
Compliments form strippers & OTC, How often?

Monday, June 5, 2017 9:50 AM
Goosman's post "Am I Willing to Risk it All?" made me wonder: How often do strippers act like they really like you during a dance? When a stripper compliments you or acts like she's really into you, how often is it just SS compared to how often it leads to something OTC. Also, do you like it when strippers act that way or would you prefer them to be a little less personal while still giving a good dance?


  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    yahtzee, I think this displays some off thinking: "how often is it just SS compared to how often it leads to something OTC." insincere compliments ("stripper shit") and OTC are not opposites. She might compliment you as part of her hustle, whether or not she wants to go OTC with you. She might compliment you sincerely, whether or not she wants to go OTC with you. These topics are orthogonal. The best policy, IMO, is: enjoy compliments for what they are, but assume they are hustle until they're proven not to be hustle (and it's not easy to prove that). Pursue OTC regardless, these things have little to do with each other. Not picking nits here -- I think this is an important point.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    Once again i agree with Subraman the Sagacious. Strippers may compliment me during dances or VIPs regardless of whether they want to see me OTC or not. You ser, strippers, being people and not (necessarily) just whores, sometimes just like us . . . or they want a bigger tip . . . or they want us as regulars . . . or they want to see us OTC . . . or some combination of the above. I will say that the 3 strippers I've seen OTC, and a couple of others that I swung and missed with, we're all quite complimentary and fun to be with, not just sexually seductive.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    When most people here refer to OTC i think we mean paid OTC. Your question seems like you are asking if she compliments you does that mean she wants to hang out with you for free on the outside of the club. the answer..Not likely but not completely impossible either.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    I prefer the intimacy, even if it's fake. That's part of the fantasy I'm paying for - a hot chick that's really into me. Interestingly, I've had a decent run with OTC, and in all cases it began with a stripper providing GFE ITC. When I've done OTC with a stripper that didn't provide GFE ITC, the OTC date has been terrible 100% of the time. There's some merit to SJG's front room makout theory. LOL!
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    How do you know if it's real or stripper shit? If she isn't asking you for money or some other type of monetary benefit, it's real. If it only comes with the premis of or expectation of money or benefit to her, then it's stripper shit.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I'm pretty good at telling whether they are sincere or not and it really doesn't matter either way. What ever they say isn't going to influence my spending. Some of them are so ridiculous that I just have to LOL. Like a 22 yo black chick telling me, a 75 yo white dude, that I am the sexist guy in the room.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    LOL - as long as you are paying her don't count on anything being genuine - not saying it absolutely can't be; but most likely not - and even if it is what she still cares about is getting paid (w/ rare exceptions). In the end it doesn't matter - you are paying her and she's trying to please you - it's just a service she's providing- and that most of us wanna receive. If you are looking for a reciprocal "romantic connection" the strip-club is not the place. And as ButterMan mentioned; OTC in the TUSCL context is meant as a paid "date"; not a romantic date - OTC and ITC are the same, i.e. paid-services just in different locations.
  • londonguy
    7 years ago
    It's SS 99% of the time. If not more.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Front room makeout is how you let the girl get real with you. You always want to get her off script, and starting with your very first interactions with her. Find a girl you would like to be waking up in the mornings with, and approach her with that in mind. SJG Eden Ahbez - Nature Boy [view link] [view link] Jon Hassel [view link] Celine Dion, the one I like. [view link] Church of Satan [view link] London's Windmill Theater [view link] [view link]
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    You know that a strippers compliments are not SS if she starts fucking you for free. In 20 + years of strip clubbing, I've only had one stripper whose compliments I knew were genuine.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    My experience is different. The girls more often than not are quite real. They have motives beyond just money. SJG
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ That's because they want to be a part of your organization.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    They don't know about it yet, but that is a very good point and exactly how I expect it to work. Flagooner +10 SJG She's A Lady [view link] In the organization I am building it will always be at least this good.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    A little devil's advocate, as well as anal-retentive hair-splitting. Of these claims: 1. She wouldn't be complimenting you if you weren't pay her 2. Even if she does compliment you, it doesn't mean she's interested sexually or romantically 3. All of her compliments are insincere I certainly agree with #1 and #2. I'm less sure about #3. Put yourself in the stripper's 6" clear heels for a moment. There's little reason to make up bullshit compliments ... most people are not so repulsive from head to toe that you can't find a single redeeming quality. It's not hard to come up with a genuine compliment, so why risk coming off like the girl who tells Shadowcat he's the hottest guy in the club? Hell, even without monetary motivation like a stripper has, I can find ways to compliment people. I have a fat friend who I hugged, and her perfume smelled amazing, and I told her so. Doesn't mean I'm romantically interested, she's still fat and I wouldn't let her suck my dick (although I might pass her number to Chess and Papi), but the compliment was sincere. There are things that I get complimented on by civilian dates and strippers alike. Does that mean the strippers are lying whereas the civilians who give me the exact same compliment aren't, or does it mean they managed to find something to compliment me on? It's only when someone is uncomplimentable that the girls go to the outlandish ("You, 70 year old man, are the hottest guy in the club") or the old standbys for the totally repulsive ("Your eyes are so beautiful!")(And yes, I hear that one sometimes, always bums me out LOL) Anyway, just throwing that big meatball out there.
  • yahtzee74
    7 years ago
    Thanks for the insight everyone. For the record, I meant paid or free OTC.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ".... , she's still fat and I wouldn't let her suck my dick ..." Oh you of little faith - big-girls give great head - they often aim to please - you're missing out mon
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I don't know about you guys but when the strippers compliment me they really mean it ! Ha Aside to @subraman fat girls give the best head they are always hungry.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ yeah - just make sure they are fed b/f giving you head lest you end up missing an appendage
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^They seem to like the whip cream straight from the can
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    Honestly, I'd prefer them to be honest with me. You don't have to be brutal, but don't lie and say I'm handsome when I'm ugly to rather I'd prefer if they say I'm ugly but have a great personality because I do ^_^ Though I could really be handsome I don't know
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    Not often but then again my boyish good looks, pleasing french cologne aroma, and large vise grip hands understandably make them nervous...dirty old men are easier for them psychologically ironically.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    It's tough for the young guys. They tell us this SS, and it could actually be true, but you have to assume everything is SS until proving otherwise.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I know, right? Having this slammin' body sometimes is a curse. The girls can't help themselves when they see me in my red skinny jeans.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I purposely try to dress in a way as to not look provocative to them - after all they are working and I don't want to distract them.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I generally get compliments for having a muscular body and I do work out so I would assume some of those comments are sincere. But I take everything with a grain of salt. I had one dancer who kept commenting that she thought I was so handsome, so much so it was overkill and obvious SS. I know I'm relatively attractive, I've had unsolicited compliments on my looks from women not known to me given to friends and colleagues who tell me about them. But this was ridiculous. I would prefer comments to be sincere, but I know its part of the hustle. I generally know when to call BS, but every now and then we all get caught up especially if it's a girl we find particularly hot. OTC is not the end all be all for me. I'll take it when I can get it at the right price. But there is not a correlation between complements and OTC in my book. Mostly it is to get the most money from you in during the visit and to set things up for future visits.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    If they compliment my looks they are either really drunk or it's SS.
  • dallas702
    7 years ago
    Though I occasionally get a dance from a stripper who is entirely focused of doing the job, most of the time the dancer will attempt to show some interest in me (most do realize that they are selling something!) Acting like they care for me is just a small step beyond acting like they are interested enough in me to enjoy dancing for me. And yes, I know comments on how big my tool is, is stripper shit, but it doesn't hurt my feelings to be lied to in that case!
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