My new mission statement! I will rain HOLY HELL on the HEADS of the TROLLS and V
From the great beyond
Destroyer of the VILE ATTACK DOGS! I honor the memory of the great Alucard by calling out and demolishing those who POLLUTE TUSCL by UNJUSTLY criticizing others. If you cannot accept anybody who is a little different you are a PATHETIC waste of skin. GO HOME to you lonely house and CRY YOURSELF TO SLEEP you worthless and VILE morons!
Besides, even if I was a HOMOSEXUAL that would be FAR BETTER than an UNATTRACTIVE idiot like you.
What is the matter Dougster? Didn't you MOMMY love you enough?
Who could love a WASTE OF SKIN like you? I suspect you mother abandoned you on the same street corner where the other TROLL MORONS on this site were abandoned!!!