Another dumb shit.

avatar for shadowcat
SPRINGFIELD (WKZO AM/FM) -- A Calhoun County man who stopped at a strip club and left his one year old child strapped in a car seat in the parking lot is spending the weekend in jail on a charge of child neglect.

Deputies got the call that the baby was in the vehicle parked outside the Heart Beats Exotic Nightclub on Avenue A in Springfield at 12:45 Saturday morning.

They went inside and found the father, who told them he only stopped by for one drink.

The child was turned over to the mother, who was not aware of the incident.

Child Protective Services will investigate.


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avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
12:45... as in after midnight? i can understand a problem if car interior temperature is an issue. otherwise... if the doors are locked... not an issue. especially for a very short period of time. i'm a bad person. I did similar things with my kids. as long as temperature and security was not an issue. and all my kids have done fine. but what do i know. now all of them have kids of their own. God help them.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
This guy is on a par with whatever idiot would stick his dick into a hole in the wall.
avatar for a21985
8 years ago
Jesus Christ, how desperate must you be for a drink and some titties that something like that seemed like a logical idea? It's a wonder he was able to procreate.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
Justme62 - You think there are no security problems in a strip club parking lot at 1245AM?
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
a good point sir. my experiences with my own kids was long before i started with stripclubs. as far as stripclubs parking lot security... i thankfully have never had a problem at all. fuck. one time i stupidly left the key to my car in the drivers door lock. and it was still there hours later. probably stripclub parking lot security is better than most parking situations???
avatar for likes2look
8 years ago
Dumb bastard. Shoulda brought the kid inside. Chicks love babies! He would have had to fight them off with a stick.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
It makes you wish there could be some kind of qualification required to become a parent.
avatar for Otto22
8 years ago
Interesting that most local media simply described the club as a "bar". No mention that it was a strip club.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Many decades ago there were not real rules about leaving kids at home or in cars. But now there are. If you have kids, you need to find out what these are.

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