
20 years in the future....

Avatar for sharkhunter

You finish it.

.... electric cars will be the primary car sold and many will be automated so you don't even need to drive and can travel from New York to Miami without needing to stop and plug in. You won't even need to own a car just call one up and get charged on a pay as you use plan.

Drunk driving laws will seem obsolete. Tens of thousands of lives will be spared from death on the highways each year.

Sounds good to me. I will be able to drink as much as I want at a club and easily get a ride home. Hopefully.


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Avatar for ppwh

The only problem is that the corporations that own them will decide which destinations are acceptable. Follies? Doesn't agree with their corporate values. Perhaps they could interest you in a hipster nightclub...

Avatar for sharkhunter

... If. Bernie gets elected, you'll get free ride sharing. It's just that you won't be allocated any tokens for use in strip clubs or bars because that violates democrat health laws for use of government funds. You won't have any funds because the government automatically confiscates all pay checks and decides how much you get back for food and rent expenses after democrats won in 2020 and realized there just wasn't enough money to pay for everything even if they took everyone's pay check. On the bright side Bernie enacted free college education but on the down side, there werent enough funds to pay for everything after food and rent so Bernie sent everyone Iou's for your future college education payable as soon as the economy recovers back to full health. Most colleges shut down when students and governments couldn't pay. However you have an iou from a college of your choice that is good whenever the economy recovers better than Venezuela and congress funds the Iou's.

Avatar for LecherousMonk

I will be long dead from diabetes or heart disease and not missed at all.

Avatar for jackslash

In 20 years strippers will be able to debit my checking account automatically when they need money, relieving me of chore of driving to them to give them cash.

Avatar for TheeOSU

........ the democrats will be whining and refusing to accept responsibility regarding the previous election.

Avatar for magicrat

I don't like to get involved in the political discussions and I'm definitely not a far right winger but.....that was funny as shit OSU! (And most likely true)

Avatar for Dougster

Rise of the Machines. Should be able to pass a Turing Test around 2029 which is only 12 years in, then the real fun begins. Singularity in 20 years? Might be an aggressive timeline. I'm think more like 30. 20 years things will be fun though.

Avatar for Clubber

Not even sure their will be a 20 years, earth wise. :(

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

99% of all porn will be hosted on virtual reality platforms.

Perhaps related, there will be a 70% increase in men under the age of 30 dying of starvation in their own homes, even though there's food within arm's reach.

Avatar for shailynn

I'll still be working.

Avatar for RandomMember

Hopefully massive increase in renewable energy from solar, wind, or some other type of innovation.

Avatar for Uprightcitizen

One of my present favs will be introducing me to "our" son/daughter and asking for college $$

Avatar for warhawks

... Trump will still be looking for Obama's birth certificate.

Avatar for K

Instead of fucking adult women 1/2 and some times close to 1/3 my age I will be fucking adult women 1/3 to sometimes close to 1/4 my age.

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