
Alchohol as a mental lube

I just returned to my hotel room, by taxi, after drinking an unusually higher amount of booze at a strip club I haven't visited in years. I left a rental car in the strip club parking lot and a couple of hundred dollars inside the club. Nothing remarkable about that, for most of you, or for me, really. But for me, the text on my phone indicates that I may yet score - big time - if the day shift hotties I was buying drinks for show up. I didn't - this time - engage in any LD/VIP activities. Instead, I just visited, laughed, talked and drank with a couple of strippers from the day shift who didn't seem to care that I wasn't shoving $20s in their bras and just kept drinking with me (I was buying their drinks, too). ((For those of you who think I am taking forever to get to the point I will remind you that I am long winded sober, too))

Anyway, while I am waiting for them to end their shift, shower, change and get over here (assuming they actually do come), I was wondering how much you consider booze to be a social/sexual lubricant? Does it help you score?


  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Never been much of a drinker although there was a period of maybe 2 or 3 years where I often tried to get a buzz in the club.

    Thus I can't speak w/ a lot of personal experience but it seems most people become much less inhibited/defensive when they have a good buzz going.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    Of course Beer makes you smart. It made BUD Wiser....
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    That amount would differ for a lot of people.

    For me, a guy who shares a bottle of wine once a month, and maybe has a glass of wine with dinner say once a week, get 3 strong drinks in me and I'm loosened up. It probably takes Juice a 30 pack of Buschhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to loosen him up. It takes SJG a passed out woman and rope to get him loosened up and it takes Lil Fishsticks a pack of Ho-Hos and a Fruit Roll Up to get him going.


  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Do you mean at the strip club or real life?

    In real life dating, alcohol is something adults engage in and enjoy. But I don't "use" it or plan to get my dates drunk.

    At the strip club, alcohol is pretty much 100% win. A $5 drink will buy 20 minutes of her time. Four $5 drinks and she'll forget about time altogether, loosen up in the back, have very fun conversations, and generally enjoy her time with you more (or hate it less -- whatever, still a win). Don't go too far because a lot of strippers are mean, trashy drunks. But get them buzzed and all the magic happens. That includes making other poor choices -- such as going OTC with me :)
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    $5 drinks in strip clubs? You clubbing in the 1950's?
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    ok it's been 4 hours since you posted - obviously killing time while you waited for hotties to show up.
    By about now I hope you are havin a fuckin time !

    If no one showed up yet - just text back I have $200 waiting for each of you.
    $ is the best lube ever
  • Cowboy12
    8 years ago
    There's one stripper at my club that is a real sweetheart when sober, very friendly and very "hands on", lol.
    When she is drunk, she is loud, obnoxious, and wines and complains about everybody and everything.

    Fortunately, at that point, the bartender or manager always makes her leave.

    Point is, alcohol affects people differently.
    But in general it does make people more open, free, and usually leads to bad decisions that we later regret.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    "That's it Trixie, you're too drunk, time to Call Gawker to come pick you up and take you to your moms house!"
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Marijuana is far far more effective than alcohol with far fewer negatives.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"$5 drinks in strip clubs? You clubbing in the 1950's?"

    Ha! You can't get those prices on later night shifts. But well drinks are $5 (-ish) at even our highest-end clubs during the daytime. And "happy hour" (which I think is before 9pm) at Penthouse, well shots are an absurd $2.50 each. These clubs all have strip-club-normal prices on nightshift, and strip-club-normal for the mid-shelf and higher, but have VERY reasonable prices during most of dayshift on lower-end drinks. Which is what I buy.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    I seldom drink, though I did have an interesting bourbon sour with a hint of rosemary when I went out with friends last night. A little alcohol is ace but being excessive is never good.

    And drinking and driving is seriously d-baggy. :(

    I also don't do drugs. I won't condemn users of marijuana and I actually think legalization is a good idea (so long as people don't get stoned and drive). More serious drugs are a seriously bad idea!
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    The cocktail I referred to was at a bar, not a strip club. Normally I'm more of a simple jack and coke guy. Though I occasionally mix it up.

    But I mix it up with limits. A gay friend said I made his gaydar go off when I ordered a Cosmo. Haven't ordered one since! (Not that there's anything wrong with being gay. It's just that I'm straight!)
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    You definitely need to be secure in your masculinity to order a cosmo in public LOL

    I almost always stick with shots at the strip club. Or straight up whiskey
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    4got: I think it would be more acceptable to order that cosmo if, when you ordered it, you stuck your hips out to one side, pursed your lips, and said it like, "A cosmo would be FABULOUS!". And then snapped your fingers way out to the side.

  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    Alcohol is one hell of a social lubricant in the clubs. Once every year or two I will end up in a dry club for shits and grins, often after I've tied one on at another club, and the atmosphere in those clubs is completely different. I also find the attitudes of teetotaler strippers to be far less fun than those who have a few drinks with the customers.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    In Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha

    A man planning to kill himself finds release by stopping in a tavern and drinking alcohol. And the English writer Colin Wilson makes much of this.

    But I still think it a mistake to ever use alcohol, or depend upon it. What it gives you, you can learn to do a better job of giving yourself.

  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"Once every year or two I will end up in a dry club for shits and grins, often after I've tied one on at another club, and the atmosphere in those clubs is completely different."

    Although it's also the case that "dry club" only means "dry for the customers". The girls are in the back getting buzzed, with little bottles of whatever they sneak in. The only difference for them is, they have direct control over how much they drink, rather than having customers pressure them. In the dry club I used to frequent, you could buy bottles of water or sodas. I'd buy one of the water bottles (so it was the exact same brand), walk down the street to a liquor store, replace the water with vodka. My ATF and a couple of her friends would rotate through sitting next to me and drinking from my water bottle. I believe 100% that the bouncers knew what was going on and ignored it, there's otherwise no reason strippers would be so excited to sit next to me, much less ever consider taking a sip from my water.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Some girls at some dry clubs sneak in booze. But not all girls at all clubs.

    If she needs a buzz to do her job, then she has a drinking problem, and this is going to effect the ways she thinks, wet or dry.

    So I prefer girls who don't drink.


    2 Pillars Of Solomon
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