Bin Laden porn stash won't be released. Boo..

avatar for shadowcat


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avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I'm not interested in seeing what he had in his porn stash. He was a sick individual - and the fact that they have videos of beheadings on their computers is awful enough.

That being said, all of the information found should be released to the public (aside from any classified information).
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Oh BS, lacapussy fake, fagboy. Shadowcat is perfectly aware what a shitty job you do as a fake me. You can't even spell, dipshit. LMAO
avatar for bvino
7 years ago
The above notwithstanding but who needs to see this? Probably low grade Eastern European crap with some Chinese stuff.They said it was all on VHS 'nough said!
avatar for Tiredtraveler
7 years ago
So much for the devout jihadist. He was nothing but a sociopathic murderer that make Charles Manson look like an amateur.
The more research I do and see about these crazies the more I am convinced we should just shoot them on sight like the rabid dogs they are. There is a reason sharia law is so brutal it is because the tribes that follow it are only 1/2 step above animals.
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