Destroyer of the VILE ATTACK DOGS! I honor the memory of the great Alucard by calling out and demolishing those who POLLUTE TUSCL by UNJUSTLY criticizing others. If you cannot accept anybody who is a little different you are a PATHETIC waste of skin. GO HOME to you lonely house and CRY YOURSELF TO SLEEP you worthless and VILE morons!
You do not know my SEXUAL and GENDER identity SIR and I would ask you to REFRAIN from your IDIOTIC attacks.
Besides, even if I was a HOMOSEXUAL that would be FAR BETTER than an UNATTRACTIVE idiot like you.
What is the matter Dougster? Didn't you MOMMY love you enough?
Who could love a WASTE OF SKIN like you? I suspect you mother abandoned you on the same street corner where the other TROLL MORONS on this site were abandoned!!!
last commentBesides, even if I was a HOMOSEXUAL that would be FAR BETTER than an UNATTRACTIVE idiot like you.
What is the matter Dougster? Didn't you MOMMY love you enough?
Who could love a WASTE OF SKIN like you? I suspect you mother abandoned you on the same street corner where the other TROLL MORONS on this site were abandoned!!!