
Lost In Translation: PL Extras Edition

Scanning the room from the back
Sunday, May 14, 2017 2:29 AM
So I'm at an extras club as some business took me in the direction. I get in and need to go to the bathroom first thing. On my way, I pass my weakness personified: An enhanced, busty, hot blonde MILF. No tattoos, black lingerie, neck choker, chin-length hair, yum. We make eye contact and smile on my way in and out of the bathroom, but she's with another customer. I go order a soda and walk to a good standing spot. She disengages from the customer, I move toward her path, we catch eyes and say "Hi." Before we even share names, she asks if I want dances and I say sure. On our way up, she asks if I'm from around. I'm not, but say yes and mention some other area clubs. I got the feeling that was her way of feeling out if I knew extras were available. I even mention a dancer I got dances from the last time I was at the club. Turns out, they're friends from the day shift. She says I have great taste. When we get in the room, she sits on my lap and I start kneading her back between her shoulder blades. She melts, says she loves it and needs it due to her enhancements. When I hit a knot, I feel it and she moans an approval. She asks if I want to have real fun. I say yeah, but ask about price. She quotes me a ridiculous number for a beej. I toss out something much more reasonable and she agrees. I tell her I just got there, though, and that we'd moved so fast that she might need to take her time to get me excited. She said that was fine and started with lappers. During the first song, she complements my shirt, my soft hands and how I smell really nice in matter-of-fact ways that come off as earnest. If it's SS, she's damn good at it. She's letting me touch everywhere and by the end of the second song, she's cooing as I stroke her pink nub under the only garment she's still wearing. She decides she wants to start with the main event, so she gets in position, gets past my slacks and discovers my red silk boxers. "Wow," she says, pawing at them. "This is nice. Every customer needs to be like you. This is fun." She goes to work. She's good at what she does and I reach full attention. A little while later, she stops and, again, matter-of-factly and in a bit of disbelief, says, "This is actually a pretty nice cock." "Thanks," I say, as she just kind of holds it and looks at it. I'll spare you what I said about how the shape works well to hit good spots inside, but given I'm moreso average than pornstar-size, I'm thinking she was literally talking the whole package. Up to this point, this has felt anything but mechanical. She's personalized every part of the interaction at a realistic level of appreciation, hasn't been too dramatically fake and saying stuff other dancers and non-dancers say about me. So when she springs the next line on me while she's holding Little Jim, I think I've simply hit the "good customer chemistry" jackpot, and/or, especially given what I just said and how she seems to like what's going on in a comfortable way, she just wants to try me on because she can: "Wanna do full for free?" I don't even think about it. "Uh, sure." She smiles, says she has a cover and bounces to her purse. I lost a little oomph during that time, so she resumes her previous activity to get me back to full-mast, applies the cover with her mouth, then hops on. Fun for both of us. She asks me to get on top. In the process of trying, things again soften, so I ask if I can dine instead. She doesn't get all the way there before my knees just can't take the floor anymore. I ask if she can just go back to the original agreement to finish things off, we reverse back to me seated and she picks up the pace nicely to completion. I go to give her the agreed-upon amount, count it out, then pull an extra couple $20s out. "This is for tremendous service," I say. But she says, "Well, wait -- didn't we go up to three?" That's when I realized: She didn't want to do full for free. She wanted to do full for $3. (Think about it.) Oh. Ah. OK. Didn't even occur to me. It was a great time, so I just gave it to her, though as we were leaving, I told her why I was confused and we both laughed. She insisted I take her phone number. Shame I want staying in the area, I think we could have resumed elsewhere. Goes to show you, even when you think you've negotiated a price, sometimes, you haven't negotiated a price.


  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    oops... i hate that when that happens. sometimes it's hard to understand every word in a noisy environment.
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Great story and great writing. Yes, I've lost almost 50% hearing in one ear...been where you wound up on several occasions - not the free part, but mishearing the price or some other detail. Still sounds like a great time!
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    It sounds like you both handled that very gracefully. Definitely important to clarify if a dancer ever says "for free".
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    She asked "Do you wanna dance?" I said "yes" because I thought that she said "Does my ass look fat in these pants". :)
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Well - I can see where "free" sounds like "three" when you have a dick in your mouth! lol couldn't resist!
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I've had miscommunication due to language barriers, add that in with loud music and I think every extras-buying PL has had it happen at least once.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Wow $3 is a good price for full service. I've got to stop overpaying.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Well, all the lines she told you were ALL SS...but still fun to hear. I bet she said "free". I'd bet on it.
  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    How hard is it to keep a fucking erection? Christ!
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