
What can they possibly talk about? (another conversation discussion)

You ever hear this expression regarding May-December relationships? Well in the strip club it becomes an everyday or even every hour occurrence. I'm not actually nosy enough to eavesdrop on other PLs and dancers conversation, and even i was, it's usually too loud to do it anyway. Although i guess it could be possible if you're sitting at a full bar. Of course the babies aren't good conversationalists in general (and the slightly older girls only marginally better), and if i don't keep it going, there's just long periods of silence. But how meaningful can an initial conversation be anyway? It's mostly just pleasantries (How are you) and general questions (You come here a lot? What do you do? What type of girls do you like?) before they may or may not ask for a dance. Of course as one half of the equation, you can steer the conversation any way you like with mixed results. Sometimes i will observe a PL talking his head off and the girl pretending to listen, barely even able to get a word in. Strange, i thought women were much more garrulous than men. And sometimes, it will be the other way around, but usually i assume the guy asks what he thought was a simple question but got a story instead.

I'm not even going to go into the type of conversation that guys pay girls for. Probably therapeutic or sexy talk. But otherwise, it seems like a waste of time for both parties to just ramble on for hours, although many guys do like to talk. Me not so much. I prefer to let my hands do the talking :)


  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I don't know about anybody else, but I talk about sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll.

  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Nice, just a little short for a good LD song, but i'm sure the DJ could find a way to extend it...
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Yes, I’ve heard it said. It’s an interesting question when there is a large age gap in a relationship. I think the conversation is probably mostly mundane - as are most conversations for most couples.

    It can be simpler when a pl is chatting up a dancer - as he can simply go through the usual topics - the weather, local traffic, the local pro/college sports teams, etc...

    In certain cases - you are simply buying time - to see if you want to buy dances from her. It’s best to get a full look at the dancer - and see how playful she is conversationally. If she has a natural smile - and if she touches your arm, hand, thigh - it could be a sign she’s relaxed with you - and that should help her to relax when you get a dance.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    The real problem is that a fair number of PLs are not great conversationalists. And, a fair number of dancers have little interest in actually talking to their PLs (or even acting like it). This is a perfect storm for long, awkward silences. Because nobody is *really* interested in a conversation.

    For every PL on here that's trying to figure out the magical combination of words and gestures that will convince a stripper to spread her legs for the least amount of money, there's a stripper looking for the magical combination of words and gestures that will convince us to empty our wallets for the least amount of work / contact on their part.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    @Ishmael well said. I guess the conversation would be more of a negotiation - in order to agree upon a price - and the amount of contact.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Here's a mostly true story. I was at one of the more lame clubs i go to, but still bought a block of time with a sweet sexy sensual girl with very nice enjoyable fun bags and was merrily going about when there was a couple (dancer and PL) that entered the booth i'm guessing next or adjacent to us. They had to be very close because we could clearly hear everything they were saying. They were both talking louder than usual, i think anyway, i mean the booths weren't completely enclosed and they don't play the music loud at all since those booths were timed. I think the dancer was talking a bit louder maybe because the PL was pretty loud himself or maybe his voice was naturally that way. He was a big guy (i only know because that was part of the conversation! How tall he was? And then how heavy? Which then turned into a story.). This went on for over twenty minutes and became annoyingly distracting to the point we just started shitting all over their conversation (seriously, they spent around 5 minutes talking about their dogs!). We were mostly whispering or almost whispering or talking softly, but it still made us wonder if they could hear us talking about them (and then maybe them talking about us talking about them and so on...).

    To pay so much money only to then engage in such inane conversation (i suppose it's possible that they could have multi-tasked, or more specifically he, while she just sat pretty). I mean if it was sexy or therapeutic, maybe i could see the reasoning. I still personally hate it when strippers do that (talk their ass off during a dance) but that's yet another discussion and another day (yay!). In retrospect that was probably the easiest $225 or so that that dancer ever made (every dancer probably wishes all her customers were like this); she was one of the hottest girls there (i recognized her voice), although she probably never struggled to make money there.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I love it when my ATF DS is busy on her phone(s) and we aren't talking about anything. That's when I can put my undivided attention towards playing with her ass cheeks to rub my hard cock and balls with them as we spoon at the bar. Although I still can concentrate if we are talking, it's still better without any convo. LOL an old man's boner needs constant attention! No time for convo!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I can’t speak for anyone else , I love talking with younger women in general and there never seems to be a problem. My girlfriend is also thirty years younger than me we talk for hours before sex after sex and have never not been able to find a topic to talk about.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    To be honest, i probably have learned to talk to women in general (and attractive women specifically) better from my time in the clubs. I'm definitely less nervous and more personable now while before i did this weird passive aggressive sardonic crap that almost no woman cared for (okay, not even almost, none). I'm just not attractive enough to do the straight flirt without coming off a little creepy sometimes, but not that unattractive either that i could do it knowing that no attractive woman would seriously think that i thought i had a chance and was trying to make anything happen like most bros and schmoes. I've definitely learned to compliment better and get her to talk about what she might want to. Almost every girl likes a good listener.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Women like to hear about a guy's career. That they listen attentively is one of the ways they show that they like him. What the women would talk about on their own is either 'women stuff' or power worshipping stuff, "Do you know how much those guys make?"

    They have to stay in character and let the guy do the talking, if they want it to go well.

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