Evolution: Is The Female Orgasm Just As Worthless As Male Nipples?
There's about 5 minutes on this topic starting at 11:45.
The gist of the talk is the male nipples are a leftover from the female, and the female orgasm is a leftover from the male. Both are worthless in terms of evolution as neither provides an adaptive advantage in reproduction.
See Dougster? I'm not just a pervert, but a Darwinian pervert.
The gist of the talk is the male nipples are a leftover from the female, and the female orgasm is a leftover from the male. Both are worthless in terms of evolution as neither provides an adaptive advantage in reproduction.
See Dougster? I'm not just a pervert, but a Darwinian pervert.
Q: "How can you tell if a woman is faking her orgasms or not?"
A: "Why would anyone care to begin with?"
(I cant believe I'm talking to a stripper about sperm up-suck and not negotiating on a bbbj.)
Pretty simple really...
Now male nipples...cant explain that one other than its just some kinda pre-natal thing that has to form before sex orgsns develop. Any Dr.s here?
I may be misremembering and there has probably been much work in the field since then.
The female orgasm consumes quite a bit of energy. If it did not serve a purpose it would not have evolved. That does not rule out the female orgasm being a co opted male orgasm.
As for male nipples, it is easier to have one general blueprint with fewer deviations. The nipples do not take up much in the way of resources and do not make us much more vulnerable so there is no pressure for them to evolve away.
Female orgasms and male nipples have been around for...oh....something like 200,000 years. I don't see either one going away anytime soon.
And txtittyfagDOT does bring up a great point.
As far as I'm concerned, it definitely piques my interest when she heats up and her squeezing milks out the grease of evolution's gears.
I wouldn't expect scientists to have any knowledge of this, since they're probably spending most of their free time figuring out the ideal cleaning solution for their fleshlights to avoid SPS.
And whatever, orgasms release dopamine and increase endorphins so they are very important. Lol.
I wasn't proposing a conclusion on why it exists, only that there must be a reason for it to exist beyond it being a left over from the male orgasm.
In evolutionary theory anything that costs energy is selected against. The female orgasm must provide more of an advantage than it costs or it would not exist. We know there must be a advantage, but what is that advantage. As far as I recall, no one had come up with a solid advantage that outweighs the cost in energy and added complexity.
penis envy