Getting OTC Outside The Club

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Paying hookers for sex seems to be getting easier.

I had a big push on a project on Monday, came in at 4 am and left at 6pm. Get 'er done. It was a productive day and I decided to reward myself with some titties and beer. I pulled in to the club parking lot and could see that it was dead. I see stripper walking in and recognize her. I've gotten dances from her before. I call her to my car and we talk a bit. She's bummed that its so dead and she needs money for bills. I suggest she skip work and we get a room and she can earn that money on her back.

She wasn't too keen on the idea at first but changed her mind a minute later. We get a room, we do the deed, I pay her $250, and we leave. She later texted me from the club telling me she made $75 after tip out. So it worked out for both of us.

And the question is, have you ever been able to pick up a stripper outside of the club?


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8 years ago
Several times at the Extended Stay America just down the street from the Columbia SC Platinum Plus. None in Atlanta outside of the club so far.
8 years ago
I use to hit one of my favorite places around shift change, talked a few into some fun after they had a bad shift.
8 years ago
Eh, you would have to catch them coming in or leaving during shift change or smoking. Some look good inside and outside but some look like less good outside.
8 years ago
Usually we're ones I knew.
8 years ago
Never had the opportunity while walking into a club as in seeing a girl walking in before she started work.

But I've been able to get girls to leave work early with me while inside the club if the club was dead (I had to pay their tip out to get them out of work early usually).
8 years ago
When I saw the title, I thought you were being redundant, but I see my assumption was incorrect.

To answer the question though, yes I have. Right outside the door, as a matter of fact. She was outside with her suitcase, smoking a cigarette, when I walked up. I'd seen her there before and asked "coming or going?" (It was around shift change time.)

She kind of disgustedly responded with "just getting here, and I already want to go home."

"I could give you a ride home, with a stop off at a hotel."

It took her about thirty seconds to say, "Ok."

A brief discussion of specifics and we were off.
8 years ago
People have posted about such, and it's like what Shadow relates, places where there is a motel that out of town dancers stay at, and where you cross paths with them before even going into the strip club.

I've never seen anything like that myself. But anytime you can just See, Want, Get, with the girl dressed and painted up just like when you first saw her, that is the ultimate power trip.

People have posted about other places where this is common. Anytime dancers are from out of town, away from their usually cares and concerns, I think it will be common.

Of course there is that Truck Stop with a Stripper Pole, Moriarty New Mexico, where the girls live in a motel about 100 ft from the strip club. People say that strippers come there to die.

8 years ago
When was getting hookers OTC hard?
8 years ago
*News flash everyone! Getting hookers is EASY! That'll sell the papers like hot cakes
8 years ago
Someone from Portland said that at the lowest of the dives, the dancers are street hookers.

:) :) :)

8 years ago
A handful of times I've been approached by chicks outside the club (either walking towards the entrance or leaving the club) - never took anyone up on it b/c I did not know them and I'm also not a big extras guy and when I partake it's ITC in the spur of the moment
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