
Stripper's Parents

The Square Above Charlie Weaver
A couple of months ago I had a young stripper dance for me. A while later I saw a family at a restaurant I frequent. Mom, Dad and three teenage to college age looking kids. I swore the oldest daughter was this stripper.

Fast forward to this week. Saw the same stripper. Almost convinced it was the same girl I saw in the restaurant. Noticed a small tattoo on her ankle. She had an alcohol wristband, so 18-20 years old. Despite that, she seemed a bit tipsy at 3 in the afternoon.Took her to VIP. Very satisfying.

Last night, same restaurant, same family, same daughter, SAME TATTOO. Busted!! Made eye contact and I could tell she was nervous.

I've run into the odd stripper in public, but never before with husband/boyfriend/parents. Should make for an interesting conversation next VIP. Anyone ever run into a stripper with her family like that?


  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    One morning I ran into the stripper that became my ATF(gridget) at the IHOP. She was with her then husband. I saw them as soon as I was seated. he had his back to me. She saw me and waved. So I waved back. Throughout breakfast every time I looked in her direction, She smiled at me. When they got up to leave she waved to me again.

    That afternoon at the club, I tried to tell several dancers about our chance meeting but they had already heard it from her. I asked her what she told her husband and she said that I was just a customer that she knew from the club.

    I was 230 miles from home and she was 65 miles from her home.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    I have seen dancers outside the club here and there and have never acknowledged that I know them and they have never acknowledged that they know me. I do that for many reasons the two most important is: One I may be with someone that does not need to know about my hobby and two she may be with someone that does not know of her line of work.
    I would expect a dance would want the same privacy.
    Meeting anyone who is not a close friend in public is awkward and something I prefer to keep to a minimum.
  • warhawks
    8 years ago

    I once was out to dinner with my (now ex-wife). We were at a bar/pub. The tables in this bar we're very close together. And the seats at the particular table we were at on one side were actually more of a wooden row/booth on the one side with the tables and regular chairs on the other side.

    My ex was sitting looking out into the bar with her back against the wall and I was in the chair facing her and the wall.

    When all of a sudden, a couple is seated right next to us. The girl is sitting right next to my ex wife and her date is in a chair next to me. Yep. It was a girl I had been seeing inside and outside the club.

    I instantly recognized her, as I had spent the night at her house many times after the club and we had actually gone out to dinner and baseball games, casinos, etc together.

    Anyways, she smiled at me and I tried to avoid eye contact so as not to tip off my ex, but it was an excruciating 5-10 minutes as we finished up our drinks and meals and cashed out and left.

    I texted her the next day and thanked her for not saying anything while sitting right next to us. She got out of the business soon after that and I never heard from her again.
  • etsutwigg222
    8 years ago
    Was at a steakhouse for a pre-game meal.with a Fav #2 OTC, because ATF was busy with a family celebration. You guessed it.....ATF walks in with bf and daughtersee. They get seated next to us with ATF facing me. Dancers work at different clubs, so they didn't know each other. ATF keeps staring and walks by table twice to check out my date pretending to go to restroom. I even hear ATF's bf say to ATF "look at that old man with that young girl. I bet she is a stripper hooking up with him". I cracked up because just 5 days earlier I was spending 4 hours of with ATF OTC. Later, I went to restroom and ATF was on hall when I came out. No big scene.....she just hugged me, said she wished I was there with her daughters and her instead of the bf, and to be careful. Figured it was SS, but the next week after on of our best OTC sessions she refused the gift $$$ and invited me to dinner with the daughters. Seems the girls knew what Mom did to pay the bills and the bf's comments about the stripper upset them. ATF threw him out because she realized he was a leech. 1 1/2 years later she is still my ATF, we do only OTC whenever I ask (no club visits needed for me), and we go to meals at least once a week with daughters. No live in bf. My clubbing/OTC cost is now less than half of previous.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    This doesn't involve a stripper but similar story. I was out when I was 30 partying in a college bar. This young gorgeous coed starting hitting on me and her friend was hitting on my buddy. The one that was hitting on me - I would have loved to bang but too many people around that I knew (I'm married and in my own town). So my buddy (who was divorced at the time) and I drive these girls back to their apartment. The one hitting on me is sitting in the front seat next to me and her dress is hiked up so high her everything is exposed below including a tiny thong undies. OMG how I didn't rip off all her clothes right there is beyond me. My friend stayed, I was asked to stay but left. I never did anything inappropriate but man I wanted to.

    That was on a Friday. That Sunday my wife and I go out to dinner and that same girl is the hostess when we walk in. Even though she was drunk on Friday she clearly remembered who I was on Sunday by the look she gave me.

    It was a moment like that - that reminded me why I never mess around in the small town I live in.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    any situation like any of these i haven't had the pleasure or awkwardness to experience... or maybe because of my bad eyesight i just haven't noticed.
    i feel deprived.
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    Style points if you don't mention a word of it in the club.

    On the other hand, "HAHAHA U LOOKED SO AWKWARD WHEN I WAS STARING AT YOU WHEN YOU WERE WITH YOUR PARENTS" is probably an effective way of making sure she doesn't bug you for dances/VIP again.
  • mmdv26
    8 years ago
    She married to friend of mine. He thinks that nobody knows that she dances, and she never told him that I come into the club. We all in line at funeral home to pay respects to mutual friend (RIP). When nobody is watching she discretely gives my right butt cheek a squeeze. I swear the dead guy smiled just a bit.
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