When were each of the 22 Minnesota Strip Clubs formed and who currently owns eac

avatar for MinneaplisMan740
Minneapolis, Minnesota
When were each of the 22 Minnesota Strip Clubs formed and who currently owns each of them?


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avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
You really want a bunch of ananymous perverts to do your research for you?
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I'll get right on that! It might take awhile - but it's on my list!
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ While you're at it, can you provide a brief bio of each of the dancers as well? Don't feel obligated to include dancers who haven't performed since the beginning of the year.

Thank you.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Julio Sanchez, Mike Hunt and Justin “Juice” Kowolski won most of the clubs in that area.
avatar for Mainster
7 years ago
OP, you're obviously an employee of the MN State Liquor Board, don't they keep the records you seek? Witness your tax dollars at work, Minnesotans.
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