. Hit and miss at HiLiter. From the sounds of it, hit and miss at Bandaids as well.

This really is confusing and the company seems to have no idea what is going on across the business.
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
@bj99 re:fake yep, and they're also liable if an employee misreads the birthday or just ignores it because it's a slow day and he/she wants the alcohol sales on the tab and someone who got past an ID check is likely to be a bigger tipper (if they know what's good for them) and a returning customer

Thus, even mainstream businesses are starting to use the scanner as we get closer to all 50 states having implemented the new fed guidelines and the scanners will be universal on all DLs

While skipping out on checks doesn't usually have the "per check" size at a regular place as it does at a strip club, it can still be sizeable. Even if a DL scanner doesn't keep a record, the thought that it might could cut down on skipped checks significantly. Doesn't help with the non-alcoholic related sales, but I guess businesses will try to reduce loss wherever they can.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Compare it to another business policy, returning goods at retail stores. Being strict on returns may, on its face, save the store money. However, it can also lose good customers who don’t expect to be questioned and doubted. The most successful retailers are liberal with returns, especially with long established customers.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
The scanning of id’s is something that will make many customers think twice before entering a strip club. If a club would hand each customer a printed flyer detailing how your personal information would be used - that might help ease concerns. At least you’d have a document to detail the intended use. All financial firms must provide a disclosure statement regarding how personal data might be used.

Clubs operate in a murky area of fake names and fake interest - and most transactions are cash (to limit the ability to trace one’s activity). When scanning id’s they are getting a bit too personal for me.

I don’t trust my personal information with strip club management. What if the club owner falls on hard times - and needs money for operations? It might be easy to sell that list of customers (gotten from id scans) to several porn sites. Then you will start getting odd mailings at your home.

There is no legal recourse if they misuse your information - since they never provided any documentation regarding why it was being scanned in the first place. It would be difficult for your interaction with “Billy Brass Knuckles” - and him grunting yes and no - to be considered reliable testimony at trial.
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
It's ok if everyone doesn't see this the same way. There are many people who post here that don't care about having their id scanned, and that's a good thing. All the reasons why having an id scanned might end up badly isn't required to confirm it's an issue for others. Other than wanting to discuss the hobby (and not everyone agrees on what to call it) there isn't much all would agree on.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Do they scan the id’s of each worker in the club? The dancers, bouncers, bus boys, cooks, bartenders and bathroom trolls? If not - then they shouldn’t scan customers id’s.

If using a credit card - and the card is good for a specific drink/entertainment limit - and the customer signs the receipt - then it should be fine.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
They have copies of all employee IDs.
avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer
7 years ago
@wallanon: Agree 100%. TUSCLites seem to revel in the most arcane "what if" scenarios. Every time I read of yet another "boycott" or reason to avoid Hi-Liter for whatever reason, I just think, "More for me."

avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’m paranoid regarding my personal data getting into the wrong hands. There’s minimal reason for a strip club to need to scan my license.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
When I was married, I was that way. "A paranoid is one who knows the facts". William S. Burroughs.

Now I am embedded 24/7 in highly contentious political matters, fighting to take some people down.

But after, when I have victories to show, I will always be with strippers, and so my private life and public life can finally be the same.

I respect people's reasons for objecting to the idea scans. But I believe that it makes places safer, and I believe that the membership club model, borrowed from swingers clubs, will make for vastly superior US strip clubs. FKK / Tijuana grade!


All About Politicians Sexually Harassing Women, DJT, Roy Moore
avatar for WetWilly
7 years ago
<<<I don't think so........a real solution would be to have anyone who uses a credit card show their ID, to match it, not scan everyone who walks into the club.^^^^^^^

" I had always thought that they record ID's in the chance that you use a credit card and later decline all charges, claiming you didn't go to a strip club and that it was fraudulent activity. "
avatar for WetWilly
7 years ago
Scan everyone's ID because some might use a credit card?

I don't think so..... You don't see Walmart scanning everyone's ID because a handful of people might try to claim they charged too much on a credit card.

If that were the actual reason, a far better solution would be to have the enjoyed who runs the credit card require the customer to show their ID......
avatar for WetWilly
7 years ago
Typo above--employee, not enjoyed.

Darn Android autocorrect
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
Once a manufacturer builds the DL scanning technology into the same device used for processing cards (so that it doesn't really cost them any extra to use it), you can bet that Wal-Mart will take that bit of human judgement, and its potential for mistakes, out of the hands of its cashiers. Scan an ID that says you're 21, or the register won't ring up alcohol. 18 or it won't ring up cigarettes. Scan an ID that matches your debit or credit card, or the card won't go through. I'd say 2020, 2022 at the latest.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
Hiliter primarily has extras for profit. This is there way of protecting the golden goose.

If you're looking for good contact two way dances you'll be disappointed, because that's what many veteran customers are accustomed to, except those that are VIP regulars. Those PLs will continue to get the same treatment spending $200-$300 for 20 minutes of satisfaction. Sex is still cheaper for me at other outlets to keep me from visiting the establishment. Floor dances are a waste of time, unless you're looking to set up OTC.
avatar for ndnman
7 years ago
I don't have a problem with them looking at my ID to verify my age as it is an establishment that more than likely serves alcohol. That's all fine and dandy but to scan it for whatever reason is bullshit. I was just there a couple weeks ago after staying away for a few weeks cuz of all the drama. Popped in around 1pm or so. Saw a new guy sitting at the entrance and as I walked in he asked for my ID. I asked him if he was going to scan it and he said yes. I immediately pulled back my ID and told him, "Sorry I can't let you do that." I started looking around to see if other staff is able to vouch for me. Door guy then relents and just looks at my ID and let's me in. I felt like a badass sticking it to the man. :)
I think I've only gotten scanned once or twice at HL but it was night visits. Rarely asked for ID during the day but it was always the same guys at the door. I have on occasion walked right past the door guy and into the club as he was checking a customer ID. And they were white guys to boot so I don't know if they're going by skin color. As my tuscl handle implies I am Native American. I'm almost always dressed in casual business attire so that may have something to do with it as well. I know I "profile" people based upon their appearance or attire. Unkempt clothes vs slacks and shirt and I know who I'll keep an eye on more.
My suggestion is if they are going to scan and you don't want them to, just refuse. Ask if it's really necessary and see if other staff might be able to assist especially if you're a somewhat regular. If still no go, then just walk away. No need for making a scene, but a stern "This is bullshit." as you walk away is fine. Then get a nice meal somewhere with your savings.
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