The Teachers

Strip Club Nation
The first time I stepped in a strip club many years ago, I had no clue what the heck I was getting into. I never had that dirty uncle or older brother to take me out to my first strip club. I just happened to bored one night and wanted to see what all the rave was about with topless chicks poledancing. On that humid May evening, I paid the cover charge and sat at a high top table in the back without the slightest clue what a lap dance was or how to tip a dancer at the stage. Eventually one of the workers, possibly a manager or assistant manager came over and started chatting with me as it was still early, and the strip club was not yet in full swing. I explained that it was my first time at a titty bar. He went on to informed me how to tip the dancers, how the stage show worked, what a table dance was, and what a couch dance was. Throughout the evening, the cowboy hat-donning, Western shirt-wearing staff member stopped back at my table several times to see how I was doing and to answer additional questions that I had come to my mind about this strange form of adult entertainment. The staff member was a good ambassador for his club and industry. Strangely, I’d come to learn the cowboy was an exception, as most club employees I’ve met since have been assholes.

Fast forward many years and countless strip club visits later: I have learned and perfected the strip club game. Since I cannot go back in time to thank the cowboy for helping me learn the ropes when I was just starting out, I always thought I’d use my knowledge to help out others should the situation ever arise.

That opportunity came earlier this year for me. I was at Stiletto’s in Brownsville, knocking back a few cold Sincweisers and enjoying the Valley girls, early one weekday evening. The club had yet to pop off, so there were only a dozen or so patrons inside. I tipped the dancer on stage and returned to my table. Out of the corner of my eye, there was a Hispanic guy dressed like Marty McFly and presumably his pregnant girlfriend sitting a few tables a way--a very odd looking couple who looked out of place at Stiletto’s. They were pointing at me and eventually walked over to my table. They asked if I spoke Spanish or English. I told them I can talk to them in either. The girl was fairly bilingual, but the guy seemed to speak very little English. They told me that it was their first time at a strip club, and they wanted to know how to tip the dancers like I had just done on stage. I explained that they just go up to the edge of the stage and wait for the dancer to come over to give them a close up view, then slide a couple dollars in the dancer’s g-string. I demonstrated, groping the dancer in the process. The guy eventually walked up to the stage with a Vince McMahon swagger. Throughout the next thirty minutes, the couple tipped the stage, always with a single dollar, and they seemed to really enjoy it. Eventually, they came back over to my table and asked me how the lap dances worked. I explained that they were twenty dollars and you get to touch dancers everywhere unclothed for one song. The guy purchased a single lap dance, and it looked like it was a life-changing experience for him. Finally, the couple came over to my table and asked if the dancers give blow jobs. The girlfriend wanted to treat her boyfriend and have him go home drained. I told her that the club was “limpio”, and I had even been getting yelled at by management for touching the dancers on stage. They said they read on StripClubList that dancers at the club were giving blow jobs for $35. I was almost certain this kind of activity was “prohibido” in this club, even in the VIP room. To rule out any uncertainty, I went over and talked to a dancer who had always been frank and honest with me during my residency. She told me the VIP room provided the same level of action as the lap dances, but with a little more privacy. I them popped up the club’s page on SCL to see what was written. I told the newbies what they read on SCL was just a dancer trying to insult another dancer by calling her a cheap prostitute. They were disappointed that no oral sex was available, but I think they had a good first time otherwise.

Have you ever played the role of teacher for someone at a strip club?


  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    A few months ago, for a guy from India. He is going to school here and has an IT job and was visiting a strip club (nude) for the first time. I explained things as best I could and encouraged a few dancers to get friendly with him.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Funny story! Lol
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    I've also played the role of teacher for a few dancers. Girls who were really new, and didn't really understand what they had gotten themselves into. So I kind of explained things to them from the guys point-of-view, which they didn't understand, and told them about the club they were working at, and also gave them info about other clubs in the area where I thought they might do better, etc.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    When I saw the title, I thought it was going to be a story about teachers having sex with their students. Lol

    Nothing to the extent you talked about, but I took a friend to the club after his divorce and gave him a few pointers so he had a good time.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    If people ask me questions in the club I answer them. That's about it. Same thing for TUSCL, but I'm more likely to reach out via a PM online than strike up a convo in a club.

    I try to be as helpful as I can, but guys have to figure out what works for them.
  • Electronman
    7 years ago
    Most of my SC teaching experience has focused on neophyte dancers, especially those who are attractive but don't yet have the experience or the game to make a living in the strip club scene. In some cases, it is a dancer's first experience working in a SC and they want to know how this particular club compares to alternative clubs. In some cases, I offer some advice on "sales techniques," including how to give a proper strip club handshake. However, my favorite teacher role is giving pointers on how to give a lap dance or beyond.
    Never thought about being a house mom (LOL, PoolyD), but a dirty uncle would be a good role.
    We need a bumper sticker that says something like "Making a living as a stripper? Thank your teachers (and all the horny men)."
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I pretty much just do my own thing and don't interact too much with other customers. I've just seen too many other PLs that are just out there although i have yet to have a confrontation so i guess i'm extra conservative that way, and the last thing i am is a social butterfly. I generally am pretty helpful when a customer asks me a question about the club or a dancer (in which case i say, if you like her, get her, unless she's a ROB of course).

    But unless a PL is just watching me (and once a customer did notice that i was going to the LD room a lot and kind of made a thumbs up type comment), i don't think i give any indication that i'm adept at SCing. Wonder what the couple saw in you.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    The very first time i went to a strip club, there was an older gentleman that kind of took me under his wing for a good hour or so. I don't recollect telling him that it was my first time ever, but maybe i had it all over my face. Or maybe i reminded him of his son or something. I still haven't forgotten that and am appreciative. Hope he is still alive and doing well and on the very unlikelihood that i ever see him again at any SC (i have never returned to that first strip club a few hours from where i live) I would definitely buy him a beer and a dance.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Good story!

    I have not acted as a teacher in a strip club. I'm still pretty clueless myself.
  • rockie
    7 years ago
    Only when a seemingly decent guy was about to engage with the club's renowned ROB!
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    Good post Sinclair. Just last week some dude saw me walking back from a couch dance and started asking me questions. He was about my age and said it had been years since he'd gone clubbing. He was wondering what typical tipping and pricing practices were so I took a couple of minutes answering his questions.

    I don't give advice unless asked but I will certainly help someone who seems sincere. If I'm getting along well with a stripper, we usually end up talking about other clubs I've been to and the non strip club experiences I've had. I've been amazed at how much that prompts questions from the ladies.

    I've certainly been in student mode enough times in my life and have appreciated it when someone has helped answer my questions. One good turn deserves another. But I try to draw a sharp distinction between solicited and unsolicited advice.

    As far as interaction in clubs with custies and staff, I try to act like I'm in a normal bar. I don't care to interact too much but don't hesitate to converse regarding the game on TV, the beer I like and so forth. I find that acting like I'm in a normal bar slows everything down for me and I make better decisions when I'm not all hyped up. But it took me years to realize "act normal dumbshit". Lol.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I'm a talker but rarely initiate convos; if a custy engages me I'll share some knowledge w/ him that seems pertinent.

    I also at times, but not common, will give advice to green-dancers when it's obvious they can be doing a lot better than they are but for lack of knowledge of the SC-game; or being so TUSCLarly educated I may share w/ them info on better-clubs that they are not aware-of.
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