
A case study in how to pay hookers for sex

layin low but staying high
It's a very slow night. Three hours of clubbing and little more to show for it than fat, unattractive, old or ROB. I'm sitting with a 7.5 who is the best I can find. The little head is arguing that she's worthy, the big head says we shouldn't be that desperate, and Mary Jane says what she always says. My 7.5 has been sitting with me for 30 minutes so I need to decide soon. But there I sit, refusing to accept my fate and constantly scanning the club for new arrivals. I came late so a few night shift girls are still straggling in.

A new dancers name is announced on stage. I don't expect much but glance up at the stage to see who's here. Holy shit. If I was in the market for a new DS, this one has the looks to be number 4. She's exquisitely beautiful. A very young blond, pretty girl next door looks, the perfect weight, natural C cups, and as I would soon learn a newbie. She's everything that I most lust for.

After I staged tipped this new girl $20 the 7.5 could tell that she was out of luck. She excused herself and I didn't object. After her stage set, the object of my lust came straight over. I won't bore you with the details. The bottom line is that she had a wonderful personality, and she loves weed. And she was stunningly gorgeous. We did some lap dances, and she gave a very good dance for a newbie. Nothing illegal but she allowed about as much as this club permits for the price I was paying.

Then we went back to my table. The little head insisted that it was time to have the talk, and I agreed. Since I'm not really doing OTC these days, I decided to push for itc extras. But I know it's an uphill battle. This is mostly a non-extras club. There is a special, expensive room where management will look the other way, but I know from experience that most dancers here don't fuck. I'd estimate based on my experience that 10-15% of the girls will fuck or suck in that room. And most of them are on the unattractive side of life. My girl is a 100 times more beautiful than any other dancer here, so I figure that she can make plenty by just giving dances. But the girl is good enough to be DS IV, so I've got to try.

Here's how I start. "I know that just about every guy you dance for probably asks to have sex with you. They couldn't help it because you're extraordinarily beautiful. But I'm not like these other guys...."

Two questions for discussion. Answer either or both. 1. What do you think John said next. Hint: whatever I said it worked cause my dick was in her mouth ten minutes later. 2. What would you have said?


  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    "But I'm not like these other guys....I'll pay you $1000."

  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    "...I am interested in a GFE front-room make-out session, and I will feed you money! I nicknamed the $1 "Dick", because he's always getting in strippers' g-strings!"
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    jackslash beat me to it.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I'm Just like all of these other guys but i have more money.
  • HoHoHoDetwaah
    8 years ago
    "I'm not like these other guys, because...

    I've been good friends with your father for the past 20 years. We both know he'll kill you if he finds out you are working here.

    Just give me a blow job and your secret is safe with me. I'll even give you $500 to help with your rent this month."
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I see that I need to clarify a few points. First, to 25, thats much too honest. Keep it realistic. Second, to Jack and Shadow and everybody who else who thinks I just pay outrageous sums to duck gorgeous young women, you're right. But $1 K is my DS OTC rate. Even I wouldn't pay that for a half hour VIP.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Do you mean to tell us that you lie to these innocent children? )
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Yes I most definitely do lie to them. But it's ok cause they lie to me too.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    You devil, )
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    JS69 - Now that we know what you are, we can argue about price later. :)
  • Lone_Wolf
    8 years ago
    You: "I know that just about every guy you dance for probably asks to have sex with you. They couldn't help it because you're extraordinarily beautiful. But I'm not like these other guys....because, for my taste, your tits are too small and you have a flat ass."

    Her: "I want to blow you right now for free"

    Now seriously -
    You: "But I'm not like these other guys because I'm going to tip you 100 per song to blow me"
    Her: "Okay, but can you make it 150"
    You: "Okay"

    Great story.
  • FTS
    8 years ago
    Based on your description of your system:

    "I'm not like these other guys. I will sexually satisfy you better than any of your boyfriends ever have, and then, when we're done devouring each other, I will pay you more money than any man ever has."
  • FTS
    8 years ago
    What I would have said (although I probably wouldn't have had the genius to tell her that I'm not like every other guy):

    "I'll fuck you without offering you a dime"
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "I'm not like these other guys; I have a 10.5" penis"
  • FTS
    8 years ago
    Also JS, as an aside, does your system work only because you are... very mature... or would it work for younger guys as well?
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    "But I'm not like these other guys....just this morning, I pulled a chainsaw out of my asshole."

    Congrats @Smith. You get the RickDugan award for paying strippers for sex. We'll engrave it on your tombstone someday.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago

    "But I'm not like these other guys...I'll put on a white suit and taking you to Applebees, afterward."
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    JS: "But I'm not like these other guys.... I'm a card carrying member of TUSCL"
    HB (Hot Babe): No shittt !!!
    JS: Dat's jus me
    HB: And thank you so much for the $20 tip at the stage
    JS: Aaah I call them $20 bills "Dick". Cus them $20 bills - they go everywhere.
    HB: hee heee ... you're so funny Johnny boy - and maybe I should call my purse "mouth"
    JS: why that's clever! But why would you call your purse a "mouth"

    HB: So you can go on TUSCL and tell your brothers you had your dick in my mouth within 10 minutes.
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    haha some of these comments... too funneh

    I'd say: I'm not like these other guys... "I'd make sure to get you off before even thinking of getting off myself ;)"
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    a girl can tell if you really like her, or if she is just the best available.

    And don't let girls sell you dances, as that is a chump's game. Front room makeout session, then you inviter her to the back room. Probably take her home with you too.

    You are always handing her money, but also convincing her to let you "take care of" her, and hence getting her completely off script.

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    You told her if she was still in her teens you'd double the going rate that the other girls get. She shows you her ID and makes bank!
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I don't have a dog in this fight. As a side comment, I find the whole "But I'm not like these other guys...." phrase to be a little too close to PUA material, which I find I don't care to use. But maybe your intent is different than that. Though I am curious about what you said.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    PUA material is fake, posturing, and pathetic.

  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    It's usually takes the same about of energy and effort to just "be the guy" that the PUA crowd would have you "appear to be." So why not just be the guy?
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I guess is there a way to respectfully solicit a dancer for prostitution? I don't think there really is but there is a certain delivery that might offend less. I think it would entail not putting her on the stop for a yes/no right then, in case she has to think it over, plus gives her a tactful out to say 'no'.

    --> Depending on the dancer it would be something between Dougster's libertarian "I want to fuck you for money" and the softer "I'd love to get you back there ion private, but the truth is I'm interested in more than dances. Of course I would totally compensate you extra for your time."

    If it's the class of dancer that both GMD and I typically find in the club (trashy and direct), it would be closer to the first pitch. For the class of dancer closer to Dream Stripper material or a classy dancer, it would be closer to the second pitch.
  • K
    8 years ago
    "...phrase to be a little too close to PUA material, which I find I don't care to use. "
    I assume you don't care to use it because it is nonsense and doesn't work. If you know of any that does work, please share.

    In a strip club I find direct and honest but respectful is the best approach.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^ there is really no such thing as dream stripper material, if the girl was so classy she wouldn't be in the position, now if she doesn't want to do extras unless it's her first day dancing she probably knows how to handle the proposition. Before you attack me about dream stripper material there are plenty of strippers that are drop dead gorgeous , but even JS69s original unicorn was less than classy remember her flirting while he was on vacation with her so there you have it.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Here's the readers digest version of what I said.

    I'm not cheap, and I know that you're worth a lot more than the $100 or $200 that most of these guys probably offer to pay you. So if you're willing to go to the VIP and make my dreams come true, I promise to take very good care of you. I will pay you what you're worth. I'm very respectful, I dont have any weird fetishes, and I won't become a stalker or think that you're my girlfriend. I've done this a lot, I know how stripper customer relationships work, and i can be the best customer you'll ever have.

    Ordinarily I would make clear that I'd give her sexual pleasure but that's not really feasible in this VIP. I use that for OTC.

    And since everybody will want to know what I paid, it was $500. That includes the room fee and a tip.

  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    Good ending JS.
    You know how to make your money work for you.

    I've seen lots and lots and lots of noob's spend hundreds of dollars and get a smooch on the cheek (& blue balls).
    Keep these stories coming. And Subra, Papi, GMD, Mr Deuce - your adventures are fun read too !
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I bet good money my method would work as well as it usually does

    Hi, I'm juice and I'm not like these other guys as you can see for yourself....I know Champagne rooms are $500 but all I got left is $300 ???

    She would more times than not reply like this " well it is getting close to closing and I need to make some money tonight..let me go ask...."

    Few min later

    I'm balls deep in her pussy juices
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    The moral of the story all roads lead to Rome

    Nice story JS

    I'm on DS 3,972 keep up
  • jestrite50
    8 years ago
    What was the room fee ? That should not be considered in the conversation since either all or most of that would go to the club and not the girl.

    First of all I have had similar situations present themselves to me on more than one occasion. I'm not sure what your club permits but I think you wasted a lot of free milage by heading to the back room in 10 minutes.
    Here's what I do. I tip the $20 just like you do. But when she comes back to my table (and she always does) I start a sexy conversation with her telling her first how beautiful and sexy she is; which leads me to tell her how lucky her boyfriend is to have a gorgeous girl like her; most likely she will say she doesn't have a boyfriend; which leads you to tell her how much you would love to lick her pussy and suck her beautiful tits. All the while you've been cuddling close to her rubbing her thighs and legs caressing her beautiful body moving in for a few pecks on the lips which lead to DFK. Feeding her an occasional $20 to keep her with you. In the course of conversation you ask her where she likes going out to dinner and if she likes jacuzzi rooms.
    This is the drift of how I lead a girl astray to become my GFE girl. THIS IS NOT THE COMPLETE SCRIPT THIS IS AN OVER SIMPLIFICATION but you get the idea. I do this every time and it has never failed me yet. I am fucking 19 - 25 year olds that enjoy being my GFE girls.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Jest50 I also agree and testify that their is missed value out on the main floor. This is how I do things and it's similar to yours brother

    First I find the darkest corner in the building for front room privacy and discression for the dancer of course ♥♥♥

    Once I've found my target I will stage tip $10 in domination of $1 I kinda build a skirt and joke about it...maybe the bitch thinks it's $50 or something because without failure like 98% success I always get my hoe

    Then at the table I position her chair before she even gets to me in a way to wear she sits she is instantly in my arms and I can gain access to her ass, pussy and breasts.

    I do the same of telling her how mother fucking sexy she be and how I wish my cock was deep inside her gut. At the same time I'm rubbing all over her and kissing her knock, shoulders and lip's

    Usually if she is down we go fuck for a good $200-$300....I always get priced at $900-$600 but always get the lower situation usually because I'm in on a slow night, or day...weekday usually and she literally has made no money
  • HoHoHoDetwaah
    8 years ago
    Jestrite, that method has NEVER failed you yet? Bullshit. You're either lying or targeting butt ugly fat chicks in dive bars. Even if you were targeting butt ugly fat girls, I still call bullshit on it NEVER failing. I could see that working on sonme girls occasionally, but I could also see a bunch of girls thinking you are creepy as hell for talking about licking their pussies within minutes of meeting them. You sound like a legend in your own mind.
  • HoHoHoDetwaah
    8 years ago
    Speaking of PUA, which was mentioned above, I read a story recently which was very creepy. A few PUA artists just got thrown in jail for raping some girl. Apparently for a few years they were targeting girls who were stumbling out of bars drunk at closing time. Their methods were creepy and predatory. First, they would try to separate the girl from her friends. Then, get her back to their place. Next, try to take her cell phone and hide it, to further isolate her. Then, have sex with her, sometimes while they were passed out. The whole PUA thing sounds super predatory and much more pathetic than paying for sex.
  • K
    8 years ago
    That isn't pua. That's rape.
  • HoHoHoDetwaah
    8 years ago
    The article said these guys were higher ups in the PUA community and taught seminars to wannabe pua guys. Even if you take out the rape part of it, trying to isolate her from her friends and put her on the defensive (which is pretty common pua stuff) is predatory and creepy.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I force feed hoes my cock...I use their tears as lubricant LMFAO
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Front room manipulate
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    --> "I know that just about every guy you dance for probably asks to have sex with you. They couldn't help it because you're extraordinarily beautiful. But I'm not like these other guys...."

    ... I'm gonna eat ass like a human centipede.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    --> "I know that just about every guy you dance for probably asks to have sex with you. They couldn't help it because you're extraordinarily beautiful. But I'm not like these other guys....""

    ... tonight we're gonna find out how many orgasms it takes before you collapse from exhaustion.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    --> "I know that just about every guy you dance for probably asks to have sex with you. They couldn't help it because you're extraordinarily beautiful. But I'm not like these other guys...."

    ... I'll be you $100 you cum before I do. You down?
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    ... nice shoes. Wanna fuck?
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    that's actually pretty good. if i go that route will have to steal some of it...
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    @ Jabba:

    You probably mean PUA, it stands cor "pick up artist" (apparently it's a thing)
  • jestrite50
    8 years ago
    You got it right brother ! If these guys like HoHoHoDetwaah who have No Club Experience No Club Reviews think they know Well they are just kidding themselves. We know what works ! We've been there done that. This dude is talking stuff he knows nothing about !
    Juice ! Juice ! Juice !
  • K
    8 years ago
    "You probably mean PUA, it stands [f]or "pick up artist" (apparently it's a thing) "

    It has been a thing since at least the early 80's. Probably longer. I saw a flyer for a seminar in my freshman year of college. Couldn't attend the seminar? The flyer had an address and phone number so you could order an entire course with textbook, audio cassettes and a newsletter so you could stay up to date on the advances in the field.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I'm sorry, but PUAs give men a bad name by being so disrespectful to the ladies. If they want sex so bad, why not just offer to pay their target appropriately.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Jest50 lol hell yeah bro....

    Dominic that was some funny shit
  • K
    8 years ago
    I think we derailed this thread. - I am Sorry for that. PUA may be worthy of its own thread
    "I'm sorry, but PUAs give men a bad name by being so disrespectful to the ladies. If they want sex so bad, why not just offer to pay their target appropriately."
    You are preaching to the choir .

  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I'm still trying to figure out how a teenage girl in underwear intimidates grown men,it's amazing to me how many guys need to strategize how to fuck a whore for money.
  • K
    8 years ago
    "...it's amazing to me how many guys need to strategize how to fuck a whore for money. "

    I think these guys know they don't need to. It is part of the fun.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^I'm not so sure!
  • flagooner
    8 years ago

    I was being facetious.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I agree with 25 on this lol
  • K
    8 years ago
    Forgive me. it is hard to know with some of the characters around here.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    "...it's amazing to me how many guys need to strategize how to fuck a whore for money."

    Some of us aren't Adonis, with a wad of money in each pocket. As well, not all the whores fuck, and some are even picky about *who* they fuck. How much they charge also varies, as does the range of activities and willingness to meet a stranger outside the club.

    As Diminic77 points out, the type of strippers I'm usually dealing with tend to be amenable to the more direct approach. It seldom hurts to be tactful, nice and diplomatic, however.

  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @ GMD if a grown up cant figure out how, and what it takes to get a whore to sexually satisfy him/her, that person has more problems than can be addressed here. BTW if you think a guy needs to be an Adonis with wads of money than you will never get my point, and truthfully you are in need of more help than anyone here can supply. It's amazing how some guys think they need to be someone other than who they are, in order to score, they must be intimidated, that's all I see happening here. That was my original point.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dominic77 wrote of the PUA doctrine, "So why not just be the guy?"

    I agree completely. What the PUA's put out is just posturing, and obviously so. Now yes, everyone likes guys who are confident and assertive, but someone who is really so does not need to pretend and be obnoxious about it.

    And Juice, my goodness, this is a guy who has really learned!

    And HoHoHoDetwaah, sorry, but Jestrite50 is TUSCL's undisputed Master Womanizer. He is the one who has figured out what most guys don't even begin to understand. He gets out of the interactional box which the strip clubs and some of the girls try to lock you into. His rough outline should be mandatory reading for everyone here. Not that it is a 'System', it simply shows you how to be yourself with awesome young hotties. A guy's head has got to be 95% bone mass for him not to get what Jestrite50 is saying.


    Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers - A Night In Tunisia - 1958
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->" I find the whole "But I'm not like these other guys...." phrase to be a little too close to PUA material, which I find I don't care to use."

    Yeah, JS enjoys this type of line, so maybe he can say it without it coming off completely contrived. I find this style of talk, along with opening with how much money you'll pay, and nearly everything else JS usually says (the soliloquy about being normal and understands how the game is played), just not me, and more than a little douchey, so I don't use it. That said, I think the only thing the girl is looking for is 1. a reasonable assurance she'll make bank, and 2. a reasonable assurance he is respectful and not creepy. I think JS succeeds mostly because of item #1 (they believe it when he says it), and the girls just get good at ignoring the PUA-type "I'm not like all the other guys, I know how the game is played" lines.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    ^ the only thing I would add to that is a 3rd thing she is looking for.

    A feeling (real or imagined) that she will be safe.

    That might come along with the creep factor, but that could cover a lot of things.
  • jestrite50
    8 years ago
    As far as making a girl feel safe it's all in how you present yourself. You need to make her feel comfortable with you. The way you speak the way you touch needs to appeal to her innermost desires. I have a knack of making girls feel comfortable with me. None have ever been afraid in my company.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ #1


    Miles Davis - So What
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    @twentyfive: Your reading comprehension sucks. What part of "not all whores fuck" and "some whores are picky" do you not understand?

    Maybe you club in a place where every stripper in every club will fuck any dude who walks through the door. I don't. And if you think a wad of cash and good looks don't make even a little difference, you're a fool.

    In addition, I'm not generally interested in the high volume ones, but prefer the lower volume ones, even if they aren't as good looking as the top tier girls who are waiting on Christian Gray's less demanding brother, and won't give us fat, ugly guys the time of day.

    FWIW, I don't think I need to be someone other than who I am to "score." I learned a fairly long time ago that putting up a facade that *might* be more desirable to *some* strippers isn't worth my time, as there are plenty of them who don't have any problem at all with the real me, and also fall well within my "desirable" range.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I agree 100% Jest50

    Jest ! Jest ! Jest !
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I agree 100% Jest50

    Jest ! Jest ! Jest !
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @GMD my reading comprehension is just fine I never said what you are attributing to me, what I said maybe not as nicely as subra but exactly what he said maybe you need to pick up your own comprehension skills . Actually all whores do fuck maybe not with you but they do fuck for money, (that is what a whore does) and if you are spending there's a pretty good chance even if you are a fat old guy, if you have what they want and don't act totally clueless you might get laid occasionally. These are not civie women looking for life-mates they are predatory shark like women, (if I were to be a bit more PC the way you would prefer, I'd call them businesswomen not shark like) that want to get paid for a service. I get it just fine, if you need a system to fuck whores for money you gots to be some kind of a loser, sorry but that's the cold hard truth.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Amen. Especially the last sentence.
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