Detailed analysis of DNC leaks
If you have a 15 second attention span, or read at a 5th grade level, or are incapable of logical thinking, don't click on these links.
Part 1…
Part 2…
Part 3…
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Part 2…
Part 3…
But the theory that Ted Cruz's dad faked the moon landing is non-brilliant. Everybody knows that was George H W Bush in close collaboration with Bigfoot! ;)
Joking aside, I think anonlvone should really look up Occam's razor!
...or maybe one of those $60K H1B code monkeys we've been talking about.
Really? I mean... really?
Snopes article --> "In 2011, Corsi published a book propagating the false claim that President Barack Obama was born in Africa and not in the U.S. Corsi also claimed at the time that Trump had told him “his own computer expert” had determined Obama’s long-form birth certificate was computer-generated (i.e., a forgery). Trump denied making such an allegation." --> END QUOTE… [Link: - 2017/05/22/infowars-temporary-press-pass/]
anonlvone, Do you have another, perhaps more reputable source for these DNC allegations? That would really help our discussion here to progress.
Snopes has ZERO credibility. I'm not even going to bother to explain that. You can research them for yourself.
And my head spins how anyone could think that Jerome Corsi heads InfoWars. You've never even visited the site once, if you are actually going to believe that.
Fake news would be CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times, etc, all of whom said Trump had no chance of winning the primary, much less the election, based on their fraudulent polling. InfoWars correctly predicted that Trump would win.
Infowars routinely makes predictions that come true, routinely covers news that isn't covered by the MSM until months or even years later, or never at all.
And for the record, Obamination was born in Africa. I've seen photographs from his college yearbooks in which he admits to being a foreign student. There's a reason all of his college records are sealed.
His birth certificate has been proven to be a forgery.…
The Hawaiian official who supposedly verified his birth certificate conveniently died in a plane crash just weeks after a discrepancy was discovered in her tax statements.…
Apparently her income was less than $100,000 per year, but around the time that she verified Obamas information, NOT his certificate, she made mortage and other debt payments totaling $150,000 to 175,000. However, as soon as this became public, she conveniently died before anyone could question her.
Here's an article discussing the research that explains why:…
You're on ignore too, you fucking loser.