
Dealing with multiple strippers simultaneously?

Sunday, April 23, 2017 12:39 PM
I don't mean you hang with one stripper, then she leaves and another one sits with you. I'm talking that vegas style 2+ at a time. It seems interesting. Especially if the stripper your talking to has a hot friend that also pique your interest. Anyone ever done it and know how that works


  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    It costs a lot of money for drinks when you party with several strippers.
  • GACA
    7 years ago
    Ya. Usually two strippers agree to work together to fleece a potential whale. It's really no strain in the customers as the girls aren't competing for dollars and attention. So it's awesome for me when that happens because there is more to grope and suck on. Plus conversations are never stale one of then always have something to add
  • GACA
    7 years ago
    But yeah drinks to get Hella expensive
  • grand1511
    7 years ago
    Can anyone from Utah chime in?
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    I only have one dick, so...
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    Lol I probably should find a club in NY that's BYOB because strippers can drink
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    If the girls are into each other it works best. For strippers and for whatever else. I've had times when it was girls partnering up and that can be very good, but it's a whole level when the girls are really into each other. Lately I've been chatting with a current fave to see what she can do with a bi-curious dancer we both like.
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    My former ATF kinda ran things with the other strippers during afternoon shifts at her club, so whenever we were hanging out at the front of the house, there was always 1 or 2 other girls sitting with us (girls who she could trust to not try to steal me from her during her stage sets). She would get them to make out with me and give my little me a few stripper handshakes under the table. And yes I'd feel obligated to buy these girls a drink or two and tip them on stage, buy they knew where they were on the pecking order and didn't try any SS on me. Actually had some amazing conversations with a few of them since they didn't see me as a mark/customer, a lot of good club gossip, and we'd talk strategy about which PL they should go after. Anyways, one time when the ATF's aunt flo was visiting, she hand picked one of the other girls at a discounted rate to go down with us for a threesome. I usually would have just done a BJ and call it day, but she didn't warn me before hand and I had planned on more fun than that. Not really my type, but a great girl who needed some cash at the end of the month. Just cost 100 more than her normal full service rate and the VIP bouncer didn't bat an eye at the ordeal. Not sure it was super worth it since it was a pretty tight squeeze in the booth, and ultimately, it was a double BJ that finished in RCG with the other girl while I DFK'd with the ATF. A bucket list item nonetheless.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    It used to happen to me quite frequently on the day shift at the Columbia Platinum Plus when I was a regular there. It was not unusual to have 3 or 4 girls just sitting a bull shitting with me. I kind of felt like I was getting preferential treatment as the girls would talk like I was just one of them. I rarely bought them drinks but they all got dances with me before I left. On one such occasion, There were four of them and just for fun I asked "who wants to fuck?" I got 2 yes's, a no and 1 maybe. :) Good times.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    It's VERY common for me to be with my ATF, and her friends hang out with us. In that case, I make it clear that I'll keep them in tequila, but not buying dances. Sometimes, I have two faves there and I'll be willing to get dances from both of them. In that case, 99% of the time I plan to do SEPARATE VIPs with them. Two-girl VIPs are just plain not as good as one-girl, not as intimate, and definitely not worth twice the cost. So, the advantage of the way I do it. We start off all drinking together, usually until I pick a girl to do a VIP with first. After that, the second girl (who isn't get to get a VIP for another hour) of course still sticks around. The first girl (who just got her VIP) will usually stick around also, but sometimes run off to get dances with someone else and then come back afterwards to drink and banter more. It's a pretty fun scene, but I do strongly prefer the first scenario: one CF I'll do dances with, and her stripper BFFs use our table as home base
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    This is one of those situations in which women's behaviour is similar to real life: strippers, in my experience, will begin acting like women in the real world. It seems innocent and fun to have 2 of them interact with me and each other at first, but so often it turns into jealousy. One woman at a time for me, whether stripper or any other type of woman
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    As already stated, drink prices start adding up.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I usually just hang with one stripper but there have been exceptions. Once the DS had a dozen strippers at my table. I paid for them all to strip and do a single table dance simultaneously. It was hot but not worth the money. And whenever I hung out with DS III her best friend was usually with us because they did most things together. They gave great three way dances. But I never fucked the friend cause she had a boyfriend.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Estafador! Estafador! Estafador! SJG Ginger Baker's Air Force (Jazz and Rock, 1970) Full Show w/ Graham Bond and a pair of young hotties [view link]
  • jaredlucas
    7 years ago
    I've done this three times Itc. Aside from getting expensive it can be quite fun. 2 of the three times I went VIP with two very nice ladies I ended up getting a no charge Bj from one of the ladies. We started on the floor and took it VIP after everybody was in a playful mood. Both times this happened Itc the "other" girl would not give. Bj but she let me DFK as well as masturbate her to orgasm which Was a lot fun. Nothing better that having someone coming and moaning in your ear while getting a great bj. Because you have two girls working you over the price is double so you can rack up a big bill quick. I've duplicated this outside the club a number times as well with no reluctance on part of girl who wouldn't do oral in the club. Full menu of fun OTC each time
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    not only is it more expensive but usually I'm not interested in one of them. the real question is how to tell the one you want to tell her friend to kick rocks w/o being an asshole?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @chessmaster, just tell her its your money, why do you care what she thinks anyway ? I bet you get more respect not buying drinks and spending on who you want else they mark you for a pushover. Me personally would rather be an asshole than a mark.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    "the real question is how to tell the one you want to tell her friend to kick rocks w/o being an asshole?" When the dancer you want understands her future earnings are at risk she'll take care of that for you. If her friend being there is more important that her customer service, that's answering a different question.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I've gotten better results in San Francisco by playing one girl off against another, at a local club too. But especially in San Francisco, it makes the costs of the event go up substantially. SJG
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    multiple girls in vegas was fun but expensive. did it in LA a couple of times. even tj.
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