
Trump's First Month: How's He Doing?

Sunday, February 19, 2017 7:43 AM
I'm quite impressed by how many of his election promises it appears that he plans to deliver on. I would say he is off to a very strong start all that whiny liberal sobbing not withstanding. Now, of course, the will to get stuff enacted is not necessarily the same as getting it enacted, so we'll have to see how many thing he can pull that off for. How are the rest of you feeling about Trump's first 30 days?


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Well nobody is exchanging nukes so far.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I'm impressed so far. I don't see anything he has done to warrant such vitriol. If you listen to media reports though, he hasn't done anything right and deserves impeachment. I wish we could have objective reporting. It seems to all be either far right or far left.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    If he does nothing but piss off the liberals and conservatives on the extreme while pissing off the established media, then he's done a great job in my book. For years people have been saying the only way to change the corrupt establishment is to elect a businessman like Trump, and we have now got what we need. It's going to be somewhat painful, but positive change is usually painful.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    I'm with you there. I have to follow the news pretty closely as part of my job, but turning on CNN is a real choir these days. Like this morning when they were bouncing around Hitler and Staling comparisons. Please. Doesn't Godwin's Law apply to the media? I'm used to the media be completely non-objective in fact you can nearly always bank on them to get things wrong, but this time they are literally foaming at the mouth and their "analysis" break down into nothing but liberal circle-jerks in the first 10 seconds or so. Following "print" media and twitter is not much better. It should be fun when the shit really starts to hit the fan over in Europe this year. See how the media handles that simultaneously with Trump.
  • londonguy
    7 years ago
    What shit do you mean Dougster? Brexit? Greece? There's certainly a lot that could happen with elections in France and The Netherlands.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    He's being the asshole he's always been.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @londonguy: All of that. The French elections especially. Also Italy. And you know Putin will be applying to whole thing especially since he seems to be in bed with Trump. Only thing that could help (temporarily) is if Trump cleared out Syria so all those refugees could go back. I doubt that would be in Russia's interest though, so that will be a good measure of the Putin/Trump connection if he delivers on his promise to create "safe zone" there. I'm betting no.
  • nj_pete
    7 years ago
    Hes a loose canon, self promoting and a narcissist. Not that more traditional careen politicians are better, but this is a mess.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Oh, yes, don't forget NATO too.
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    He's done virtually nothing of consequence either bad or good. Which, unsurprisingly, his supporters have championed as the best thing ever while most everybody else has claimed it to be the fall of the western world. The media has lost all sense of decorum. I'm still waiting to see him actually do the job. I do like his supreme court pick. I don't like how he's choosing to address the masses.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Trump is an ignorant, incompetent clown, a serial liar, and an embarrassment to our great nation. On the positive side, he really knows how to suck Putin's dick.
  • EdwardKang
    7 years ago
    A couple of rookie mistakes so far, but otherwise he is doing better than several of our previous Presidents. He is moving forward with his promised agenda unlike several who made promises they never intended to keep. He won't get to do everything he promised due to opposition from several nefarious beasts whose lairs are hidden in the muck of the cess pit that Washington DC has become. I do have hopes that he will be able to accomplish several of the reforms he promised. Maybe we won"t be as badly ripped off by the military industrial complex about which President Eisenhower warned us. (IMHO, we need a strong military but we have been ripped off for decades by military and other contractors.) It is disappointing to see the vicious attacks by the extreme left for enforcing laws that have been on the books for decades. By the way, the United States Codes refers to people from other countries who are here illegally as "illegal aliens". It is a correct legal term to refer to their status.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    I think his twitter is improving. He's not insulting and degrading as many people as he did before. Although the media seems to be his latest twitter target. It's hard to sort through all the alternative facts. And he's really good at taking vacations to Florida and avoiding the White House as much as he can and that bill to America for security at Mar Largo and Trump Tower sure is getting high after 30 days. That's about all I see so far. Oh, and buy Ivankas stuff, for sure. And Russia is our friend, comrade.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    As you've pointed out, paying much attention to the increasingly misnamed "main stream media" is almost wholly pointless anymore. They seemed to have abandoned even the most remote semblance of objectivity, at least the American ones. They don't seem to be capable of presenting anything like both sides of a story. Trump is definitely not perfect, but his imperfections, while perhaps different from those of past presidents and congress critters, are no more egregious than those of the others. They only seem so because they're not as well hidden, either by the media or political cronies.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Or maybe because the bar has been set so low, just being able to walk and talk at the same time is touted as an accomplishment. This is what we end up with after years of participation trophies, some one just declares he won what a joke this is becoming. I do agree the news media stinks, it would be better if they just reported the news, instead they convene a panel of jerks to explain everything and as a result there is no real news just a bunch of heads giving opinions.
  • RicktheBear
    7 years ago
    Dougster why are you a fagget ?
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @RickTheBear: Because I let you suck on my cock and I came in your mouth?
  • RicktheBear
    7 years ago
    D Boy loves gay sex
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    He hasn't started a nuclear war yet, so I'd say he's doing better than I expected.
  • likes2look
    7 years ago
    We haven't invaded Canada, Yet.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I say he is self destructing. And my read of the Constitution is that so long as both houses have 2/3rds, they could impeach the President and Vice President together, and that they don't need to follow any standing order of succession. They can install whom ever they want. But, will they have cause to impeach Pence. As VP, maybe he has not had the chance to do anything wrong? Remember in Oliver Stone's movie, John Dean telling Nixon that Deep Throat wants $2 Meg cash, throwing up his hands and lamenting that it would only be organized crime which would be able to do that. Nixon: "2 million, I got that." We now know that that was from an unlawful cash contribution from the Shah of Iran. And then when Dean approached Deep Throat, indignantly, "Why are you black mailing the President?" "That isn't the question. The question is, why is he paying?" What is being alleged about Trump is already far more serious than anything of Watergate. SJG
  • dw.buck
    7 years ago
    well since some people believe he is doing all his campaign promises he did promise to end the porno industry and strip clubs so i guess next month this website will be gone!!!!!!!!! he is an utter FAILURE and he is litterly in bed with the commy russians. hope to see him impeached next month
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    His muslim ban was a stupid way to roll out policy changes. The Russia thing may get him impeached, although we probably have another scooter libby where the guy falls on his sword and doesn't implicate his boss. The real test will be how he works with Republicans in Congress. I do imagine we will see President Pence before 2020, which might be worse for Liberals.
  • jayhawk123
    7 years ago
    Hey San Jose Guy what version of the constitution are you reading there? The new California edition? You said they can impeach the President and Vice President at the same time and then there is no successsion that they can just go ahead and install anybody they want. That may top all of the totally ignorant comments I have seen over past few months. Wow
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    He's right on top of the crisis in Sweden.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @ rockstar- Is Sweden about to get nuked?
  • crsm27
    7 years ago
    Well here is my take... 1. He is doing what he said he would..... with all of the stuff. 2. The "muslim" ban was stupid. First off he should have never said anything about religion "muslim".... but the ban in itself wasn't anything worse than what Obama wanted. These countries he listed but never followed thru.... Trump is following thru. Again do I think it is good... NOPE 3. His wall stuff.... don't agree with because it wont stop anything. Now if his wall is "taxation"... then do it. Keeps companies in the USA and I am no economist... and have no clue what it will do to inflation.... but it might keep it in check. 4. He is trying to bring "checks and balance" back to government. With his "hiring freeze". This is good IMHO. 5. He needs to keep off twitter.... he is an idiot and that "self promotion" or what ever you want to call it is hurting him. He needs to learn to be a little more PC... now I hate that we have to be PC... but a person in power needs to be a little less brash and speak with more tact. 6. His "Russia" dealings or lack there of is his major weakness. Only time will tell with this one. But getting rid of some of his "picks" that had Russian ties/influence is good... but needs to keep cleaning that house out if you know what I mean. So I would say in my eyes he is about at a 75% rating.... doing good yet being an idiot.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    jayhawk123, its article II, section 1. [view link] Are you reading it differently than I am? I could be missing something. It is complex. And then there are also the 20th and 25th Amendments. Remember that with Nixon, they got Spiro Agnew to resign, in lieu of being prosecuted for tax evasion. [view link] How about some things Trump most certainly does not care about: 1. Abortion ( almost certainly pro-choice, and probably would like some compulsory abortions, consistent with Ayn Rand and Paul Ryan. ) 2. Lowering Corporate Taxes ( most corporations don't even pay any tax as it is ) 3. Reducing or restricting immigration ( vast majority of business people want as many immigrants as possible, more people, more stratification ) 4. Scaling back Obama Care ( on record as wanting a full Euro style Universal Health Care ) And how do we know this? Well it is pretty standard for business people. But we also know it from when in 1996 Ross Perot's Reform Party was most angered by Pat Buchannan, but wanted Trump. SJG James Hillman, challenging psychotherapy? [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    As Calls Grow to Impeach Trump, Former Nixon Counsel John Dean Sees "Echoes of Watergate" [view link] [view link] Khanna intends to discuss what is being done to protect the community’s interests on all fronts, from healthcare and environmental protections to how immigrant communities may be targeted by deportation forces. [view link] There wasn’t a discouraging word aimed at the rookie representative, who drew cheers and applause whenever he slammed Trump and the Republicans or suggested that the Democrats haven’t been tough enough on the GOP. ... He talked about his plans to oppose Neil Gorsuch’s appointment to the Supreme Court, his backing of a $15 minimum wage and his plan to introduce a $1 trillion boost to the earned income credit, which he argued is the sort of bold approach Democrats should be taking. [view link] "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross." -- Sinclair Lewis [view link] But Khanna had a real — if somewhat geeky — complaint about how Pai curtailed a program meant to help low-income people use broadband internet. And the moment said something about the 40-year-old Democrat’s effort to place himself in his party’s progressive wing. [view link] How to help small manufacturers (and how not to) [view link] Commentary: Trade wars will not help manufacturing, but smart policies would [view link] San Jose mayor: Clear ‘failure’ led to record flooding [view link] SJG
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