
I've spent $1000 over the last 3 weeks on clubs

North Carolina
Tuesday, August 29, 2017 9:27 AM
But I consider a lot of that to be reconnaissance. Learning which clubs I like, what nights to go, which girls I groove with. I assume the hobby will become more funds efficient as go. I spent several thousand once to join a professional introduction service. I got to have some nice, chaste dates with a doctor, a school teacher, a financial planner, etc. None of that worked out though and I didn't even get to hold hands with some of them. For $1000 I've enjoyed some grinding and groping with several ladies younger than I could really date. Good use of funds? I dunno. I'm having fun though!


  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    you ever go to the clubs in greensboro?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Most of us Rich Studs spend that in one visit ;)
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    My dad borrows that from me in one night just so he can have fun as my entourage during a clubbing voyage. Sigh....
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    3 weeks? That's downright frugal. Congratulations on not spending that much. You have more self control than I ever had.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    Piker. :)
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    $1,000s on a dating site and $1,000 on strippers you want to turn into girlfriends? Sir, I hope you're not destined to be a virgin forever.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I spent a total of $45 at Follies today. Terrible day.
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    No, I'm not looking for girlfriends in the clubs. My point is the irony of how expensive "real" dating with "serious" women can be. I had a lot more fun with women who have no pretense.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    For a fee of only $20,000, you can join my stripper introduction service. I guarantee hand holding. I'll PM you details on where to send the money. You're welcome.
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    Lulz. Yeah part of what got me into clubbing was asking myself to obtain some value out of the earlier experience. I did lose 30 pounds getting ready for the introductions. Oh well, at least I found the motivation now, to get out there and have some fun. There are more expensive hobbies like mountain climbing all over the world, owning a boat for deep sea fishing, or whatever. Ultimately life becomes a series of memories when you are stuck in a wheelchair in your 90s. It's my money to spend while I can enjoy it!
  • Real4you
    7 years ago
    JohnSmith69 haha I'm dead. That's too funny
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    Chaste doctors...is this a joke?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    If you're having fun and you can afford it, then hakuna mutata.
  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
    I second that motion 1k is okay
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    Spend what you can afford. That's the budget which works out the best.
  • DrunkPraetorian
    7 years ago
    Always stick to your budget. Or just don't go in. That's what I've learned. And it's all just a fantasy in there.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Lurker_X sorry I didn't follow your original post. Yes you have a valid point, but some PLs here (a short term we call each other - pathetic loser) have gone broke becoming obsessed with strip clubs, or worse yet, becoming infatuated with just one particular stripper. I think you need to keep an even keel and strip club a little, and find a girlfriend too. There is nothing better than meeting a girl and having great free sex in the beginning. In just about every relationship I've had the sex is always awesome, free and the girl always seems to always want to do it all the time in the beginning (no matter what her age is). Take advantage of that!
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    I get your point about have the best of both. The problem is women are so flaky and unreliable anyway that I may just shrug and assume I won't date anymore. I'm 49 and never married, over 6 feet tall and 195 pounds. Most single women even in their 30s are divorced with kids, overweight, come with so much mental baggage. It's hard to settle for that even "for free" when I can fondle and grind a woman in a club who is better looking and asks "are you a tits or ass man?"
  • TippingDollars
    7 years ago
    I always say bring what you can afford to lose on these hoes. So make that ATM withdrawal before you hit up the club. Never use the ATM at a club. A grand in 3 weeks doesn't seem like so much. I say on average you spend 100-150 on a normal visit to a club.
  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    For $1,000 couldn't you get 3-4 sessions with escorts and do more than just "grinding and groping?" Though I'm not quite sure how much an escort costs (assuming around $250-$300 an hour). Even if it's more ($500/hr.) seems like a better value than just a groping session at a club.But I don't know. I'm new to this.
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    JAprufrock, that decision veers into the strippers-vs-escort value proposition, and there are many threads about that... Sure, if I simply wanted sex, I could have found that already, and for less money. Some guys like the roulette wheel of clubbing, experiencing a variety of women - their shapes and techniques. Being free to let your inner animal free by ogling one on the stage, looking her in the eye and seeing her grin back at you too, because she knows what you are thinking, and she'll come by your table later. Even lame dances can be fun - telling that inexperienced new dancer that she should get closer to the customers to make money. You are free to be that lecherous middle age dude that her daddy warned her about!
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