
Pay attention

Avatar for skibum609

Weeknight trip club visit last week and had interest in just watching some sports and then full contact/no extras laps with under 21 dancers. They were there, but for some reason I just couldn't get interested. Headed to Desires for a change of scenery and met a dancer I had not seen before. While I am a spinner fan, she was over the line and a little too skinny for me. Very pretty face and as it was a slow night she was eager and anxious. Despite being relatively new and 21 she did have a menu, but I am never a fan of negotiating and even less of a fan of condoms, and having no experience with her I decided a 15 min room, no extras, instead of two $25 laps as a test drive. Once I committed, she became affectionate and indicated that as with many other dancers in the club a 15 min room came with a hj and if I wanted to tip that was my choice. As we chat and I get the usual wow you look much younger speech, she also tells me she likes giving handjobs to older men because "they come less and are easier to clean up because it just dribbles out". We both got a laugh over that. So off we go and she is fun. Sweet, tight pussy, great kisser, throws in some sucking and tongue as she strokes me and agrees to let me cum on her tits. She's sitting on the couch and I am standing there an I notice that she is skilled at adjusting her position so that whenever I get "too close" she manages to use her hands, mouth and body to get me back at arms length. I then realizes she has placed me in the cum less and dribble category, so I stop trying the get close and decide no pending semen notification. She is so intent on keeping me at arm's length she fails to notice that she isn't paying attention to cock angle and location. My first shot gets her right on her right cheekbone; she opens her mouth in surprise and to my regret shot number 2 just misses a hole in one and hits her in the lower lip. The third shot hits her right between her breasts, and then a few spasms and we're done. She then says: "I only have 3 wet naps". We laugh, I have kleenex and we sit and have another beer. She then indicates that next time she would be willing to do bbbjcim and writes down her cell #, which goes into the trash with my empty beer on the way out. Why? 3 day ski weekend coming up, with a 4 couple Saint Paddy's day hot tub party.


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Avatar for Dougster

Hey, skihomo: Let me guess. Your transcript from law school looked something like this, right?

Telling lots of lies: A+

Keeping story consistent: F

Writing in paragraphs: F

Being a right-wing whack job: A+

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

"Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."

Avatar for gammanu95

"a collection of short stories with happy endings"

Avatar for skibum609

Ah well. Jealousy is such an ugly aspect of the human condition, except it is expected from all y'all.

Avatar for STL2

I thought lawyers preferred to screw everyone in the ass.

Avatar for twentyfive

@skidum-If that makes you feel better you just keep telling yourself that buttercup.

Avatar for skibum609

Making ignorant buffoons respond makes me feel better and today a plethora have responded. Another great day, but skiing on saint Patrick's day will be better. No none of you can afford to ski.

Avatar for twentyfive

really sunshine you know what people can afford I thought you were an ambulance chaser not an economics professor.

Seems to me you've been smoking too much dogshit


Avatar for JohnSmith69

ski, you have a lot going for you and you have good stripper and sex stories. But even to me, a successful lawyer who can pretty much afford to do whatever the fuck I want to do, you come across as an arrogant prick when you tell your stories. Try a little humility. It's something that our profession desperately needs. For example, why not just tell the stripper sex story without telling everybody how you threw her number away because she is nothing to you and you have such a great life that you don't need her. I'm not trying to start an insult fest, just making a genuine suggestion that would help you and the board if you could actially take it to heart.

Avatar for GoVikings

It pains my heart to see my TUSCL pals bickering amongst each other :-(

Avatar for RandomMember

^^^ LOL!

Actually, I'll take @SkiBum's directness any day over the goofy, neurotic, over-romanticized, romance novel approach we get from @Smith.

Avatar for twentyfive

@Random ain't nothing direct about skidum and I'll say this in favor of JS69 he is a good guy IRL, jand doesn't go after people who disagree just to promote an anti everything agenda.

Avatar for gammanu95

I wasn't trying to insult.

Avatar for RandomMember

Let's face it, @Tx. Guys who insist on being above it all and non-partisan in all cases are just as dogmatic as anyone else. I'm hardly any more liberal than you are. You enjoy @Smith's goofy sex stories? To each his own.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

No idea if Skibum609's specific story is true. I always take all the stories here with a grain of salt.

But, I also live in Rhode Island and go to Desires (I'm not that keen on RI Dolls, though). What he describes as being available there is well within reason.

For what it's worth...

Avatar for RandomMember

N ur postn history sez u aint nonpartizen n abov it all.

On second thought, you're right. I'm as partisan as sin itself. Let's talk about something more relevant like quantum computing or @Smith's second adolescence.

Avatar for RandomMember

At the pool and can barely read without my glasses. Feynman is one of my all time heros but he died about 35 yrs ago. So is all this just theoretical, or is q computing a reality?

Avatar for Dominic77

Tx --> " One can even use more complicated objects, for example, the electric current in a superconductor. A very recent experiment by a group led by John Martinis of the University of California, Santa Barbara, has shown how to perform quantum operations on one or two quantum bits with very high precision from 99.4% to 99.92% using the superconductor technology."

Random, see above. The researchers are trying to construct a 2 qubit quantum "logic gate" or sorts. Most of the research I see is around building a C-NOT gate.


--> "Operation[edit]

The CNOT gate operates on a quantum register consisting of 2 qubits. The CNOT gate flips the second qubit (the target qubit) if and only if the first qubit (the control qubit) is

| 1 ⟩ .

In computing science, the controlled NOT gate (also C-NOT or CNOT) is a quantum gate that is an essential component in the construction of a quantum computer. It can be used to entangle and disentangle EPR states. Any quantum circuit can be simulated to an arbitrary degree of accuracy using a combination of CNOT gates and single qubit rotations. The CNOT gate is the "quantization" of a classical gate." --> END QUOTE

Most of the research is very tweaky and the accuracy often breaks down "after a while." So they are about as reliable as methanol fuel cells (haha!). So it's all premadonna stuff ATM.

The idea is to build a useful quantum computer, you'd need 200 qubits, like Tx wrote. so far we're trying to build ones with 2 qubits, as one C-NOT gate, with mixed results. I think they use electrons on a superconductor wire or trapped ionized gas as the qubits, for now.

Thanks TxTittyfag !! :)


Avatar for RandomMember

The new issue of Economist has Quantum computing on the cover.

Avatar for Dominic77

"prima donna stuff",, not "premadonna stuff" ... I just I have JS69 18yo love stories on the mind ( or is that Juice's step mom fetish?)

Avatar for skibum609

JS69 - I have no issue with you at all and if I come across as arrogant it is simply not intentional, just the result of being a poor writer. I have the same issue drafting legal documents and am known for my abilities at trial and not my writing ability. With all die respect, a lot of this is simply perception, such as your belief that somehow I feel that I am "better" than the dancers because I threw her number away etc. I threw her number away because I throw all dancer's numbers away as a means of protecting myself when I drink too much. I void OTC at all costs, because I do have a great life, with a lot of freedom and I am protecting that life from me, by never putting myself in a position to fuck up and break the rules. I have never bashed a dancer on this board and respect them as I do everyone else, unless and until they do something that changes things. The "emotions" people get from me are theirs, not mine. Thanks for a polite response and be well.

Avatar for skibum609

JS69 - I have no issue with you at all and if I come across as arrogant it is simply not intentional, just the result of being a poor writer. I have the same issue drafting legal documents and am known for my abilities at trial and not my writing ability. With all die respect, a lot of this is simply perception, such as your belief that somehow I feel that I am "better" than the dancers because I threw her number away etc. I threw her number away because I throw all dancer's numbers away as a means of protecting myself when I drink too much. I void OTC at all costs, because I do have a great life, with a lot of freedom and I am protecting that life from me, by never putting myself in a position to fuck up and break the rules. I have never bashed a dancer on this board and respect them as I do everyone else, unless and until they do something that changes things. The "emotions" people get from me are theirs, not mine. Thanks for a polite response and be well.

Avatar for skibum609

ISH - How often you go to desires? Done dances with any of the following? Natalie; Ivana; Kristen; Ivy; Dahlia; Selena, Kai?

Avatar for GoVikings

awww.....that was so sweet skibum :-)

Avatar for skibum609

Ty Vikings lol I know I am a wonderful guy, albeit a bit arrogant.

Avatar for 4got2wipe

I'm glad I checked in for this thread. It is just brilliant! ;)

No disrespect skibum609, but Dougster does have a point about writing in paragraphs. I know that TUSCL isn't the Algonquin round table (I view it as more of an Algonquin kiddy table) but the crazy stories told on here are easier to digest if served in bite-sized pieces.

That said, the story is aces and the reactions are priceless! Frankly, I don't care if the stories are true as long as they are entertaining! ;)

Avatar for skibum609

After 34+ years as an attorney I'd like to think it would be easy to make up a better story. As far as my writing style? Its sucked since I was a kid. Just the way it is.

Avatar for Dougster

skibum609 is gay! And one of gammanu95's homosexual lovers!


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