Nope, you fag, I don't have to apologize for anything. You on the other hand need to apologize to all of us, for the continual waste of bandwidth, you perpetrate here. Lick my buttcrack, i feel some diareah (SP) coming out. LMAO
@vinceygirl You are the one who needs to go away and get help for your attraction to underage girls. Come back when you've done that and are ready to apologize for lying about military service. Until then you are an abomination in the eyes of your Lord.
Every time you post this garbage, my cat starts giving me a look like why in the fuck are you laughing so hard. I explain to her that there is this unbelievably stupid fag posting BS on a serious website. You are without doubt, the dumbest asswipe around, Douchester. Blow me, faggot, I'll give you a deal. $4500 cash up front, fag. Pay it now. LMAO