There's more than one Sleepy Time Rapist

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Sure we have Sleepy_Time_Guy but the Senate has this bad actor:…


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7 years ago
Another one bites the dust...
7 years ago
He claims he was a "writer for Saturday Night Live" in the early 2000's. Periodically I used to try to start watching that show again but I watched it back when it first started in the 70's and always have found about as funny a kidney stone except the show was more painful to watch than passing a kidney stone.
For an an adult to do that to anyone who is asleep plus barely an acquaintance is just creepy. He claims to be sorry but admitted in his "book" that all of the previous apologies he made to get elected to the senate were lies for political gain. he is likely lying now. He has always creeped all the women i know out. I have no idea how he got elected.
His "jokes have always been lame, homophobic, sexually perverse and generally inappropriately unfunny. However he is funny looking.
She should have bitten off his tongue when he force ably French kissed her and saved us all from his spewing face hole.
7 years ago
I meant SNL was very funny for the first 10 years but should have been allowed to die a dignified death.
7 years ago
SNL was great, and Al Franken is a great guy.

7 years ago
SNL was great in the 70's,don't watch it now,Alec Baldwin is a bloated feral alcoholic and I never could warm up to Al Franken.SJG is it true your mom has twelve fingers?
7 years ago
Al Franken is probably the one of the most identity politician out there. He is much like SJG, always thinking in terms of tongue punching fart boxes on dudes, and then saying "that's a great guy!"
7 years ago
Gilda Radner. Best. Ever.
7 years ago
The dam is about to burst on Franken.

He used to ride the subway in New York City for a couple of decades. If you were an attractive woman, he would sit next to you, introduce himself by his TV gig, and try to pick you up. If you tried to ignore him or were dismissive of him… he would grope you.
7 years ago
Al Franken is a great guy. Remember his Science Reporter skits. Didn't know who he was when I saw those. And of course I loved all his Henry K. impersonations, and Franken on AirAmerica. And everything pertaining to the Grateful Dead.

What the girl is describing that he did, no that was wrong. Power tends to do that to people.


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