When rating the looks of a women over a certain age, like around 45-50 and up, do you adjust for age?
For example, say there is a 50 y o MILF who is more attractive than 99% of the women her age. While such a woman is beautiful, she will still probably pale in comparison to a gorgeous young woman who is at the peak of her sexual attractiveness in her 20s or early 30s .
Adjusting for age, a 50 year old woman who is more attractive than 99% of the women her age, would be a 9.5 or a 10. But if you don't adjust for age, she might be an 8 or an 8.5 simply because so many younger women will have an advantage over her just by virtue of their age.
So do you adjust for age when ranking older women or not?
Just a quick question, why does this subject come up over and over with you JS ? Is there something you are looking for? BTW I love women of all ages, I don't find the younger ones you seem to like so much to be sexually appealing, my preference is over thirty and able to hold an adult conversation. I would feel like a pedophile trying to have sex with an 18 or 19 year old, just doesn't stimulate me.
It kind of like when you walk down the street, you notice all the attractive young women. Older women and men are just a blur. So who rates them? They just fade into the scenery.
(Well I, should correct that, jestie214 is very big on what other guys look like and what kinds of clothes and shoes they are wearing. And RickyBoy is on the lookout for possible bouncers to grease. SJG looking for mexican hat dance boys....)
@25: Maybe JS69 missed on part of his adolescence and early college party so is trying to make up for it now? But for some reason, maybe partly the flak he gets her feels a tinge of guilt about it?
@Dougster It wasn't flak it was my honest opinion, JS & myself have met and he is actually IRL a nice guy, and a rather generous person. I disagree but still think of him as a friend.
Wow, we are getting very judgemental and critical. I also prefer more mature dancers compared to teens or early 20's, but I am certainly not going to criticize anyone else for their preference. After all, we are commenting on dancers and strip clubs, this is not church we are talking about. I for one am glad that JS likes younger girls as I sometimes go to clubs he visits and I would rather he increase the expectations for compensation on the pool of dancers which are not my primary interest. Seriously, as long as the contributors are keeping it legal, why does it matter? It can just not be our choice.
Why do I bring up the subject of rating women by their looks? On a web site for guys who are devoted to using women for sexual gratification? How silly of me. From now on I'll try to only post about politics and taking a shit.
I suspects it more a chase of JS needing to out do everyone. For instance, JS didn't have an ATF like the rest of us chumps. He found a "Dream Stripper". So JS one up on the rest of TUSCL. Now he has a girlfriend around his age. Oh, wait, that's not much of an accomplishment is it. Got to cast her as a "Dream Civvie". But wait he still has to one up us. But that's gonna be hard with some guys dating younger women. Can he pull it off? Oh, maybe if looks were adjusted by age... Yeah, that's the ticket. Keep JS69 #1!
Same answer as jester. At some point, "for her age" gets added.
For my obviously-superior crowd-sourced rating system, which I'll remind you is: - Head-turner: some heads turn as she walks by - Wave: there's a wave of turning heads as she walks by, that is palpable to an observer watching - Wow: guys stop what they're doing, grab their friends to show them, or say things, when she walks by
This doesn't change. No need to add qualifiers, the crowd decides. The hottest 45+ woman I've dated, who was very attractive for her age, was a head-turner. I can't imagine even .1% of 50-year-olds getting to even Wave level. Maybe among older-guys only.
If an older milf has dick sucking lips, do you still fuck her mouth? Or is she too old to turn you on like that so you pay $150 for 20 yr olds to do it instead?
A beautiful woman is beautiful no matter her age. As long as women walk, talk and think it will not be solely about her age in my opinion. Physical beauty is at the top of the list for me when considering whether to get a dance from a stripper or date a civilian girl. But as soon as we get to the walking, talking, thinking stage the whole package comes into play.
In the past brief five years I've been addicted to strip clubs I have met and screwed plenty of women, mostly dancers. However, two former dancers I've met and had relationships with in that time are in their late 40s. Best damn time I've ever had and top notch sex. Age means experience and experience counts. Especially when she's gorgeous.
No way a beautiful 50 year old woman can compare physically with a 20 year old hard body. Just the same as that 20 can't hold a candle in nearly all other ways to the fine looking 50 year old woman. At what point a woman's greatest attributes cannot overcome her loss of physical beauty, well that's different for every woman. I've known plenty who lost their looks before age 30, mostly by getting fat. Others, like the two I mentioned above, still have it going on close to age 50.
Some women like Sophia Loren still look great at over 80, but today she has long passed that point I would want to have a romp with her. Christie Brinkley, at 60 still looks great and I wouldn't hesitate to find out how much the photos are retouched. In today's world the majority of women though, physically, don't have what it takes to grab my attention after 45. Especially in a strip club.
So John, age matters to me but it just isn't the only thing. As long as they walk, talk, and think there will be more than looks involved in whether I'm interested or not. But in the SC looks matter way, way more. And youth often translates to beauty on stage. Not every woman is DS material regardless of her age.
I find myself applying different standardsto each group, and I'd have to guess the reason is that I'm asking myself if an older hottie is a possible mate for me. A younger hottie, I know better.
I can't say I adjust for age. If she's attractive, she's attractive. I can think of a few women who are 45+ that no 20-year-old can hold a candle to, IMO.
Hey I see 40ish MILFS every Sunday down at our local park you'd die for. A few hours back, I was there and this one brunette was instant boner material.
I recently was given the gift of viewing a 40ish mother of 2 in a Costco. I'd ranki her an 11 on every scale. I still have a clear picture of her in my mind. I'd put her up against any 20 year old I've ever seen.
1. First off I love Dougsters comment about JS69, totally accurate - and I appreciate JS69s creativity.
2. When you think of 18 year old strippers, everyone thinks of JS69. When you think of MILF strippers I'd like you to think of me, I love MILF strippers, there's something that so hot and rare finding a late 30s stripper who is still hot. My last 3 favorite strippers, two are over 40 and one is 37. I am under 40. I can relate to these women, I can't relate to a 19 year old and I like to talk during sex!!!! Lol
I think you can't discount a woman on her age if she's hot. She's still a 10, for a 40 year old. You can't say she's hot, but she's an 8 because she's 40.
Take for example a pristine 68 corvette versus a 17 corvette. Yes the 17 is faster, arguable better made, more eifficient, safer, etc etc. But is it BETTER than the 68? No it's not, its only better in the eye of the beholder. lol Fishsticks may prefer the 17, where I would take the 68. Birth are fine choices for anyone but some guys prefer one over the other.
Do I adjust for age? No. If I meet a gorgeous 18 year old who clearly hasn't reached physical maturity yet, I'm not going to give her extra points because I can tell that in a few years she's gonna be a Perfect 10. So why would I give extra points to the 45 year old who clearly was once a Perfect 10 but whose beauty is now fading?
Only other comment I want to make, is that age doesn't automatically equate with maturity. Generally yeah, but there are always exceptions. I recently met a 32 year old stripper who had been dancing for a decade and clearly hadn't learned anything during that entire time. On the other hand I know an 18 now going on 19 year old stripper who is probably more mature than most women twice her age.
I don't adjust for age when rating attractiveness. I just doesn't make sense, in terms of strippers. Either she's hot or she's not. Especially in an age where genes, physiology, and cosmetics have been refined to the point where a 17 year old can look 27 and a 47 year old can look 25. What was that other thing Chris Rock said? "If a woman tells you she's 20, and looks 16 - she's 12 If she tells you she's 26 and LOOKS 26 - she's damn near 40!" Now, it's 2017, and we can move that upper limit past 50.
Do I adjust the looks rating for being old or young? No. A 9 is a 9, don't matter if she's 20 or 60. I don't adjust up or down. Meaning, being 19 doesn't make her hotter than if she looked the same at 39. That said, I tend to prefer a lot of the physical characteristics that tend to go with youthfulness. Things like a tight, firm ass & perky tits. As a result, I tend to rate younger strippers as more physically attractive since they more often have them.
Intellectual stimulation and personality ratings are a whole different story.
I do not adjust for age. Actually if a woman is working in a club and is older and does not look it I would rather be with her and not only because I am north of 60 it is because she likely takes care of herself. I was in a club a few weeks ago and the girl that I was getting a dance from told me she was 39 and would be 40 in May. I she had obviously take care of herself. When I asked her if she was serious she said yes. She then told me she quit smoking almost 20 years ago when she got pregnant and never started again. Drinks only a little and has never done drugs other than pot again quit when she got pregnant. Other than her small "B"s sagged a little she did not look her age.
Thinking about it, I don't consciously adjust for age, but the reality is that I probably do. What lifts an 8 into 9.5 to 10 territory is sexiness. That is a quality that isn't related to youth or age.
My 46 year old ATF had that quality in spades. So does my 27 year old CF (and possible future ATF). That quality is effortless on the part of the women who have it.
I see a lot of young girls where I work who are fuckable now but you can tell that in ten years they won't be so hot. There is something to this age thing. I think we are hard wired for youth. Hot is hot I agree but if I give bonus points to youth shouldn't I subtract for age? I meet plenty of forty and fifty year old women I find attractive and I really think this is all highly subjective.
Padma Lakshmi, host of Top Chef, shortly after she turned 46 (she has had at least two kids as I've seen her pregnant on two seasons of TC) https://media1.popsugar-assets…
Monica Bellucci was hotter/sexier/more attractive in her late 30s and 40s than in her 20s despite being a smoker and not particularly fit (exercise and clean living keeping you younger). Must be late blooming genes.
last comment(Well I, should correct that, jestie214 is very big on what other guys look like and what kinds of clothes and shoes they are wearing. And RickyBoy is on the lookout for possible bouncers to grease. SJG looking for mexican hat dance boys....)
Seriously, as long as the contributors are keeping it legal, why does it matter? It can just not be our choice.
For my obviously-superior crowd-sourced rating system, which I'll remind you is:
- Head-turner: some heads turn as she walks by
- Wave: there's a wave of turning heads as she walks by, that is palpable to an observer watching
- Wow: guys stop what they're doing, grab their friends to show them, or say things, when she walks by
This doesn't change. No need to add qualifiers, the crowd decides. The hottest 45+ woman I've dated, who was very attractive for her age, was a head-turner. I can't imagine even .1% of 50-year-olds getting to even Wave level. Maybe among older-guys only.
In the past brief five years I've been addicted to strip clubs I have met and screwed plenty of women, mostly dancers. However, two former dancers I've met and had relationships with in that time are in their late 40s. Best damn time I've ever had and top notch sex. Age means experience and experience counts. Especially when she's gorgeous.
No way a beautiful 50 year old woman can compare physically with a 20 year old hard body. Just the same as that 20 can't hold a candle in nearly all other ways to the fine looking 50 year old woman. At what point a woman's greatest attributes cannot overcome her loss of physical beauty, well that's different for every woman. I've known plenty who lost their looks before age 30, mostly by getting fat. Others, like the two I mentioned above, still have it going on close to age 50.
Some women like Sophia Loren still look great at over 80, but today she has long passed that point I would want to have a romp with her. Christie Brinkley, at 60 still looks great and I wouldn't hesitate to find out how much the photos are retouched. In today's world the majority of women though, physically, don't have what it takes to grab my attention after 45. Especially in a strip club.
So John, age matters to me but it just isn't the only thing. As long as they walk, talk, and think there will be more than looks involved in whether I'm interested or not. But in the SC looks matter way, way more. And youth often translates to beauty on stage. Not every woman is DS material regardless of her age.
Unfortunately, those two things have been too much the same since January......
As amazing specimen, she was......
2. When you think of 18 year old strippers, everyone thinks of JS69. When you think of MILF strippers I'd like you to think of me, I love MILF strippers, there's something that so hot and rare finding a late 30s stripper who is still hot. My last 3 favorite strippers, two are over 40 and one is 37. I am under 40. I can relate to these women, I can't relate to a 19 year old and I like to talk during sex!!!! Lol
I think you can't discount a woman on her age if she's hot. She's still a 10, for a 40 year old. You can't say she's hot, but she's an 8 because she's 40.
Take for example a pristine 68 corvette versus a 17 corvette. Yes the 17 is faster, arguable better made, more eifficient, safer, etc etc. But is it BETTER than the 68? No it's not, its only better in the eye of the beholder. lol Fishsticks may prefer the 17, where I would take the 68. Birth are fine choices for anyone but some guys prefer one over the other.
Only other comment I want to make, is that age doesn't automatically equate with maturity. Generally yeah, but there are always exceptions. I recently met a 32 year old stripper who had been dancing for a decade and clearly hadn't learned anything during that entire time. On the other hand I know an 18 now going on 19 year old stripper who is probably more mature than most women twice her age.
If she tells you she's 26 and LOOKS 26 - she's damn near 40!"
Now, it's 2017, and we can move that upper limit past 50.
Intellectual stimulation and personality ratings are a whole different story.
I was in a club a few weeks ago and the girl that I was getting a dance from told me she was 39 and would be 40 in May. I she had obviously take care of herself. When I asked her if she was serious she said yes. She then told me she quit smoking almost 20 years ago when she got pregnant and never started again. Drinks only a little and has never done drugs other than pot again quit when she got pregnant. Other than her small "B"s sagged a little she did not look her age.
My 46 year old ATF had that quality in spades. So does my 27 year old CF (and possible future ATF). That quality is effortless on the part of the women who have it.
I will say that older women have to work harder and take care of themselves to stay attractive. But, then again, the same goes for guys.
Gabrielle Union 2001 vs 2015.
Some women age like fine wine, some women age like milk. Your fixation with age is odd. There are plenty of 40+ women who are attractive.