"Your gonna have to stop coming to the club very soon if we're to be serious fri

avatar for HarryJones
Back again. So i'm still having dances every weekend but things have definitely changed.

She messages me first everyday and I get a "goodnight" message at least 4 times a week.
I am ALWAYS online on Facebook to chat but I was going through a rough time last week and stayed offline for hours which is very strange for me. So she phoned my Mothers place of work to ask her if I was okay

She purchased me a mens bracelet this week, then another "surprise" gift today. She's coming to my place tomorrow to chill and will bring it with her then.

I was having a dance on Friday night and she randomly says to me "Your gonna have to stop coming to the club very soon if we're to be serious friends and take things further"

"You can have dances with other girls but we should just talk if you do come to the club instead of dance. That way we can do more stuff away from work without worrying about getting into trouble all the time"

She's going away for 2 days with her family soon and she is leaving me with a key to her apartment so that I can feed and walk her dog. Things have always been great but i'm not sure where this sudden extra affection and trust has came from.

That is a crazy thing to say. She isn't driven by my money and as i've said before, she often stops me from spending....but some nights at the club are so dead, i'm literally the only guy who buys a dance from her. I'm not sure how she'll cope. She even discussed quitting.

Its my Birthday in 3 weeks and i've been promised a party at the club plus a free 30min VIP dance worth £160. And October will be a year since we met. So i'm thinking of having my last ever dance on the 1 year anniversary of our first ever dance.

Whether we remain good friends away from the club or my ultimate hope of a relationship comes true, this definitely seems like a positive step....it will certainly save me some money every weekend and lower my awful alcohol intake


last comment
avatar for ppwh
8 years ago
Dear Diary,

I'm not sure how I am going to hold on until October. She says she wants to go steady, but I don't want to give up lap dances in the club until a symbolic date. I stay up at night thinking of what could be, but I can't imagine a future of her being naked without a bouncer at hand.
If she buys you an Xbox your moving in and need to quit your job
avatar for HarryJones
8 years ago
Haha Juicebox...although she actually owns one. Im a PS guy
^^^ It's not going to work out unless you at least go PC Master Race, if not Xbox. It's not easy to find a dog sitter while she's away with her Johns.
Lol...I assume you guys are close in age....any stripper I've dated have been close in age...and yes as you get closer to dating her she will need you to stop showing up at her job for various business reason's...don't take it personal...just respect her and how she earns a living as she will or should with you
PC master race LMFAO brilliant dude

I actually meet a stripper like that once
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago

She wants to be more than friends.. Best Friends!
avatar for rh48hr
8 years ago
Is there a question or are you just giving us an update?
avatar for HarryJones
8 years ago
Just an update. No question. Not really anything better to do on a Sunday evening. I've already done all of my other Internet activities and it's getting rather late lol
avatar for HarryJones
8 years ago
I've seen that friendzone video before. It is pretty funny....Maybe not if your the victim, but we'll see.

The dating thing is still the dream but it's less of a need than it once was. I have been focusing more on myself as a person and other areas of life recently....and I had a very wild night with a civie girl last weekend although it meant absolutely nothing
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Yeah. I've shown it to you before myself. ;)
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Txtittyfag kinda has a point. So.. let's get to it. This suggesting not seeing her at the club anymore thing could go either way. If you've slept w her, it could be that she doesn't want you seeing her as a stripper anymore. If you haven't slept w her, it could be that she feels icky being sexual w you bc you are just friends. Or, maybe she wants an otc p4p thing. Are there any other indications to go off of?
avatar for HarryJones
8 years ago
There is definitely no P4P happening here. Of course I would say that but it's just not like that in this little British place. You'll find more action in a grocery store.

We haven't slept together and yes your probably right with the whole friendzone thing. We essentially are best friends. She still insists that she isn't ready to date anyone yet due to the previously mentioned family issues and past
avatar for HarryJones
8 years ago
We play video games together, we pick eachother up during sad times, we talk daily, and we've met eachothers family. we are just great friends.

And we'll remain great friends whilst she continues to be single and deals with shit, and whilst I try to explore life for myself. I am still 19 remember

If anything further happens...then it happens
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Oh, I'm sorry. That sucks. You have a right to be bummed out too. You should upgrade your ps w that extra cash. ;)
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I know better than to read JS69 posts. So why don't I know better than to read these?
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
Must be true love or multiple strip clubs if you're considering giving up strip clubs for a friend. I didn't even start visiting strip clubs until a much older age though. I wasn't making hardly any money at 19 and used a lot of the money I made to help with college expenses. I didn't want to go hungry not having enough money to buy food at times like I heard one of my sisters say she experienced while going to college. There were so many hot girls in my classes at college and I knew several. :)
Strip clubs might have been a disappointment back then unless they had 9's and 10's working.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I did go hungry at times in college but that was because the college food sucked big time a lot. Worst food I ever ate. I forgot about that. :(
You know the food is bad when everyone is eating up all the leftover cereal for supper because the food they have for supper resembles Fear Factor Road kill.

I'd be happy to save my money to buy better food. Skip the strip clubs.
We had a cook in college and Tuesday lunch was homemade turkey soup, b.l.t's. and fries. Just sayin.
Soooo you haven't fucked her at all???????
avatar for Jboogy1000
7 years ago
Any updates?
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