Divorce question
layin low but staying high
For those of you who are divorced, does there come a time when your ex-wife is not the most disgusting and worthless piece of shit imaginable? My divorce is maybe a year old, and I fucking despise the pathetic hag. But Mary Jane is not a hater, so I kinda wish that I didn't detest this woman so deeply. Because of all that she has done, I don't feel like its humanly possible to stop feeling this way. But does there eventually come a time when you get over feelings of intense hatred?
I'm not saying that you have to love the woman, or even like her. However, forgiveness will heal you, and if you tell her she's forgiven, it may even piss her off a bit. :-)
She has became one of my closest friends...hate is gone on both ends
I detest the woman just as much as always. I couldn't be in the same room with her because I wouldn't trust myself on being able to contain my actions.
So I avoid all contact with her. Haven't spoke to her in a couple of years. And I like it that way. There truly isn't anyone that I passionately detest more than her on this earth. She's the female version of the anti-Christ.
Right now the kids have keeped us close
Q: Why is divorce so expensive?
A: Because it's worth it.
Q: What should you do if you miss your ex-wife?
A: Take better aim.
Q: Why are hurricanes named after women?
A: Because when they arrive, they're all wet and wild, and when they go, they take your house and car.
Q: What should you do if you see your ex-wife rolling around in pain on the ground?
A: Shoot her again
The best thing to do is forgive the past injustice. When you do you free yourself from your past. You take away the emotional trauma that the hate or anger is causing you. Can you do it? I'm not sure. I know I forget easy after a few years. It has no effect on others unless you want to do illegal activities which is not good for your own future. Forgiving others frees yourself. I understand the wisdom in doing so. I now find it easy to see in others. Someone who hates someone like crazy, it affects them, not the person they hate. It tears them up without affecting the object of their hatred or anger. Now if you act like ISIS and aren't worried about losing your own life, your own soul, etc, your own property and are willing to go suicidal, you can might get temporarily even but you might not feel the same if they end up in heaven and you end up suffering in hell. Just my two cents and a reminder if I ever look back at this years later.
Or remember in the next life, read all the brilliant comments posted here. Just thinking in 2040 or 2060, JS reincarnated self reading tuscl archives. :)
Two Words; "Prenuptial Agreement"
I would not want to divorce my wife, just because of her age. But she crossed serious lines with me. I think only now is she starting to understand this. She did stuff, or I allowed her to because I did not divorce her earlier. She used the marital status as a weapon.
For me, I think I had something to prove, and so it was not that hard for a girl to manipulate me into marriage, even though I knew it was like playing Russian Roulette.