
Quality vs quantity?

This could be considered a variation of LDK82's recent discussion about regular vs random fun. I guess they (quality and quantity) don't necessarily exclude themselves, especially if you like both as i do. But for much of my SCing career, i often wanted to try as many of the hottest girls as i could in a visit (even if it was only a dance or two with them, or like a chump version of a one night stand), and if they were high quality dances, they got numerous dances and added to my favorite or regular list.

Now, i vastly prefer the longer sessions with the few high quality dancers, so the quantity of dances stays about the same, but i feel i get better value since the quality remains pretty high and i feel the experience is more, i don't know, meaningful or the fantasy is more realized with dances often (but not always) improving after more familiarity. I still get the occasional trial dances with the new hotties, though, that often end up not worth it or as worth it. Hence all the hubbub of ATFs and CFs. That is where the vast majority of my money goes now.


  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Me too. About 80% to a few faves and 20% to research and development.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @theDirkDiggler Cultivating and improving relationships with known CFs/ATFs is where I am at too. Quality FTW! It is a formula that works for me. The only time it doesn't is if I am bored with my current CF/ATF. And then if so I simply move on to my backups or find another. This is all in line with my thread about CF/ATF Continuous Improvements. The key is to find a stripper that also gets this and doesn't just "mail in" her time with you. She knows to provide enough variety to keep you interested and she ups her service from time to time for the same reasons. If you find a stripper like this, she can provide you a quality experience for a long time.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ I think i missed that thread or didn't contribute to it. Oh well...
  • PrimetimeSchein
    7 years ago
    This is kind of my clubbing views. Should I wait until I have a significant sum of money so I can demand the premium dancer or will I go on a budget and take a midgrade dancer. Lately I've been saving and getting the premium specials and it's been paying off
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I think the thing to keep in mind is that for some people, these are the same things. It's been over a decade since I switched from a primarily-variety guy to a primarily-ATF guy, but I remember that back in my variety days, the variety WAS the quality -- that is, the heart-pounding excitement of a new girl's hand going down my pants was more exciting than anything that was happening with some girl I already knew, even if that girl was technically better.

    These days, my perception of quality is "high mileage and kinky, WITH a girl I know well enough that she turns me on to the point that I"m a horny dysfunctional mess even before we step into the booth or hotel room". So total pursuit of quality, which for me means my goal is always to have at least a CF if not ATF
  • PrimetimeSchein
    7 years ago
    So I'll go with Quality
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    TL;DR on my previous post: my guess is that the variety guys will say they are looking for quality, too -- their notion of quality is just different than an ATFers notion. "quality vs quantity" is a bit unfair way to put it, perhaps; "familiarity vs quantity" is probably more fair. The variety guys are not looking for a low-quality experience.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    "^ I think i missed that thread or didn't contribute to it. Oh well..."

    ^ @theDirkDiggler It's all good. I don't care where or what thread a good convo and discussion occurs. They all tend to overlap anyway. We all pretty much see each other in the latest threads.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @Subraman I also see Quantity in going the ATF-Quality route. I obviously don't get a lot of different dances, but I get more dances for the price and I get more dick teasing time with a CF/ATF. To me this is all Quantity in addition to Quality.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I guess i could make a restaurant analogy. Of course people don't seek out low quality, but even when i look back, i didn't find the "quality" as satisfying and at the end of the night, i feel i often wasted or misspent a lot of my money. Whether you go to a fast food restaurant or a fine dining establishment, you have your favorite dishes or the ones you like more. Or a buffet or all you can eat (made to order and not buffet) place might be the best analogy. You're trying to get your money's worth, so do you eat a little of almost everything that looks good and waste your stomach (and you have to eat it or get charged) on lesser "quality" or favored items or do you spend the bulk on your very favorite or favorite things? If you've been to the place before, you know what you liked and have a better understanding to get the most satisfying experience.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I will agree, there is just something about a new hot girl that first time that adds a certain raw energy (similar to new relationship energy), that can heighten arousal very quickly, almost too quickly even if the dance itself is kind of subpar. But after all is sad and done, if the dance was subpar, i could have definitely left it instead of taken it and won't do her again for the most part.
  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    I'm not a big fan of change, so in life, I often stick with something I like even though I am curious about other options. It's a comfort thing. This applies to strippers too. The excitement of possibly being with a new girl though builds up inside me and I am usually quick to pop the first time with a new girl; be it a stripper or civilian. However, from there on out, I am almost too comfortable and it takes forever to release, which is good in real life, but bad in the SC scene when that time period is linked to accumulating dances. In clubs where I have done VIP for a fixed fee and time limit, taking a new girl back can lead to a very expensive 7-10 minutes. But then, successive trips with the girl become photo finishes for me to pop.
  • Roadworrier
    7 years ago
    Given I've ended up with a few regulars in my club of choice in the past that became OTC or regulars in clubs I've visited elsewhere, I'll say "+1" on working on relationships with someone I know will put out. All that said, a lot of gals with great looks may not necessarily connect with me (and vice versa) beyond the first time, and I would say at least some may have to do with whether the club is laid back on girls talking to customers or whether they are expected to circulate, hustle, and generate revenue for the club. Deja Vu in N Hollywood, CA is a great example of a club where the whole business model is built around stage tipping and generating lots of relatively low-priced topless lap dances in timed booths. Girls hanging out with customers doesn't seem to fit into that business model, which makes the place somewhat clinical despite the quantity of full-contact dances one can get for their money. I would argue the legendary Mons Venus is actually similar except the lap dances are fully nude, and some of the gals have more charm/personality than others who seem to be reciting the usual scripted lines.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Some of this I would think would depend on whether or not you actually want to know the girls.

  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    As subra mentioned, quantity does not mean not-quality; it's a matter of preference as to whether one likes to eat chicken every time they eat out b/c they *really* like chicken, or they like to try something different every time they eat out.

    For w/e reason I'm most excited about a girl the first time I meet her, it's usually downhill after-that - and the more I SC the more that's the case for me - when I was newer to SCing although I was still not into faves, I did not get burned-out on girls as quickly and was usually happy to see girls I'd gotten dances w/ b/f w/ the caveat that I did not SC as often back then; whereas now I can sometimes SC 3x/wk although it's not the norm for me but SCing more-often means I run into the same dancers more-often and the less I wanna get w/ them as opposed to it being a month or more since the last time I saw them.

    But - I do often end-up on the wrong-side of the quantity vs quality thing - i.e. I end-up spending $$$ on girls that are not my preferred-type - the thick and/or curvy ebonies is what moves the needle for me most but since I don't like to stick w/ the same dancers I find myself spending on dancers that are not my type (thing/petite ones) where I'd be better off just sitting still and holding onto my $$$ vs getting dances from just "ok" dancers per my tastes.

    So I get kinda caught in a PL-conundrum - I like variety but there are not enough of the girls I like to go around (thick and/or curvy) since these days the clubs I hit seem to be majority petite/slim girls vs brickhouses; thus I end-up folding/compromising and getting-dances/spending on girls that are not my optimal type but I still find sexy but I feel as if I wasted my $$$ instead of spent my $$$.
  • goosman
    7 years ago
    @mark94, 80% to faves, 20% to research & development. Sounds like a good strategy
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’m without a cf - so I’m interviewing dancers for the coveted “position.” I’m definitely a “grass is greener” type - so I like a selection of hotties.

    When I had an atf - it was great. However, I enjoyed lots of extras from other dancers (in that same club). The itc FS was amazing with my atf - and it was great to have a sure thing. She knew that I liked it rough - I liked to go for a long time - and she knew I’d deliver $$$ for her.
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