Suggestions For Additional Ways For Founder To Make Money
They never tell you what you need to know.
- TUSCL Official Cookbook. I think jackslash and Juice could fill up this one on their own.
- Counseling sessions offered by randommember.
- Warhawks can offer guided tours through Detroit.
- JS69 could offer "stripper legal advice."
- Shadowcat can offer a group session to all the PLs that can't get laid inside the club.
- I can offer a course on "creative ways to use your corporate credit card inside a strip club."
- Fishstix can offer on how to keep your yogurt cold even if your lunch isn't until 6th period.
- TUSCL stalking tactics. Have a stripper that was a ROB? Ss there a whale inside your favorite club that keeps taking up your favorite dancer's time and you can't take out a third mortgage to overspend him? We'll sick SJG on them and annoy the shit out of them so bad that the stripper will quit working for good and the whale will start going to bingo nights at the local VFW instead of strip clubs.
- Frugal Ways To Save. We'll get LDK82 to post all the coupons and free admissions to clubs throughout the USA so you can save some money going to your favorite club. As an added bonus, LDK82 will throw in the location of all the tranny street walkers within a 2 mile radius of your preferred club, that way you'll never go home with blue balls.
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You have representation from most professions. I guess we're just missing a few doctors and then tuscl could formally secede from the union.
Especially for those located in the North Carolina area...
Mexican hat/table dance sites for those in the Southern California area...
A symposium on how to write in proper English. By professor Tiityfag.
Well, I do offer therapy sessions for psychotic right-wing nutcases who have a tenuous grasp of reality and who spin endless conspiracy theories. We have a few right here on TUSCL. I have to charge more, though, since they're more difficult. There's also the risk that the might pull a timothy McVeigh on my office building.
Neither side is immune from the whack jobs.