Nevada Brothel thread

avatar for JuiceBox69
Bunny Ranch, Kitty Kat, Alien Cat, Love Ranch and I'm assuming others but these are the ones I know under the same owner ship of Dennis hof

No set pricing but going over the menus and merchandise I've noticed that some of these places are Lowe class and upper class so some of it has to be affordable right ?

I'm currently learning all I can about Nevada in general because in a few short year's I'll be moving out West to play poker professional.

Any tips and advice would be helpful


last comment
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
I’ve seen TV shows on the brothels and I’ve never seen a sex worker that I would rate higher than a 7.
avatar for Digitech
7 years ago
I heard the Hof ones are a racket. They charge outrageous prices..

I've never been, but people say Elko, NV is a fun town. It has a bunch of brothels with more realistic prices.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Hof's brothels are OK, but you get better pricing from traveling pros. I took a buddy to one of the Carson City brothels after he told me he hadn't been laid in years. It was a unique experience, but I'd rather get a pro vetted on the web sites that rate them.
avatar for lotsoffun201
7 years ago
The prices are absurd, but you can negotiate down. They are kind of like a used car dealer where they start high and you go through the negotiations. The key is the girl will take you to her room to discuss things privately.

Some are pretty hot whereas others not so much. The less attractive girls charge far less. Here is basically how it goes when you arrive:

You get buzzed in and there is a receiving room. The girls all “line up” and introduce themselves. If you’re in a hurry you pick one and off you go. Otherwise you go to the bar and the girls will socialize with you. If you hit it off with one and wish to go “party”, she will take you to her room to negotiate. Once you come to an agreement you will walk down the hall with her to pay. She will receive her “set up” which is a fresh sheet and towel as well as condom. Then you go back to her room where she performs the dick check to make sure you look clean and you begin negotiates services.... all covered. Finally when you are close to done you hear a voice coming from a hidden speaker in her room saying “times up, or please re-party”. After that you are expected to gather your things and leave.

Get a well vetted independent and you will be much better off. The only downside with the independent is that you can’t buy a t shirt in her gift shop.
avatar for UKfan
7 years ago
Idk about brothels but I’m hitting up the strip club!
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
I read an article today about how Vegas is trying to attract Millenials. Zip lines across the Strip and converting some casino space to competitive video gaming. Seriously.
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
You can find some 8s and up in the larger Brothels near Reno and Carson City. I would say avoid Elko unless you are looking for Player11 quality girls at bargain basement prices.

Price are high, but with hard ball negotiations can come down.

Whole thing feels very clinical and clock watched though.

I would just become a regular at Vegas clubs, and, with time you find some OTC/non-ROB girls. Or go to Cheetah's and find them right off the bat.
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Really solid information guys...thank you
avatar for Liwet
7 years ago
I've only been to Sheri's Ranch in Pahrump, NV, and yes, the prices are ridiculous. The girls there are ok but none are stripper quality.

I wanted to finger a girl and found a chubby girl who let me do it for $400. Very expensive but I really, really, really wanted to finger a girl and it's a freakin' 1 hour drive from Vegas so I wanted to at least get something. I think I tried to negotiate with 4 different girls before I found one that was affordable. I only took $500 with me.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> I wanted to finger a girl and found a chubby girl who let me do it for $400.

You sly dog!
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
juice... you must be rolling in money to consider nevada brothels.
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
Juice a long time Bitcoin #HODL'er, so is probably rolling in money. (Also knows better than to listen to the TUSCL circle-jerk consensus that it's just a bubble.)
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Never been to the Nevada brothels, but i have posted reliable accounts. Two problems:

1. Front room friendliness blocked, ie clip joint, chumps game. Should be able to get a front room makeout session going with a girl, before you commit to the back room. Otherwise it is inferior to the best strip clubs.

2. Difficult to see a girl offsite and without money going to house. They have laws keeping the girls living on site. So again, inferior to best strip clubs.

Seems like in Nevada, a few good strip clubs, but beyond that the best bet is Casino Girls.

Older thread:…

avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Jesus age Christ, Juice wins a 25 cent tournament online and now he’s gonna be a pro poker player!!!!

Juicy the brothels are not the way to go in Nevada. Just stick to backpage or work the Strip Clubs, you’ll get better results at much cheaper prices.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^^^^ How about freelance 'Casino Girls", at least you are meeting them f2f first, as opposed to using backpage?

avatar for DoctorPhil
7 years ago
oh look, another place that san_jose_guy has never been to and has no experience with or knowledge of yet he feels compelled to repeat his creepy fantasy of a front room make out session with a diseased prostitute. who could have possibly seen that one coming
avatar for hassenpfeffer65
7 years ago
I’ve been to several over the past twenty years but I’m not a regular customer since my home base is on the east coast. A few thoughts based on comments so far... 1-The brothels in eastern NV (Wells and Elko) are much less expensive than those closer to Vegas and Reno but in my limited experience it’s unlikely you will find your dream girl hooker in eastern NV. They are by no means boner killing ugly and will certainly work hard for the money but the seven up factories are in the West. 2-Yes, they can be expensive but in my experience you get what you pay for. Prior to my most recent visit I was a low paying customer, negotiating rock bottom prices and I got what I paid for, mechanical and a bit rushed sex with disengaged partners. This past year I chose to pay for a top shelf experience and it was amazing. I wrote a review under Love Ranch here on TUSCL. 3-SJG mentioned laws that keep the sex workers on site. This can’t be right. Many of the ladies openly advertise and encourage outdates and even say they will stay in your hotel room, but it has to be within the state of NV. I’ve never done this but I understand it’s very expensive, like 10k minimum! I also wonder how they handle personal security when they go off with a stranger. 4-These ladies do have reviews and they aren’t difficult to find. I did a lot of research before my most recent experience because I was only willing to pay first class prices if there was a guarantee of first class service. 5-I chose to visit these brothels because my travels put me within arms reach. If I had the freedom to take a sex vacation to any destination I would probably choose an FKK tour or Tijuana over NV... or maybe even Detroit.
avatar for pensionking
7 years ago
With first-hand knowledge, I can say that I strongly prefer LV Casino girls over Pahrump and the other brothel destinations mentioned above. I just cannot bring myself to pay the kind of money that the legal pros demand these days relative to the cost for comparable quality found in the bar area of any Vegas Strip casino/hotel.

For an apple to apple experience, expect to pay 2X to 3X comparable rates.

If you are planning a trip to Nevada purely for sex, as @hassen states, there are a great many better destinations. If you are going to Nevada for convention, meetings, business, gambling, or shows, by all means enjoy some dessert in the casino bars while you are there.

I suppose, if you have NO GAME whatsoever (and cash to burn), make the trip to Pahrump, then. Plan on 1 hours, 20 minutes each way.
avatar for DoctorPhil
7 years ago
@hassenpfeffer65 “SJG mentioned laws that keep the sex workers on site. This can’t be right.”

i have to admit that i’m at somewhat of a loss for a pithy response. is there ANYONE who actually thinks that san_jose_guy could ever be right about anything? especially about a place he’s never been and knows nothing about
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
If I get any sticky cards with bbq sauce on them when I’m in NV - I’ll know who was playing at the table earlier...
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
hassenpefer, as I know, those outdates are with a huge amount of money going to the house. The laws vary from county to county, but they only want the girls offsite if the house is making money. It is a screwy and absurd system.

The girl is legal if you are paying the house, but otherwise she is seen as a social menace.

So again, it is an inferior set up to the best strip clubs. The licensing serves no one except the brothel owners.

And thank you pensionking for that endorsement of Casino Girls. That's what I will be looking for.

avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
I've had lots of fun talking with the girls on the bunny ranch can get to know every chick that works for any of his brothels...picks of the day and daily lineup

Some chicks are ten's all the way down to fives
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Sounds like pricing is all over the place...from affordable to not lol

They do anything...even make out and otc
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
I do remember one girl, who was like a 9, that I was joking around with about meeting offsite saying it could be arranged. The price was pretty high, but nothing like $10k. Was more than I was willing to pay thought. Think "only" like $3k.
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Not to bad

Cash man LMFAO just noticed your BBQ comment lol

Will in April universe up to my casinos highest stakes at $2/$5 and will be playing with Max out buy-in at 200bb or $1,000 ....if all goes well I will make my first visit to Vegas in November to enjoy the main event and the goal is to be a full time poker professional in the next few year's playing 5-$10/$10-$20 games and living in Nevada
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
If this goal is realized and with all the coaching I'm paying for and statistics I'm tracking it's looking very promising...I'll actually be traveling the states and Canada just for poker and the Hobby.

I'll move to Nevada to play live poker and into Canada to Play the main event on poker star's once a year

So I'll get really familiar with Detroit Club's, Vegas Brothels, California clubs and TJ brothels
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
How are your stock and crypto currency holding doing?
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Did very well with bitcoin and I'm do spread out with my stocks and doing well....close to the 10% average for the year
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
^^^ very nice!
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Bitcoin, the new nation wide gambling franchise.

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