
FIV or 1&Done

Washington DC
Thursday, May 11, 2017 5:06 PM
Dude if a girl wont give you the FIV do you continue to get dances from her if you are looking for ITC Extra's or OTC Extra's? I don't and I've been getting messages from guys asking me about dancers and I'm seeing a pattern in the flakes and ROB's. Any feedback?


  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    FIV is not part of a standard lap-dance thus I would not hold-it against the dancer if she says no - FIV is not a must-have for me so if I get some cool if not cool - if its something one absolutely wants then that's more of an extras thing to be negotiated and agreed upon.
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    FIV on first song is pretty aggressive....I guess it is a way to find the more liberal dancers but I wouldn't use it as a one and done strategy. I tend to go for the best looking girls in the club not the easiest.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Common stripper talk.... "Thank you, you're the first guy tonight that hasn't been a douche and tried to stick your finger in my pussy on the first dance." - I hear that all too often. Strippers will guide you on what they will allow during a lapdance.
  • gunrack
    7 years ago
    One dancer allows FIV only during a vip session. She won't allow that for regular LDs....make sense.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Some women don't so much go with FIV. Especially if they are PMS, water retention. But DUDE, front room! Front room makeout session. Buying dances is a chump's game. Make it happen with her front room. Give her respect money, but not money to buy anything. Front room make out session. Then, when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room. Then after that take her home with you to continue. SJG Priestess Tarot Card, and the veil. [view link] Usually there is a veil shown, often hung up beind her. [view link] Is this 2nd Major Arcanum, The Priestess, part of the inspiration behind Crowley's 1913 Gnostic Mass, and the curtains. The Priestess ends up sitting on the altar, between the Jachin and Boaz columns, and sometimes behind a curtain. In part this is influenced by the Eastern Orthodox. Crowley wrote his Gnostic Mass in 1913, while in Moscow. But is this also related to the Priestess Tarot Card? [view link] Large enough to read tarot card writing: [view link]
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Why do u keep posting the same words in the same chronological order SJG? Don't u have anything better to do?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Gaffigan, we have a size which will fit you: [view link] SJG
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    When you say FIV, do you mean some manual stimulation of the pussy or are you actually trying to literally slip a finger in the vagina aka fingerbang? Cause that is pretty damn aggressive on a first song. Some dancers are germaphobes about that sort of thing, and i don't blame then considering what bad hygiene many strip club patrons have as well as all the handling with dirty cash. Some cheap people will avoid washing their hands to stiff the bathroom troll or maybe they just don't wash their hands much in general. Anyway, most dancers will not be cool for letting you do that for $20-$30, if they let you do it at all. Although the ones that do will probably be straight up whores so maybe that is a good criteria for ITC or OTC action. What is weird is there were a couple dancers that did allow me to slip one in a bit but didn't want me playing with her clit or spreading her lips out when usually it's the other way around; i can touch pretty much everything but they get noticeably squirrelly when i start to tinker with the warm moist hole, but even then it's usually not on the first song. i guess every girl is different on her limits. In which case i almost always tip for such services, or FIV will likely become only a VIP/Room activity.
  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    FIV in a standard dance? You must live in an ultra-high mileage market.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I don't think there's always a straightforward "if she won't do THIS, then she definitely won't do THAT". There are strippers who will blow you but not kiss you. I know at least one girl who will let me fingerbang her asshole but not her pussy. And I get it ... easy to get a pussy infection, and to let just any guy -- even if you don't know the last time he washed his hands -- shove his fingers inside her? Totally get why a girl who is open to FS or CBJ would not necessarily be thrilled with a first-time customer trying to stick his dirty fingers inside her
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