
Once a ROB, always a ROB?

layin low but staying high
Can a total Rip Off Bitch transform herself into a good mileage dancer that a strip club veteran can enjoy? Until tonight I would have said probably not.

She has the same dancer name as the DS. And she is my exact perfect type. I have been in lust with her for theee years.

Each time I come back to her club I talk to her and stage tip her cause she is my perfect girl next door type. But she has always been a complete ROB. No mileage, no touching anything worth touching. And a very entitled attitude. She thinks she should get 20s just to look at her. She can easily deceive the less experienced but I've never even had a lap dance from her because it would not be worth it. I can't stand her attitude.

Until tonight. I hadn't seen her in 5-6 months. I almost didn't stage tip her because I knew it would just lead to disappointment. But after dinner the little head took me by the hand to see her on stage. I'm so glad that he did.

She came to my table afterwards and immediately remembered me. But she was different. She was fun. I enjoyed talking to her. When she asked for a dance I almost said yes but I declined. When she asked why I told her that it was because of her no touch rule.

She says the rule is over. Let's go. 10 seconds into the dance she is kissing my neck, then rubbing my very erect penis. Even though this is Portland I decide to go for broke. I ask for extras.

We discuss things and the best I can get is a titty fuck followed by a hand job. Not what I wanted but light years beyond what I expected. And the price is not outrageous for a guy who regularly overpays--$100.

Afterwards I tel her DS stories. I emphasize what I pay gorgeous young girls who are my perfect girlfriends. She is clearly intrigued. We exchange numbers. Previously she was above sharing her phone number with a customer.

This is the only dancer I've ever known who I considered a ROB who turned out to be a fun provider. I think she will eventually become a full blown extras girl, but even if she doesn't, her transformation has been unprecedented.

Has anybody else known a dancer to undergo such a transformation?


  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Is that truly a ROB though. I didn't have the patience to read the whole post.

    She just sounds like a low mileage dancer to me.
  • gunrack
    7 years ago
    Like flag said, sounds like a low mileage dancer
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Oh yes. Several years ago, I had my eye on a dancer a few trips to the club, a real knockout, and eventually we started chatting. I made a silly joke about nothing important and all of a sudden she starts screaming and cursing at me. Not such a good joke whatever it was!

    A bouncer comes over, and I say I have no idea what set her off which was true. He then talks to the dancer in private and she doesn't come back out. The bouncer then apologizes and even bought me a drink. Okay, crazy lady....stay away.

    Okay, maybe a year goes by, and I still watch her in the club but I don't make eye contact or anything. Remember, I was very attracted to her to begin with. Yet eventually she comes over to me and we chat. We both mend fences and it turns out we had some real personal chemistry. I took a chance and took her to VIP and she really made it memorable! Most extras ITC up to that point that I'd had in this club. She's now my night shift regular! We even laugh about how we "met".

  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Probably just being in the business now for a few years has softened her up to the strip club ways.

    When you first met her she was probably fairly new to the club scene. Now after being in it for years, she's changed her ways and her attitude. That's my guess.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    That's not a ROB. She was just a noob and now she's adjusted her hustle and boundaries for the local expectations. I've seen that happen plenty of times. She's made adjustment in order to earn money.

    It probably better for her mental health that she established and stuck to her boundaries early on, rather than just get exploited. She'll make a fine dancer going forward.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    I'll say yes. YMMV. I've known lots of dancers who ripped off other customers while acting like my in club girlfriends. I've had customers walk up to me to ask how much I paid after they got fleeced by a girl they'd seen do much better work. I offer to buy them a beer. Strippers can do math.

    It cuts both ways, though. I was in Seattle once and saw a dancer dismantle a customer in plain sight. Thought that guy might have a heart attack. Got her for a dance and was told that he was a very good customer so what he got wasn't happening. But she said I was cool and offered something for free. I laughed and told her that wasn't going to do anything. I was wrong. Good thing I didn't live there.

    So I used to complain about ROBs. The I realized if I got the bad end of the deal it was my fault. One of the more intriguing moments to witness is when a dancer realizes she could have probably gotten more but a deal is a deal.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I had a three experiences with a noob, low mileage dancer. The first visit was nervous air dances and she was strict in reminding me "no touching." The second and third times I saw her, months later, she had loosened up and was chill about it. She laughed at her earlier dances.

    This was the dancer I often called "Busty & Sexy" or "Smart & Sexy." She was clearly a young college student, glasses and all. Fun girl.

    So they can change.
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    Yeah, she doesn't sound like she was ever a ROB, just dancer who had limits that didn't fit the mold of what you look for in a stripper. Girls change what they're comfortable with doing, for better or for worse, temporarily or more long term. Her change in style just happened to benefit you this time around.
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    I tend to think once a ROB, always a ROB. But, what you're describing doesn't sound like a ROB that mended her ways, just a new/conservative girl that opened up after realizing she wasn't really entitled to shit.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    I guess I'm missing the part where she actually ripped you off, since you never got any dances from her. If you tipped her $20 at the stage, once or repeatedly, and she didn't come over to you there are many possible reasons for that. A stage tip is a stage tip. It doesn't really entitle you to anything.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I'm with the others in saying she was not a ROB, just low-mileage. And girls like that can always change their minds. Can a ROB quit being a ROB? I don't think so. Maybe if she was in a shitty club with poor management and bitchy co-workers - a completely toxic environment, and then moved a a great club with great everything where she didn't need to be a ROB. But that's the not the case here, that was just a girl who decided to increase your mileage.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I agree with Warhawks.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    I met a girl from her C/L add ostensibly for a FWB relationship. I got both BBBJ and BBFS...I wasn't sure if she was a pro until she took clothes off in front of me with no awkwardness; ah ha. Afterwards I did giver her $100 for "expenses" which I thought was a great value, and I was okay that this wasn't a future g/f but just a fun P4P resource.

    Then I start reading C/L adds posted by people who she robbed! OMG....WYF? But it seemed to me one guy was posting this shit because of a personal problem.

    I saw the girl a second time, and it was just like the first. She was friendly and warm and didn't take my money and run. So maybe that guy was full of crap, or maybe she liked me?
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    In this case the term ROB is to be used loosely as in not-giving good-value w/ her lame dances and attitude.

    One should not be surprised w/ a stripper's behavior on any given day - both good or bad. In the past I'd normally black-ball dancers that tried to ROB me; w/ time I just took-it as part of the game as long as I knew what was up - I've had dancers treat me poorly one-visit and rock my PL-world on a subsequent visit.

    As others have mentioned, it often takes dancers time to let loosen up - and some of them come w/ some preconceived GPS-notions (they may be used to civvy guys kissing their ass and think they are hot-shit and think guys in the club will throw piles of $$$ at them for just being hot w/o having to work at it and being stock-up as IRL).

    Early on in my PL-career I met a light-skinned 20 y/o dancer (i normally don't like dancers too-young but her natural DDs made her look like a woman) - the first few-times I interacted w/ her she would barely say a word and not make eye-contact - I then didn't see her at the club for a few-months; the next-time I saw her she was all chatty and wanting to sit w/ me and have a drink and talk and was much more open and comfortable w/ her convo and dances

    Another time it was a mixed-dancer that was thick like an ebony - she was always serious and her mileage was just middle of the road - on one visit out-of-the-blue she climbs on me at the bar and starts kissing me (she did not seem drunk) and riding my hard-on at the barstool (she was still dressed so these were not dances) - she then tells me if we could move to a different spot in the club (which happened to have a little more privacy) - she gets on me FCG and after a few-minutes starts rummaging inside my sweatpants - she pulls down the waistband of my sweats and takes-out little-Papi - she presses bare little-Papi in b/w her coochie and my abdomen and starts sliding her cooch on the back of my super-hard torpedo and after 3-songs she busts a nut; very different from my previous mostly mechanical interactions w/ her.

    So dancers can and probably often change; perhaps most of the ones that don't wanna change end-up leaving the game - w.r.t. true ROBs probably harder for them to change but eventually many might either b/c they ROBed when in a very tight financial situation; they get tired of the lying and SSing; or they may start getting a bad rep in the club w/ custies and/or management.
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