
Try saving me a few dollar instead of saving soul

Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
At my club this somewhat new dancer finally gets brave enough to intrude my circle. We're taking and I mention I have a few tough decisions to make, and she said "God will guide you"

So I'm like "sure". That didn't sit well with her so she began this rant that I've been so blessed and I should go to church and thank him...blah blah

So I finally cut it short and said, "sorry this isnt going to work we're going in different directions, you're going to heaven and I'm going to hell"


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^ A very wise move!

    Because that God talk is really an insult to your social and civil standing, based on the premise that you are somehow living in error. It is also her way of avoiding facing her own experience and feelings.

    Smart to cut her off right away.


    History of the Yezidi 2013 Children of the Sun

    The History and Genocide of the Yezidis

  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    She wasn't a little Asia chick, was she? I ran into one at the Columbia Platinum Plus many years ago that asked me in the middle on a lap dance "Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior?"
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ Was that even more of a problem in Greenville SC, near Bob Jone's University?

    Locally, most strippers are opposed to Christianity, except for the shit heads.

  • JackAstor
    7 years ago
    Politics and Religion in a bar , Right ? Politics and Religion in a strip club with the added vice a beaver in your face is even funnier .

    I bet she's blown her preacher in the past
  • grand1511
    7 years ago
    Happens to me all the time. They just keep repeating "Oh god, oh god, oh god."
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i usually say OMG!
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    I always say the same thing. I've found my own answers and I'm not interested in discussing or debating them.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    I have never had a dancer try to proselytize other than talking a little about Wicca, but one did tell me that she had just been talking to a customer and through questioning, found out he was Hindu. She said that she asked him whether sometimes he wondered if "we" were right. It sounded like she realized she might have made a SC faux pas about five minutes after she said it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I've had a few talk a little about religion but it's just been a quick comment and I knew better than to do nothing more than just pretend I didn't hear anything or just smile - I've found it pointless to get into philosophical discussions w/ strippers plus that is a boner-killer and not what I'm there for.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    these girls (especially the 'nice' ones are a gift from GOD.)
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I've never had this happen.
  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    Isn't there an old adage that says "There are no atheists on the receiving end of blow jobs" ?
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Sounds exactly like a progressive does, but progressives are too bigoted to see they are the opposite side of the coin.
  • magicrat
    7 years ago
    I've had them tell me they go and also take their kids to church every Sunday
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Strippers guide me to heaven all the time. All they have to do is put my dick Iin their mouth.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    Most of the strippers I've met are "women of faith". While they may see some conflict between their sex worker job and their religion, they prioritize obtaining the financial benefits of the work to care for themselves and their families. No different than lots of folks in many fields of employment.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Reflecting on GACA's account I am drawn back to an experience of decades ago.

    Our LE has been fighting a war against street hookers for decades, and of course the first casualties were the due process protections in the US Constitution.

    But this had been a place for it, a rather obvious place I say:


    Driven through the area many times. Most of our street hookers are vulgar. Pretty near bag ladies.

    When LE cracks down, it doesn't stop it, it just means that they will be too old and too revolting.

    But all of a sudden I saw I real looker. Very rare on our streets. I parked the car and approached her. Latina. Nice full hips. I say that the shaping of the hips is the most distinctive feature of a woman's body. And in a mini-dress and high heels it was impossible to ignore her.

    So I parked the car. As always, I treat all women as civilians. Soon we were in her motel room and proceeding. She was good, between the legs. Her body knew what to do. But between the ears was a different manner. Zero GFE, and she was dissociated.

    I'd dealt with that before, in AMPs. I did her nicely. Then I tried to talk to her. She had to have felt that I really liked her. Usually that is enough to open women up.

    She started saying stupid stuff, trying to make fun of me. She started talking about her BF and the church they go to.

    It was Cathedral of Faith, a notorious early local mega-church. The people who go to it are nuts.

    Dancing around, calling out the name of the idol, believing that eventually he will hear you and get up off the toilet and make it rain on you.

    And she out there on the sidewalk, and I guess her BF somewhere, maybe in the dark. Believing that with this church and their idol, that life will become beautiful, rather than seeing that our society is unfair, wages not enough to live on, the middle-class family existing only to exploit, abandon, and condemn children. So there was nothing they should do to fight back, they are just to keep on calling out the name of the idol.

    This was when I first started to see that the best indicator of when a Hispanic family has been destroyed, is when they've turned to Pentecostalism.

    And then this one turning tricks, and just not having all her wires connected.

    At the SF strip clubs the girls are not like this. They are socially and politically aware, and they know that this society runs on concealed child abuse, often child sexual abuse.


    Check this out, freaky! I had always heard the rumor that Walt Disney was frozen. I assumed it was the truth. But the family strongly denies it. Cremated 2 days after his death, but first embalmed by county licensed embalmer.

    This last would be harder to falsify.

    Disney was heavy smoker, lung cancer took him down quite quickly at the age of 65.

    So he died 12/15/66, after a lengthy stay in the hospital. They had operated to remove a walnut sized tumor from one lung. They instead found they had to remove the entire lung, and it was already into his lymph system.

    Some talk about cryogenic freezing in 1960. But most of the interest started with a 1964 book.

    So this group says they stated in 1969, but here on Wikipedia it says they started 12/10/1966. Maybe someone is planting false info on Wikipedia?



    and then this video about Disney. Though the family has denied it, some do not believe it.

    Why don't they believe the family? I suspect that it is because maybe they think it is the kind of thing he would do. Money, flamboyant, adventurous, and maybe because he seems interested in the occult?

    Here is a video speaking the families story. But I don't see how anything could ever fully substantiate their story. If the world could be fooled, so could the family.


    This is funny:


    Disney was anti-union

    Disney with a Templar group, and the Masons, and AMORC

    Simpsons, making fun of such groups:



    This says that Disney is not frozen, but that's because he did not act fast enough and missed out. But there were communications about it.

    I think it's going to be very hard to ever completely settle this.

    Doors w/ Eddie Vedder

    Robert Plant & Jimmy Page - Light My Fire / Break On Through /... + some Dazed and Confused

    Lady Zep - Rock and Roll

    LADY ZEP - Heartbreaker/Living Loving Maid

    Whole Lotta Love

    Seal Team 6
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    In San Jose, usually hookers and the dancers in the Sunnyvale strip clubs support Born Again Christianity. And of course the homeless do. Everyone at the bottom does.

    But in San Francisco it is the opposite, everyone at the bottom and on the margins knows that Christianity is about lies and denial and that it is the enemy, maybe only being exceeded by the mental health system.

    Their sex workers are self-aware.

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