
Oddities of whores and p4p

Friday, March 31, 2017 7:49 PM
So here's the synopsis: I was told by this girl I been trying to court for a while no for a romantic relationship so oddly enough i decided fuck it, I'm depressed and need sex NAO and go p4p. I went the escort route only because in NY, unless you have elephant dollars, you're paying close to a grand for sex from a stripper (gas, drinks, hotel, etc). So find one online I think is hot call but emphasize she has to be the girl in the pic. Fast forward and I get there and it's the girl, but her gut is bigger than it was in the pics (and video). I confront her about it and she has the audacity to say, she don't got a gut when it's protruding past her waistline. Mind you, if I was looking at her as girlfriend material, I wouldn't have said anything but I'm paying for sex and no way in hell am I gonna pay for a girl I expected to be trim but has a gut. Even if she is still pretty in the face. I had to show her my abdominal to show this chick what a trim stomach is and she just got upset but let me leave without a fuss. So no p4p for me because afterwards i came to my senses and went home and wallowed in weed. I think I may have ruined an opportunity for my black fellas however since she was lighskinned and I was being anal about physique but hey don't like in your visual media. I know a lot of you fellas be fucking strippers with a bit of a gut, but if your paying for the trim and fabulous, how can you fellas settle for a gut buster even if she still is pretty? Especially the fellas with a better body than the striper hoe who your fucking!


  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    Right on my man. Walking away from a bait and switch sends a good message. If everybody did what you did - these call girls will put recent photos not from their high school day. Girl friend and call girl vs own car and rental. Some flaws in own car ok - but would you settle for dents or a dirty interior in a rental car even if it runs good? No sirree.
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    To counterpoint your analogy: Yeah, but if its the only car in the lot and you really need to get somewhere, you're probably say fuck it and hop in anyways...after you argue the price down a bit.
  • maho
    7 years ago
    "....I get there and it's the girl, but her gut is bigger than it was in the pics (and video). I confront her about it and she has the audacity to say, she don't got a gut when it's protruding past her waistline." I'm mentally envisioning how this conversation went and for some reason can't stop laughing out loud.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Esta...other than her stomach being a little big......was she pretty?
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @goviking she was pretty. But if I had a better physique than her (except in the ass and titties department, she beat me there lol) should I really ignore that. That's like a stripper has everything going on for you except her gut and yet your the one who she requires six pack abs from. WTF
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    I'd stay off the weed at first and go to tinder and find a hot bitch. After you meet at a local bar, tell her to come back to your place and smoke a blunt. That will close the deal. Sure you'll weed through a bunch of flakes, but at least you won't waste time with a BP whore.
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