
The real war no women - is it real?

There seems to be a growing war (backlash) against what could be defined as conventional relationships.

MGTOW (youtube it), PUA, Pump-and-Dump, plummeting marriage statistics, high divorce rates. Going by just what can be seen on social media, there appears to be a growing backlash, by men, regarding being in monogamous long term relationships with women.

Its taken decades to sink in but men seem to be figuring out what a trap marriage is. They also seem to be revolting against single mothers and/or pursuing cultural norms of dating (pump and dump).

The premise is the majority of women are just looking to get over on dudes and cannot be trusted.

My personal experience with dealing with the young honeys is that they are amazing people but self entitled to a point that it would almost impossible for them to have a healthy LTR. Put another way...anyone marrying them better be ready for infidelity and to have half their shit taken from them when the honey feels slighted.

Is the backlash real or a misperception?


  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "My personal experience with dealing with the young honeys is that they are amazing people "
    Agree, but wonder how they can possibly trust men in the future after being SBs themselves.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Times are changing. I had 18 uncles and 17 aunts. 1 uncle never married. None of them or my grand parents ever divorced. I'm divorced. My sister has been divorced twice. My ex wife has been divorced twice.

    I blame it on Feminism. Take a look at this short video.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    You can't go by MGTOW - PUA stuff, as it is closely coupled to the political right.

    But marriage rates are down. It just doesn't make sense anymore economically, except for a high wage career elite.

    So many women have come to accept the fact that marriage is becoming more and more remote.



    Pink Floyd, awesome compilation
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago

    This video I consider bull shit. Fact is. lots and lots of people live in ways which are not dependent on playing to limited and complimentary gender roles.

    You find this especially when people live alone, but also more and more in today's couplings.

    And then of course there are those living far more flexible sex roles too.

  • MrBater2010
    7 years ago
    I don't know about you guy but every woman I try to hook up with is in Fucking Nigeria. WTF!

    Personally, I am 49. never married. And trying to come to terms with the fact that I may never be married and never have a 25th anniv. Say what you want but I would like to try it once.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^ I assume that you are talking about women you are meeting online.

    I would not suggest that.

    F2F first meetings always better.

    Most any woman 30yo+ is dying to be married.


    Another Pink Floyd compilation
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    And this stuff about "backlash against single mothers", that is just Right Wing non-sense media. For women, being childfree is on the rise, but so is single motherhood.

  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    @MrBater2010 - if you're really set on marriage at 49 (nucking futz), I would recommend you think globally. Especially if you want kids.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^ Just curious Lone_Wolf, why do you say globally? Do you mean it is better to marry someone not from the US, or specifically from the third world? Why do you say that.

    Lots of young women would be very interest in a 49yo man.

  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    Fascinating topic. I'll just leave this article series I came across sometime back. Its on Breitbart but don't read anything into that. Really good read.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Of course I am never going to go along with anything brieitbart says. It is all reactionary.

    But I do believe that most young men are socialized in realms where they don't learn how to move assertively with women. Certainly was like that for me.

  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    It touches on how hazardous it is for young men especially in academic settings to relate to women in the current environment.
  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    Also boys have lost most of the advantages and power they once held in relationships. Happy I don't have sons..
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    This vid was posted a while back I think by TUSCLer "Sinclair"; I thought it was pretty-interesting:

  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    @Papi - Excellent video and spot on IMO. Yes, pussy has been monitized by women in big way. They'll still make dudes jump thru hoops for it in the civie world but willing give it up for a couple hun in the p4p dynamic. Bizarre really.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I’ll throw this out there...

    I am a gen Xer and in just about every gen X couple that has kids I know, both work. I also know several Millenial couples and in most of those relationships the female does NOT work regardless of how many children they have. I know a ton of Millenial guys who are 30 or older that never have been married but want to be married, but they just can’t get their shit together enough to impress a girl enough to marry them.

    From what I read too many Millennials still live at home and too many have too high expectations of what a relationships should be.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    It seems to me a lot of millennials nowadays wanna keep it simple and not take on a lot of responsibility - many of them don't even wanna own a car and rather rely on friends or Uber/Lyft
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @LW "They'll still make dudes jump thru hoops for it in the civie world but willing give it up for a couple hun in the p4p dynamic. Bizarre really."

    Thank goodness for it, though. My CF sugar date (we don't really have a true SB/SD relationship) is super easy to get along with, very accommodating to me in terms of schedule and what we do on dates, is super horny all the time, and the $200 per date I've been giving her is a bargain compared to the cost and hassle of courting a civvie to the same amount of sex.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Marriage rates seem down, but there is more to the story. Marriage rates among the rich, upper middle and middle class are the same as they were 100 years ago. Marriage rates among lower middle and poor classes have bottomed out dragging the number down. Since it is well-settled that married people are wealthier than single people it seems like the poor among us are again making an ignorant decision and keeping themselves in poverty. Then again I have only been a divorce lawyer for 35 years so what would I know.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Could it simply be that over the years - there has been a rate of divorce approaching 50% - and the reality has finally set in? Maybe it’s best to not get into something that will end up costing you 50% of your assets?

    If you spoke with a doctor - and he told you the chances of success for a surgical procedure (that you really didn’t need) - were about 50% - and it would take years to recover - would you actually get the surgery done?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ LOL - great analogy
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I should clarify - as I don’t view this as a war on women. I see it more as a collective realization that marriage isn’t the institution for a large amount of couples.
  • docsavage
    7 years ago
    Women really want two things: sex with an attractive male and a male provider who gives them economic security. There are really only very few men who are good looking and rich so women have always had to settle and accept a slightly less attractive guy who would also be the economic provider guy. Over time women have used their vote to create a more extensive welfare state, more government jobs and government subsidies in areas like education and health care which have high levels of female employment, affirmative action in private sector jobs, and divorce and child support laws which transfer male economic resources over to women. The purpose of this basically is to allow women to have sex with the attractive guys while they receive the economic resources of the less attractive guys without marrying them. This has resulted in two things. The first is that the top third of guys are having more sex than ever. The second is that the bottom two thirds are finding it more difficult to have sex. It's not a rational response for these guys in the bottom two thirds to keep working and paying taxes for a welfare state that benefits women, working hard and not getting promotions because of affirmative action, or getting married and then screwed by the courts when their wife divorces them. They have either decided to work less hard and not chase after women or to spend time improving their looks or personality to get women. Women thought they could set things up so they could spend their time with the sexy males while the all the other men slave away and continue to operate that advanced technological civilization which women themselves depend on. Obviously it's illogical to expect that but most women are driven by their emotions and not logic or rationality. That may be one of the reasons why previous generations of men restricted female political power. They had a better understanding of the nature of women and not just because they were mean or oppressive. They knew a situation like the current one would not be stable in the long term and result in what we see: increasing levels of men dropping out of the work, men not getting married, men not providing for a wife and children and an overall slow societal, cultural and economic collapse.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    doc, you are certainly right about one thing. I suppose I am in the upper third, and I am having more sex than ever, for less money.

    I'm not as picky as most of the guys on here, but I'm still picking girls that are worth providing economic support to.

    I've also been personally involved in watching a woman attempt to make the transition from only wanting to date/fuck hot guys (who ended up treating her like crap) to realizing that it might be in her better interest to date/fuck stable guys that can help take care of her (assuming she can figure out how to be somewhat stable too; us stable guys don't tend to keep the trainwreck girls around for very long). It took her to her late 20s to figure it out, but once she did, things really calmed down for her.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... Women really want two things: sex with an attractive male and a male provider who gives them economic security ..."

    Reminds me of a joke:

    "Women look for the *one* guy that will provide *all* their needs - men look for *all* women that will provide his *one* need"

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    There is no war against American women, except from the right, and this is a completely misguided war against feminism.

    Good book:


  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    A lot of women make more than men, especially among younger women. Its funny to see guys here assuming its men who will be losing 50% of the marital property. I make six times what my wife makes, but the idea its mine and not ours is ridiculous as we're partners so its share and share alike.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^ Lots of guys are unrealistic and feel they have an entitlement which has never in fact exited. Much of it seems tied to being White, and believing in the American Dream.

  • ime
    7 years ago
    Go away Lloyd like your exwifee no one wants you here
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