Do you really care what someone elses sexual orientation is?

avatar for Tiredtraveler
There have been a lot of this poster is gay/ homosexual etc. etc. Why?
I frankly do not care if a poster is bisexual, heterosexual or homosexual or not as long as he/she give the straight information on the clubs that that person reviews.
The likelihood of ever meeting any poster on this forum is small and "hooking up" is even more remote. If I would ever meet any of you at a club it would be to swap stories not spit. I have friends (both men and women) that are gay. A few are bisexual. I do not have an intimate relationship with any of them but we are still friends although I would like to go clubbing with this really good looking lesbian I know who is a riot to party with and has a wicked sense of humor.


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I also don't think it good to promote anti-gay prejudice. Calling people gay, as a derisive term, does that.

avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
TF dot is right!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Dougster needs to work it out, with Viagra, watermellons too, and at a gay bath house.

avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
8 years ago
When I got out of boot camp from the Navy in the mid 80s, before 'Don't ask, don't tell' and 8 weeks of the typical 'steers and queers' indoctrination of the time I had a close family member come out of the closet to me....

Fear of queer? Yeah, I grew up in a household with a gay brother, and after I mulled it through my head I realize that blood is thicker than water, that I can hug a gay male (in my family, or the workplace) or a straight male... and I will still DESIRE women. I grew up in an era when in some blue collar situations there was a fair share of inappropriate humor about buggery and blow jobs between dudes and I laughed at it, because damn I always liked a good laugh. Questioning my sexuality or outright calling me something I'm not isn't going to insult me because I know myself and already done the soul searching.

If anything bothers me about myself on message boards, its how quickly I will get in the pig pen and sling shit back at Trolls just for the lulz, all but becoming a Troll myself in the process. My own inner passive-aggressive stupid child.

I doubt appealing to Dougster's intellect is going to work, so-- my primal reaction is to throw shit just like any other monkey in a cage

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Oh yeah, people say anti-gay stuff. There are gay people in most families. In fact, those saying anti-gay stuff, or saying their church has "tolerance", well usually some of their own children are gay, and they direct that contempt towards them.


avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
^^^ Aren't you San Jose Gay? You really have no say in calling someone else gay when you are gay yourself SJG!
avatar for beguiled
8 years ago
another vote for tittyfagdot
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
8 years ago
No, what he'll be called out is someone who might have been molested by an authority figure and more than likely if not was pushed around in school, had few friends, thinks that by being a keyboard warrior he can bully others. And in spite of multiple 'personalities' he's NOT all that bright. Really NOT!

I'm not sure our reaction is totally sane, but---- how can you resist low hanging fruit??
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Tittyfag. is a voice of truth. Never thought I'd see that here. There's hope for humanity yet.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
TT: "Do you really care what someone elses sexual orientation is?"

I certainly don't. But it is funny to watch how people react when they are called that. Tells you alot about them.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
I really don't care that SJG is gay.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
No. Don't care.

And all the trolling is dumb.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
I have to agree with SJG. I think the guys spouting that epithet think that being gay means you're a failure of a man, or they at least subscribe to an anachronistic time when it did. Archaic locker room talk, nothing more.
avatar for 4got2wipe
8 years ago
Tiredtraveler: No I don't care about anybody's sexual orientation.

I don't think that all of the people throwing around "fag" or "gay" as an epithet are necessarily homophobic. I think Dominic77 hit it on the head with the "locker room talk" comment.

That said, my big problem with it is that it gets boring and repetitive. If people want to bust each other's balls for whatever reason and they aren't going over the line that's fine. But if you really dislike somebody why engage? The insult festival is just non-brilliant.

It seems to me that ther used to be more crazy stories about strippers and strip clubs on the TUSCL discussion board and less "you are a fag" posts. The crazy stories were more fun! ;)
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
Ninety percent of the time those hurling gay insults are self-professed liberals. Look at those who call me skifag; skihomo etc.; all liberals. The idea they do is to see how others react is no different than any other hypocritical bigot's excuse.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Hey skidum I have never insulted gay people you are the one who has used your homophobia to insult me look at any post you like you will never find any where I have used any kind of bigotry other than pointing out yours.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Skidum contradict himself again what a jerk
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@skifag: I call you skifag and I'm not a Liberal.

This is the great thing about being a centrist on a board like this, where you have so many people who are complete no minds politically and just dying for their windmills to charge. So they can look like heros by tackling the great evil on the other side. For right charging the windmill of liberalism on the left. For the left charging the windmill of conservatism.

I'm more concerned with what will happen than what should since I think our current system is pretty close to ideal A nice mixture of capitalism and socialism pretty close to optimal. So that's my real boring moderate view, but, like I say we have so real whack jobs here politically. To the whack jobs on the left I'm apparently a big supporter of Trump and Hitler (even though I wanted Hilary to win) to the whack jobs on the right I'm a big fan Marx or chasing after an impossible Utopian Socialism which won't ever happen.

Somewhat amusing, but also sad that so many go through their lives without being able to look at the world critical and just letting their political "tribe" do all the thinking for them.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Or you can just not have any philosophical leanings and not care about anything.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
I don't care about anyone's sexual orientation.

Some of my close friends are liberals.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I care that we remain in the center but, despite Liberal hysteria, I don't see Trump as a threat to that.
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
25 couldn't find any posts where I used homosexuality as a slur so he just lied, because he uses it. Dougster the fraud tries to justify his hypocrisy and bigotry because apparently moderates cannot be bigots lol. As a judge would say, "the court takes judicial notice of the fact that they made bigoted comments". By the way, Americans have many socialistic tendencies and as examples of volunteer fire departments (fun until you fight a real fire and then you appreciate aging out); barn raisings, community gardens, etc. The opposition is to Government controlled Socialism and Government ownership of business.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
You are a glutton for punishment I have thrashed you so many times it's getting boring.
You are a pathetic little wanna be who thinks that by throwing enough shit out there some might stick but the truth is the shit is all over,and all about you. You are a chronic serial liar and a bigot you keep trying to rewrite your own history problem is that your own words keep coming back to prove you wrong, there is no subject that you ever post about that is apolitical. I bet you have no friends who could possibly stand you for more than thirty second, I also don't believe you that you are a lawyer you lack any moral center, as far as being married you probably have a foreign born non English speaker, any body that had to listen to you run your mouth, would probably kill them self. Life must really suck for you, you old anachronism. Like I said on an earlier thread if you were lying in the street on fire I wouldn't even waste a piss to put it out.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
I wish you guys would stop being so gay.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
I don't know if it's on-topic to this thread, but I never find the phrase "eat a bag of dicks" not funny. Never not funny.
avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago
Yes, but only in the case of slutty, girls. I want their sexual orientation to be a preference for ugly, fat guys with small dicks.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I'm a little unclear here. So if someone points out contradictions in things that skihomo has said that means that they are the fraud? Not skihomo? Lol! What a dumb fag.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
Actually I do care. I'm a bit psychic and while I don't mind visually regular sex or a girl giving a BJ or even visualizing two lesbians licking pussy, I want to block out male on male activity.
Now I need to see some cam girls to try to forget several hundred people having sex.

Unfortunately when it comes to the stock market I'm only right about half the time sometimes.
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