With her experience I would think she'd be able to move to the House of Representatives and make a few dollars more an hour.
The trauma in her life has kept her from elevating her options, combined with a child. Too bad she didn't know the consequences before life got ahold of her when she was young.
The girls situation sounds very similar to DS III, the results of a drug addicted mother who raises a stripper. But it's not the government or the employers fault. $10 an hour is a fair wage for a cafeteria worker.
Because if it wasn't fair she would quit and work a different job. They aren't forcing her to work there. If she quit, someone else would take the job.
It saddens me that, according to the article, single moms are 5x more likely to live in poverty.
Everyone who works full time and contributes to society should be paid a wage they can live off of, this isn't a damn third world country.
We're supposed to be the richest country but tons of people are still poor and still sick and we still have cities with poisoned drinking water. Socialist countries seem better than America right now.
"Everyone who works full time and contributes to society should be paid a wage they can live off of, this isn't a damn third world country. "
I understand where you are coming from, but not all jobs are intended to provide a wage that supports a family.
People need to acquire the skills to enable them to get a job that will allow them to support themselves and not just do the minimum and expect handouts to take care of them.
@nina we're the richest because we stiff the poor. Our monetary worth is based off the sum of the few super rich and a medium of all the "regular" rich in the country. Purely currency wise anyway. This doesn't include a whole bunch of other factors either
Unless you agree that the poor are poor because they are stupid there is no reason to be poor .I work for a community college and there aren't any barriers to being a student here. We have some programs where students are making over $25.00 after one year and some that have six figures with an Associates degree. Germans will tell you "The Will is All". They are right.
Nina, socialist countries don't pay you to survive. The social safety net in the US is the best in the world for the poorest of people. It's the working poor and middle class who have the worst deal, mainly because we don't have national health care.
"Nina, socialist countries don't pay you to survive."
Please don't put words in my mouth, thanks in advance.
My point was, since I'm apparently expected to be a regurgitation machine, people who work 40+ hours a week should be able to live off that. The "greatest and richest" country shouldn't have so many actual full-time workers living in poverty.
I'm sure I'll raise the ire of many liberals on this board, but that has never stopped me before.
Brief econ (and logic) lesson: Private companies have a responsibility to make profit. If they don't, they go bankrupt and unemployment goes up. The former employees then earn less (nothing).
Mandating minimum pay rates reduces the number of employees a company will hire because employers will stop hiring once the incremental benefit no longer outweighs the incremental cost. Why would I hire someone at $15/hour if their contribution only produces $14.99 (or even if they could produce $20 if that extra $5 can be better invested, but let's keep it simple). This also inreases unemployment.
In fact, I don't agree with minimum wages at all. If you are worth more than you are getting paid, renegotiate your compensation or find a new job where you can get what you are worth. An employer would rather give a raise to an employee that deserves it than lose him/her. The job description may just need to change a little so that the other workers wouldn't have grounds for complaints.
This is another reason I am all for bonus pay above the flat pay scale, it provides incentives for employees to excel.
last commentThe trauma in her life has kept her from elevating her options, combined with a child. Too bad she didn't know the consequences before life got ahold of her when she was young.
Everyone who works full time and contributes to society should be paid a wage they can live off of, this isn't a damn third world country.
We're supposed to be the richest country but tons of people are still poor and still sick and we still have cities with poisoned drinking water. Socialist countries seem better than America right now.
I understand where you are coming from, but not all jobs are intended to provide a wage that supports a family.
People need to acquire the skills to enable them to get a job that will allow them to support themselves and not just do the minimum and expect handouts to take care of them.
Please don't put words in my mouth, thanks in advance.
My point was, since I'm apparently expected to be a regurgitation machine, people who work 40+ hours a week should be able to live off that. The "greatest and richest" country shouldn't have so many actual full-time workers living in poverty.
I'm sure I'll raise the ire of many liberals on this board, but that has never stopped me before.
Brief econ (and logic) lesson:
Private companies have a responsibility to make profit. If they don't, they go bankrupt and unemployment goes up. The former employees then earn less (nothing).
Mandating minimum pay rates reduces the number of employees a company will hire because employers will stop hiring once the incremental benefit no longer outweighs the incremental cost. Why would I hire someone at $15/hour if their contribution only produces $14.99 (or even if they could produce $20 if that extra $5 can be better invested, but let's keep it simple). This also inreases unemployment.
In fact, I don't agree with minimum wages at all. If you are worth more than you are getting paid, renegotiate your compensation or find a new job where you can get what you are worth. An employer would rather give a raise to an employee that deserves it than lose him/her. The job description may just need to change a little so that the other workers wouldn't have grounds for complaints.
This is another reason I am all for bonus pay above the flat pay scale, it provides incentives for employees to excel.