
Bathroom Troll Interview

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Flagooner mentioned in another thread that he's interviewing for the position of bathroom troll ... a position for which, based on his posts, he seems radically under-qualified for. Let's help flagooner achieve his dream by constructing what we think the interview questions might be. To start:

- Name 10 colognes that all cost under $20, and describe how fast each will cause stripper's pussy to get wet

- Describe a situation where you were asked by a drunk customer to choose between Tic Tacs, Mentos, and Certs, and discuss how you resolved the situation



  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "... a position for which he seems radically under-qualified for."
    Really? Because I was thinking just the opposite.

    Just kidding, @Flag. You would be wasting your talent as a bathroom troll. You should be writing for the "Tonight Show."
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    "What do you do, when a customer just took a whiz, and digs in his pocket to hand you a $1 but he hasn't washed his hands yet?"

    "How to you handle an unruly customer like CrazyJoe, that poops in the sink?"
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    "Upperdeckers ... hate 'em, right?"
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I thought he wanted to interview for the job as ladies room attendant/house mom !
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "How would you deal with the stigma of having the single most demeaning job on planet earth? Even 95-yr-old Costco food sample servers will look down on you. "
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Thank you for the support. The more sample questions the better so I can go in as prepared as possible.

    They are still going through my Background Investigation. Hopefully I get invited for the next round in the process.

    I will report back and let you know how it goes.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Sample question for you; How many squares of toilet paper do you hand out prior to a tip ?
    For extra credit ; how many times can paper towel be reused ?
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    If this is real, I wish flagooner the best of luck!!!!
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    One of the funniest things I've seen in a strip club.

    This club in Detroit has both the women's and men's room doors wide open which give direct view into the restrooms. The women's room also happens to be the same one the strippers use as I assume they don't have their own shitter back in the dressing room.

    It's kinda embarrassing as I'm taking a leak and usually a stripper is standing in the doorway talking to the bathroom troll.

    Anyway sitting at a table I see a toilet must have overflowed in the women's restroom as water comes gushing out onto the floor in the hallway. This hallway is the same hallway that goes into the dressing room so there's always a lot of traffic.

    As I watch the water coming out on the floor a dancer comes out of the dressing room and takes a dive when she slips on the water, which is strange since the floor is carpet. Then as she's laying on the floor another stripper comes out and falls flat on her face as well.

    I laughed. And I'm an asshole for doing that but oh well!
  • hump_my_leg_12346
    7 years ago
    "What item from the local car wash should we add to the compliment of products available?"
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    When you brush the lint off a PLs clothes, should the lint brush be rubbed in an upward or a downward motion?

    How many paper towels are required to wipe up the average cum in pants stain? Assume dark pants for purposes of this question.

    How long must you waive your hands to get the average paper towel dispenser to work? Same question for motion activated sinks.

    What is the most you can charge a desperate PL for a condom.until he reaches the point that he'll just take the risk and fuck her raw.
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