
Notice txtittyfag(dot)'s Relentless Spamming Slowed Down a Bit Last Night?

Word from his mother was that little tittyfag(dot)'s big black dildo hoarding has gotten so bad he can barely move around his momma's basement. He was not happy, but she forced him to clean up enough that he is at least able to move around (for now).



  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    He pays for his BBC habit by blowing dudes in the back alley for $40. His mom wonders where he gets all the funds for stock piling that many big black dildos. His estate is purported to be nearing the $$ millions!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    You're not the brightest guy ever, are you txtittyfag(dot)? All you have to do is look at your comment history. It will tell you how many hours ago your posts were and you can see the big gaps. You don't have to be constantly logged on (as you normally are).

  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Lmfao, Dougster! You told that faggit again, but his sick mind will not admit you're right. He and HughGRectum, his only friend, only anchor around a past memory of what they thought was in their favor of righteousness, but it turns out he's delusional.

    The mind plays serious tricks on him, like compensating for his self admitted gayness with tons of BBC dildos, thinking he's a rich stud. Gayness is his forte!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    @tittyfag(dot): Think you got that a little backwards? Think you are the one obsessed with my posting. After all for the last month or so, what would you say 80% of your posts have been about me? And before I put you on ignore I noticed that no matter what time of day I posted you were almost always able to respond to my posts within second of rminutes of me positing. Think you are the one who is constantly logged on and has nothing else going on in your... So sounds like your entire post there is one big projection... Mean you are a prick in real life, who is friendless and has nothing else to do but spam the board here.

    (Ooooops! txtittyfag(dot) just tangled himself up with own "logic" once again!)


    Btw, this is what it looks like when you aren't on ignore. DIrect responses to the specifics of your posts. Get it????

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    He's friends with HughGRecturm? The guy who is so dumb he believes in Karma and thinks people who don't like 90s music should die? Hope Hugh got over that depressive episode of his. Did anyone find out what happened? His dog died or something?
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Ooops... One little problem with that reasoning, tittyfag(dot). It's actually very easy for me to find out if people have me on ignore or not. I've explained the test to you. When I do, I find that about 5-10% of people have me on ignore. Not that many at all. And it's probably much more for you!

    See you can talk a big game can't you until it turns out what you say can actually be tested. Then it fails the test. Ooops!

    It's also pretty clear when I start topics about things like politics, the markets, technology and I see dozens of people responding that I am not being ignored by that many.

    Okay? Any other non-sense easily debunk able conjectures you want to peddle this morning?
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Funny how he thinks he has put your "aliases"(me) on ignore, yet continues to engage with you. He's addicted to the drama. And his ego has been fractured from the BBC thing. He has quit!

    I win!!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Oh, yeah, this alias things is complete non-sense.

    Like he thinks we are all the same person, but he will respond to some aliases and not the other. If he really thought they were all the same person he would put all of them on ignore. Because he thinks they are the same person.

    Just proof of what a pathological liar he is. But like most, a very poor one, since he tangles himself up in his own logic so easily.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    No, tittyfag(dot). Here's a clue. If it was important for me to be "liked" here, I would do what you do. Hide under rocks and stick to attacking only those people it is "safe" to attack. I'd also do like you and post no thoughts of my own. Just post what I thought were acceptable things to say.

    I post what is the truth and what is logically because I know truth and logic always win out in the long term, although they run into circle jerks of people who don't like it short term. Do that will get some people to like you and others not. That's fine with me. I'll take those who do value those things, and have those who don't not liking me. It's all fine by me.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Hey, I won't have responded to you at all if you weren't bumping threads by vincemichaels and RickyBoy who I didn't have on ignore. Or using aliases like "RickTheBear" et al. to try and get around my ignore. Didn't like how things worked out, huh and you're whining here now? Too funny!

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Nope you used this excuse that me and tittyfag are the same person as an excuse to start shit with me that you ended up losing. But you don't really believe it. If you thought we were the same person you would have put us both on ignore. Not just one of us. See that's part of your pathological lying, and striving to be popular. Even though you tacitly admit we are different people you then say you think we are the same, because you think it's something to say that will make you popular here.
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