I thought that No 5 Orange Showroom Pub in Vancouver B.C. was at $40-50 but yesterday I saw one for $80 at Club Rouge in Richmond VA. Don't count prices for BJ's of FS at TJ clubs, etc.
If Shadow doesn't want to hear the range of opinion on a topic, then he should not post it. If he does and then he gets belligerent, then he should know what to expect.
Shadowcat is redeemable. Many of the others on this thread are not.
Daddillac, read the thread or you shut the fuck up. If Shadowcat did not want to hear the range of view, he should not have started the thread. And he and you Daddillac need to understand what will happen if you get belligerent.
hahaha, I work at Club Rouge! I even think the dances are expensive there. It sucks :( I've been on a dancer-cation so my memory is foggy but we don't even offer an $80 dance price. Cheapest is a $20 2-for-1 or $65 for a one song dance 'full contact' dance. If I'm not mistaken, the Paper Moon in RVA has like $50 air dances and $100 15min dances that are in a tiny chair and behind a translucent curtain. I'm pretty sure that place is the most expensive I've heard of. My strip club experience is limited though.
Virginia, most people say their strip clubs are horrible.
My position on this board has always been that one should not let girls sell them dances, that that is a chump's game.
Lap dancing originally meant lap sitting, front room.
So instead, be feeding her money, and getting to know her, and try to get a front room makeout session going. Need to learn how to use talk to soften girls up.
If she won't play, try to see her outside. But do not let her get you into a booth or back room.
And don't listen to anything she says she is going to do. Makeout session in progress, or it goes no further. Talking about it does not count.
Now after that, you can invite her to the backroom, like when your pants need to come down. Shouldn't have any problems doing it that way. And then be prepared, as likely you will end up waking up with her the next morning.
@Govikings...I understand, they're garbage. I'm saving up for a car right now and once I finally get my wheels, I'm going to check out some other places. I like Rouge for what it is and where it is, it's the best club I've ever worked at as far as treatment from staff and customers, along with dancer relationships. Being a customer, I fully understand why not many like it and why some are hesitant or unwilling to get lapdances and stuff.
If you ever stop by, definitely hit me up..It's fun with the right peoples!
The most I have ever paid is $25 -$40(typical price in most big cities) for a topless - nude dance. I do that to scout out the rules at the club(s). Many times the only way to tell what is available is to get a dance. Corvus where do you get a $10 dance, I have not seen a $10 dance other than a special and usually very shortened. A $5 table dance but not a lap dance in a separate area. (even Henry VIII is more than that)
SJG.... I did read the thread, Shadow asked "What is the most expensive lap dance price shown on TUSCL for straight lap dances?"
I did not see him ask for an opinion, which is what you answered with.
In the beginning your opinions were funny and I enjoyed your casual comments. Later I felt sorry for you that you had to voice your opinion about everything, your existence must be so miserable. Finally, it got to where it pissed me off to see your comments. You never give a straight answer on anything and only try to piss people off with your opinions. Honestly I don't think even you believe most of the shit that comes out of your mouth, you just want to be heard.
$25.00 around here, last night, bought full-contact laps, with any one of eight different dancers age 20 and below. The fattest one was maybe an ounce overweight. Chose that over extras. Money well spent.
The $50 Bare Elegance dances were the most expensive I'd ever seen untilI I went to San Fran. Hard to believe that guys are stupid/desperate enough to spend that kind of money for 2-3 min with a naked girl.
$10 floor dances in the club's I visit in Tucson, Phoenix, Albuquerque. VIPs are more of course. And I don't go to all the club's. Curves in Tucson, HiLiter and BSC in Phoenix, although BSC dancers mostly don't like the floor dances preferring VIP; also both TDs club's in Albuquerque. I'm spoiled.
$40-50 Canadian is something like $30-39 US right? That quite high, but not anything I've never seen before. Now $80 for one regular lap dance?! I don't know how they sell any. Blackjack's in Elgin, IL has had $30/$50 (topless/nude) dances for a while now. I don't think they sell many of the nude dances and they run hourly promotions of 2 for $50 topless and 2 for $80 nude (still crazy expensive) which seems to sell dances that otherwise wouldn't get sold. Industrial Strip in Hammond, IN sells one topless (they no longer have nudity after they started selling alcohol a couple years ago and business is way down) dance for $35. But they also have 2 for $50 and 3 for $65 all day, so most people don't buy just the one. Strangely, when they were nude the prices were $35, $50, $55 for 1, 2 or 3 so people almost always bought 3. You now get less for more. Scores in Stone Park, IL has had $30 topless dances for seemingly forever, but people keep buying them for whatever reason. Daisy Dooks in Davenport, IA sells a 3 minute topless dance for $25 and a 4 minute flashing nudity (they can't completely remove their panties) dance for $40, but on Tuesdays the $40 dances and their VIP rooms are BOGOF, so you get two of them for $40 and twice as much time in the VIP room for the regular price. IMO, Tuesday's the only day worth going for that club; even then it's barely worth it. All the other places I know that sell both topless and nude dances charge $10 more for nude, usually $20/$30 (topless/nude), so those places mentioned above seem like robbery to me.
Highest I have seen is $30 fully nude full contact touching everything but kitty in a club in Lawrence, KS. Somebody asked where you can find $10 dances? Another club in Lawrence has $10 full contact topless dances all day every day.
Breath of fresh air here, lets apply logic to the arguments we have seen in this thread to this point (with apologies to Shadowcat for wandering from his topic)
A thread is posted postulating "Which color in the visible spectrum of light has the highest rate of vibration" (assuming what normally seen is the visible spectrum of the human eye).
I would think "Seeing is a chumps game" would be totally an irrational answer, and I would think challenging the poster for propagating alternative facts and being a total troll would be in order, Savvy?
It can be absolutely true that some things are detectable in the infrared or ultraviolet spectrum and radio astronomy can 'see' things you can't photograph in a telescope. Still, we are talking the visible spectrum. The correct answer should probably be violet, or a certain frequency in angstroms... NOT some version of 'Seeing is a chump's game'. Its not about an abstract opinion in this case, its about quantitative observations by observers.
SJG I call you out! You have all the intellectual scruples of Kelleyanne Conway.
HRG, if someone doesn't want to see the range of opinion on a topic, then they should not post it. Shadowcat got belligerent and profane, so he got what he had coming. And then all these self appointed content enforcers, they are just going to have to learn to live with it.
Wait? Shadowcat Belligerent? I think the person who is out of control here is the TOTAL FUCKTARD who persists in taking over threads and in this case was parroting a line that he has whipped like a dead horse to where people are sick of hearing it.
The game gets played differently in clubs across the nation because there are different jurisdictions- some of them are in the bible belt, sometimes its club management or local tradition. Front room friendliness sounds great where its available but you have to respect that what you can do in other parts of the country may not be how things are done in San Jose. AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU REFUSE TO GET THRU YOUR HEAD SJG. "Californication" isn't everywhere, hell San Francisco was once a hot spot and its gone TO hell.
Sometimes people want to know HOW MUCH dances are in the VIP ROOM because they know some things might not play in the front room. Sure, Club, bouncers, all take a big cut, not to mention tipping the dancers. But here's the point SJG, INFORMED CONSUMERS CAN THINK FOR THEMSELVES on HOW MUCH THE EXPERIENCE IS WORTH TO THEIR POCKETBOOK. YES I'M YELLING at someone who has blinders on and refuses to see when his redundant talking point gets in the way of further communication.
That's my beef in a nutshell, I'm sticking to it . Sorry if you feel butthurt or disrespected, but you keep parroting the same shit and we aren't buying it!
last commentLetting girls sell you dances is a chump's game.
Shadowcat is redeemable. Many of the others on this thread are not.
I just want you to follow your mom's directives and stay out of trouble.
I've been on a dancer-cation so my memory is foggy but we don't even offer an $80 dance price. Cheapest is a $20 2-for-1 or $65 for a one song dance 'full contact' dance.
If I'm not mistaken, the Paper Moon in RVA has like $50 air dances and $100 15min dances that are in a tiny chair and behind a translucent curtain. I'm pretty sure that place is the most expensive I've heard of. My strip club experience is limited though.
My position on this board has always been that one should not let girls sell them dances, that that is a chump's game.
Lap dancing originally meant lap sitting, front room.
So instead, be feeding her money, and getting to know her, and try to get a front room makeout session going. Need to learn how to use talk to soften girls up.
If she won't play, try to see her outside. But do not let her get you into a booth or back room.
And don't listen to anything she says she is going to do. Makeout session in progress, or it goes no further. Talking about it does not count.
Now after that, you can invite her to the backroom, like when your pants need to come down. Shouldn't have any problems doing it that way. And then be prepared, as likely you will end up waking up with her the next morning.
I'm not a big fan of the clubs in Richmond, so therefore I don't go to them that often, but I've definitely gotta pay you a visit
@sjg you didn't technically answer the question. You gave a response, but it wasn't an answer to:
"What is the most expensive lap dance price shown on TUSCL for straight lap dances?"
Being a customer, I fully understand why not many like it and why some are hesitant or unwilling to get lapdances and stuff.
If you ever stop by, definitely hit me up..It's fun with the right peoples!
Most expensive dances I've see were $40 nude dances at Club Rogue in Portland. I didn't partake. I'm spoiled by $10 and $20 dances.
Corvus where do you get a $10 dance, I have not seen a $10 dance other than a special and usually very shortened. A $5 table dance but not a lap dance in a separate area. (even Henry VIII is more than that)
I did not see him ask for an opinion, which is what you answered with.
In the beginning your opinions were funny and I enjoyed your casual comments. Later I felt sorry for you that you had to voice your opinion about everything, your existence must be so miserable. Finally, it got to where it pissed me off to see your comments. You never give a straight answer on anything and only try to piss people off with your opinions. Honestly I don't think even you believe most of the shit that comes out of your mouth, you just want to be heard.
Count me as one who is no longer listening
Fuck Off SJG
If you don't like it:
Otherwise Daddillac, you should know what to expect:
A thread is posted postulating "Which color in the visible spectrum of light has the highest rate of vibration" (assuming what normally seen is the visible spectrum of the human eye).
I would think "Seeing is a chumps game" would be totally an irrational answer, and I would think challenging the poster for propagating alternative facts and being a total troll would be in order, Savvy?
It can be absolutely true that some things are detectable in the infrared or ultraviolet spectrum and radio astronomy can 'see' things you can't photograph in a telescope. Still, we are talking the visible spectrum. The correct answer should probably be violet, or a certain frequency in angstroms... NOT some version of 'Seeing is a chump's game'. Its not about an abstract opinion in this case, its about quantitative observations by observers.
SJG I call you out! You have all the intellectual scruples of Kelleyanne Conway.
The game gets played differently in clubs across the nation because there are different jurisdictions- some of them are in the bible belt, sometimes its club management or local tradition. Front room friendliness sounds great where its available but you have to respect that what you can do in other parts of the country may not be how things are done in San Jose. AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU REFUSE TO GET THRU YOUR HEAD SJG. "Californication" isn't everywhere, hell San Francisco was once a hot spot and its gone TO hell.
Sometimes people want to know HOW MUCH dances are in the VIP ROOM because they know some things might not play in the front room. Sure, Club, bouncers, all take a big cut, not to mention tipping the dancers. But here's the point SJG, INFORMED CONSUMERS CAN THINK FOR THEMSELVES on HOW MUCH THE EXPERIENCE IS WORTH TO THEIR POCKETBOOK. YES I'M YELLING at someone who has blinders on and refuses to see when his redundant talking point gets in the way of further communication.
That's my beef in a nutshell, I'm sticking to it . Sorry if you feel butthurt or disrespected, but you keep parroting the same shit and we aren't buying it!
HGR, Shadowcat was the one who got belligerent and profane, so getting his own language back was suiting.
You have no respect for other board users.
I'm done talking to you or listening to you. Fuckoff!!
Join my organization, it has actual members and is working more and more each day.