Anybody ever get (literally) shit faced at a club?

Crazy Town USA
Fair warning, bullet point #2 is hard to process.
But then again, since a stripper wrote it, it might just be.... stripper shit. ;)
Fair warning, bullet point #2 is hard to process.
But then again, since a stripper wrote it, it might just be.... stripper shit. ;)
last commentI had trouble at #1. Is "B’d an L" another euphemism for inseminating your shorts?
I sure am glad I read that, but I really wish I hadn't read it!
Actually though, not much there surprised me, but some of those stories are gross. Good thing humans generally have good immune systems.
i got some cooties at a dive.
I was really drunk with an ATF once and doing DATY, she went to fart and instead shit herself. Does that count?
I didnt read it.
Meanwhile, three hours later, I just realized that "B'd an L" is blowed a load.
@Sal69, did you repeat?
Sure, I laughed and said shit happens. She was terribly embarrassed, went to the bathroom cleaned up and we finished one of the best times I ever had with her she was very appreciative. Still see her once a week or so
True that humans are pretty resilient to most of said nastiness. When I get home from a club regardless of activities I always shower from head to toe prior to bed. Also launder any clothing worn that night.