On my last post i mentioned that one of my favorites was a little too agressive on the lap dance. Just recently she is texting me and sending pics much more often. She has even called me a couple times, which i specifically mentioned would be off limits, me being married etc.
I dont think she is pursuing anything serious other than $$$ but she has become very "pleasing". She keeps complimenting me, has tried to kiss me, keeps grabbing my dick, and seems to enjoy my ass.
Remind her of the limits you set. If she is unwilling to comply block her number. You should be worried your wife will find out, not about the stripper. If you can't handle this minor issue you may want to reevaluate your clubbing habits.
I hope you were smart enough to use a burn phone or a burn phone ap. If not block her number. But you might want to get a blow job out of the relationship first.
Best advice thus far from rh48hr, with honorable mention to JohnSmith - except if you're going out, you might as well swing for the fences and ask for your usual service for 50% your normal cost. Or anal at full price.
A provider is to provide enjoyment - not be a source of worry or a PITA - you are the one paying so you should be the one in control of the situation instead of letting her act any ole way
@Papi_Chulo yes i agree im the customer so i get what i pay for but, i think im gonna have to get a break from this club cause she's there every day. I guess if i were single i would feel great about the situation but it has started to spin out of control so....
last commentIf, after that, she keeps doing what she's doing, then cut her off and go find another stripper.
Block her number - and cut off the cash flow.
She’s out of control - and regardless of what has caused her to act up - you must stop it now.
If you were a single PL - with no attachments - it would still be dangerous. However your marriage is more important than a stripper.
Hopefully she doesn’t know where you live, or your real name. Please tell me you use a burner cell!
Well, the good news is, you're probably getting buttsex soon. Bad news, given her current behavior, she might bring the BIG strap-on
Yeah, if she’s not respecting your limits, cut her loose.