

Avatar for Woodwolck67

Hi everyone was just wondering hypothetically of course if a Girl Scout sold cookies in front of a strip club would you buy them? Again this is a fake scenario Ik this would probably never happen, at least I'd hope so. . . .


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Avatar for DisRuptive1

Probably. Get me a box of Thin Mints and go out and buy more when I run out.

Avatar for warhawks

Sure. I'd buy some from them working outside the club.

And then hopefully the girls would remember me 8 years from then when they are working inside the club.

Avatar for twentyfive

If you can get a Redhead Girl Scout JS69 will buy all of her cookies and treat her to dinner.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

$1,000 is a lot to pay for Girl Scout cookies.

Avatar for twentyfive

^^^Its called Future Planning John )

Avatar for shailynn

Well, I can never pass them is when exiting Home Depot so I don't see how this is any different. Especially if I'm waiting for Uber or a cab and had time to kill.

Avatar for Dominic77

It's no different than Girl Scouts outside my Italian grocer. I don't resist them there either. It would buy some to take home for the family. In fact it would create more tension at home if it hadn't bought them than the trip to the club itself generates, if you can believe that!

Avatar for ATACdawg

Buy them on the way in! The girls love Thin Mints and Samoas!!! Even more than your cash... ;-)

Avatar for Cashman1234

I'd definitely buy some! I was at a ski resort where Girl Scouts were selling cookies outside of the bar - and they sold out quickly. I know it's far different selling them outside of a strip club - but those Samoans aren't bad with a few beers.

Avatar for Bigdawg1978

I think I remember reading about a girl scout selling cookies outside of a marijuana dispensary in Denver. She sold completely out in a couple of hours. If they can sell them there why not outside a strip club?

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

I agree, I would only by them if I could take them in with me and share them with the girls.

You realize that the girl scout is likely the daughter of one of the dancers!

Avatar for whodey

That depends, how many boxes would I have to buy to get the troop mom to cut me a deal on VIP inside the club?

I kept going back to one store last year to buy cookies out front because the moms that were watching their daughters sell cookies were definitely stripper worthy.

Those moms looked almost as tasty as the tagalongs I bought.

Avatar for lopaw


Yes I would.

Avatar for Mainster

Step One, buy Thin Mints.

Step Two, bring them into the club ad open them at your table.

Step Three, prepare to be swamped by ALL the bitches, because women can smell unopened Thin Mints that are buried under the Tater Tots in the fucking freezer. The smell of their own vanilla body spray will not cover the aroma of the Thin Mints.

Avatar for Mainster

I feel I should add that last cookie season, a troop set up a sales table in a strip mall just two doors down from a marijuana dispensary. Tell me that's not fucking BRILLIANT.

Avatar for goldmongerATL

I ran into a stripper once that was selling them to other strippers in the dressing room on behalf of her kid. Strippers were bringing them out on the floor to snack on.

@whodey, yeah have seen a few moms teaching the youngins that sex sells. Saw one braless in a top about two buttons lower than normal and bending way over to get cookies and make change for all the men outside Home Depot. And the ten year old knew what the hell was what. Went to pay her and she told me I should get change from her mom. I swear she gave me a little grin like every box comes with a free peek at my mom's tits.

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